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First Isa

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Posts posted by First Isa

  1. Yes they have that option but how many people would actually use it? No one would blatantly say "You Attacked An Alliance We Liked" and not be treatied to them. That's terrible for their reputation. Everyone looks for a valid CB. Or at least a somewhat plausible one. With evidence. How many DoW's have been baawwwed at when there's no plausible CB with evidence? You're right, this gives them the option, but legalizes it. It's ridiculous.

    I must ask how long have you been here? surly you noticed that no matter what the CB is or what the Allicances history is they will be "baawwwed" by there opposition and congradulated by there allies. it dosen't matter how valid or not. NSO has made a Doctrine that can act as a shield when those baawwwers come around. in terms you might understand- in the situations this applies your shield is a 2 inch by two inch pice of paper. here's is a solid man size sheet of wood.

    My bet is on the wood shield. ;)

  2. Yes it is but considering the number of people that complain about others "bandwagoning" during a war because someone doesn't have a pact of some sort or scream that someone ignored a pact to help another it seems that the Common sense put down in this Doctrine is ignored at will Moldavi has essentially built a shield for his alliance for when another great war occurs

  3. Wow first time in a while I've actually bothered posting anything. That said I wholeheartedly agree with this doctrine. It was view points and perspectives like this that Originally drew me to NPO back in '06 despite there current issues with the citrus war. I'll also admit that around page 10 of watching some of the more well known historical members of planet bob rephrase and repeat the same- and yes some times moronic- view points they have been for several years I realized that no one here is stating anything I can't really predict. By the way guys- that's sad your becoming intellectually morally and creatively stagnate. I'm not above the same failing but I work to learn and educate myself on almost everything I can to prevent that. I also keep my head from relocating into my posterior it really does help. That said there are some post I would like to address.

    Not at all. I was merely pointing out that just because your views differ from another alliance, which they often do, does not mean you can insert yourself into a conflict without rhyme or reason. What if you don't know everything about the situation? Would you just jump into it not knowing who actually faulted who?

    Should I point out that this issue is present with a mutual defense pact? If I go on the forums and post a declaration of war against someone stating a retaliatory strike for wars against my country then you have to decide where the first strike really cam from- the person declaring a retaliatory war, or there enemy who attacked because of repetitive affronts to there members? each war we start drags more people into a biased opinion if more people in charge of alliances were able to act like reasonable and intelligent beings driven by more then there emotions then Planet Bob would have suffered from significantly less wars. As it stands when someone looses a war most alliances rebuild and then as soon as they are a match or have enough allies higher up they start hunting for a reason to attack. Sometimes that reason is simply one rouge member or even a ghost attacking to stir the pot a little fast and splash some mischief over the sides. Moldavi is the first person to come to mind when I start thinking about skilled politicians- I've seen many of his devout enemies from a war joining the alliances he helped make great.

    I understand his right to attack someone. However, I do not agree with him creating a legal binding document which allows his alliance to but in on conflicts that may not have anything to do with NSO simply because they disagree with the CB. Many alliances, including Sparta, have different views on some issues than NSO. If we stuck true to our views and attacked an alliance who wronged us, should we be wary of the possibility of attack by NSO? I don't know about the rest of Sparta, but I personally consider an alliance with differing views as us posting a document such as this as a threat to Sparta.

    I'll refer you to the quote in my Sig on this. Everyone will believe he is in the right the person best able to defend his views writes the history. note the spelling of that word hisstory, it's called that for a reason I assure you if you could go back to any great war and talk to the looser they would tell you about their glorious success and the rightness of there goal they lost and the victor declared them unjust. Maybe there cause was maybe it wasn't they lost so they don't get a chance to write the story.

    Oh lord. Whats Planet Bob coming to? Ivan, you made NPO what it was and now it has been brought down. Please dont do that to your new alliance. You guys have a good stable future ahead of you and repeating history isnt exactly what we need right now.

    To this gentlemen- I suggest you study up on punctuation in words not just sentences, it lends your argument credibility when your writing seems like that of a learned individual, at time it also makes you look like an $@!.

    I feel the need to Also point out that the NPO's actual decline didn't begin till after Moldavi had handed the reigns off to another. Not to speak ill of his successors they have done the best they could, but Ivan cast a long shadow and he had a lot of time to arrange matters to suit his needs as Emperor of the New Pacific Order. Yes the NPO has declined from it's once great power and recognition but to pin it on Ivan seems like the act of a scorned child. I recall that in the Thread he said goodbye less then a handful of individuals spoke ill of him and there were a few people that expressed regret about his departure despite having opposed him in many wars.

    I have no doubt that like so many of his controversial and so called "grand standing" announcements this Doctrine will take root with many alliances as they see the wisdom and benefit of it.

    If you've read this far through what I have to say- thank you you have more patience then many a saint.

  4. Unfortunately after hurricane Ike hit a large percentage of my state lost power, in addition a tree feel on my areas hub for Internet services. if there is anyway to revive my nation i would be appreciative.

    Addition- for those wondering most of ohio has power back, myself only geting it back yesterday.

  5. Not to be an prick but I can't help but wonder:

    The path will be rough and beset with peril at times, but we will overcome.

    Hows that working out for ya?

    Also I notice how every buddy was up in arms about us Polars origins but nowadays everybody seems to be getting protectorates of there own or establishing "colonies". In the long run the NPO leads and everyone else follows.

  6. Kevin appeared to me the other day. He commanded me to build an ark and gather 2 of every alliance member.

    Don't suppose you could forget a few? I've got a list that I think would go a long way towards improving the new planet bob after the flood. Also don't make Noah's mistake and bring the mosquitoes, they aren't needed or wanted.

  7. See now I go out of my way to set up a way for people to due this sort of thing and nobody even bothers to give it a second thought once the forums up, well except Squiggers. Come on people us the arena! That's what its there for!

    Also 20K on Kuru. Any one who watches Hellsing is awesome in my book.

  8. Perhaps I should clarify something for you guys when dealing with people that have proven themselves to be respectable in the past or have not had the chance to prove so The Orders will speak and ask questions first then shoot. In the case of people who have shown that they are untrustworthy or prone to backstabbing and foul play then then they don't bother with questions. we go straight to the shooting part and from my perspective at least this is a wise course of action, if I didn't think so then I'd be somewhere other than the orders.

  9. I've been in one for longer.

    Dude, I think your the one that approved my application way back when I joined the orders during the Beta, so yeah.

    Can't remember dates but I've been in NPO and NpO almost my entire time playing and had been playing about 4 months before multi nations were banned. I think- again my long term memory is in need of a defrag.

  10. FYI the orders usually bring issues to an alliance before declaring war. However I'm not referring to Nasty pictures, I'm referring to offensive statements and continuous trolling. that is what usually causes war and one of the principal reasons why FAN has yet to be given peace by the Orders.

  11. Hard to say, from what I found the person doesnt even have a nation to claim. Although I find it sad that people can that readily risk there Internet over something as minor as CN. Last I checked posting mature content on an all ages forum was a TOS violation with Verizon and Comcast both.

    Anyways you seem to be missing the point- people always have a vote even if it's not a show of hands you don't like the direction of your alliance vote with you feet and get out.

  12. Again you pick your alliance because you agree with it's principles, and the leaders whether elected or not are supposed to be the embodiment of those ideals. Also I restate- you you disagree with your alliances actions vote with your feet. In all honesty though I would like to see more alliances do what the NPO did during the war with NAAC that spawned the NpO, that was an honorable thing to due and something that I feel would have had a good impact on Planet bob if not for the fact that everyone immediately rose up and started shouting about our imperialistic nature and how evil we were for trying to invade another trading sphere.

  13. Maybe on a public forum, but MANY CN'ers don't even register on their own forums, much less these forums, or at least don't read either. Should EVERY member of their alliance read EVERY thread "just in case" their leader makes a mistake and says something REALLY horrible to a big alliance getting them crushed? I seriously doubt that ever happening.

    And on IRC or private forums, the members have NO WAY of ALL being there at the exact moment that the bad thing is stated.

    Therefore the members will be COMPLETELY BLIND to the fact that their leader has made a mistake leading them to destruction.

    This is when players should do as the first NpOers did way back when and vote with there feet. Yes it's impossible for players and leaders to keep track of every member or ever member to keep track of the leadership at all times however by practicing proper etiquette when dealing with others on IRC and forums. The biggest problem isn't what said so much as how it's said if your rude and insult someone it's poorly received however if you politely tell someone your opinion of them then it is less commonly taken as an insult.

  14. Ejay I think you just gained more of my respect for that. However I disagree about on the point of a democratic alliance. If anything a this rule applies even more so to a truly democratic alliance.

    This is because in a democratic alliance anyone can voice there views without concern, or at least theoretically should be able to, and for that reason the views and opinions of even one member can gain the support of others and eventually the majority of the alliance may share this view. That is both the beuty and the draw back of a democracy- anyone can share any views the so choose and if charismatic enough they can sway others to that same view.

    Edit: Off topic but why is it that with 2 post so far the forum says nobody has viewed this?

  15. No matter how great his tactical skill or experience every commander will eventually find that the choices he must make and the orders he must issue are a burden. It is also true that no matter his genius nor his experience a solder will eventually become burdened by the task he has accomplished in the name of his superiors. It was common practice in medieval times for an army to overthrow it's leader when it felt that the leader was serveing himself more than the people he lead.

    In order for any form of government to function smoothly it must partake of a symbiotic relationship with those it rules. The people are expected to supply for the government any and all it's wants to partake in it and take responsibility for it's actions, in exchange that government protects them, helps improve upon themselves, mediate in there disputes, give them an order in which they retain there anonymity without creating utter chaos, and take responsibility for the actions of it's charges. To often in modern times is this vital relationship forgotten.

    One cannot blame an individuals actions solely upon that individual instead we should also hold the institution, which allows it's members to act in such a way, responsible for there actions. But the same is true from the opposite direction when the leader of an alliance flames another person or trolls then the action should be considered the opinion of the whole alliance- harsh but true, remember even if the Alliance is a dictator ship the members still chose those people to lead them rather than join another alliance.

    Whether it be consciously or subconsciously we associate peoples actions with the groups which they are apart of. Even if one claims that there actions or words do not speak for the entire alliance they represent a part of there alliance even if it is only a limited part. I encourage everybody to remember that they are representatives of their alliance regardless of whether you wish to be or not.

    So remember this when you join a new alliance or post an insulting reply: Good or Bad the actions of the many speak for the one as the actions of the one speak for the many.

    Edit: Yes this is a repost from the old forum however the content is once again something that needs to be said to the current players. In addition to what I said before- this also includes some of you putting the "My views do not..." spiel in your signatures.

  16. Some of you may or may not remember a while back when the Orders where for once in history fought to a stand still? I think most of you people are under the impression that it was a loss for us. In truth if it hadn't been for an ally of the time backstabbing us it is quite possible that we would still only be wighting in GW2.

    The orders were able to take on almost every other alliance in the game and bring them to a stale mate, my memories a bit foggy at the moment since I recently had a tooth ripped out of my jaw without much in the way of useful painkillers but as I recall the only reason that the NPO lost the upper hand was because Legion cancelled a treaty and attacked over night and numerically tipped the balance massively for the handful of battles they fought before realizing that there information was wrong and retracting from the war. And less then a month after the war we were back on top in the rankings with more than or previous NS. So I don't think any one can complain about being gang banged the orders literally lost all of there allies and were attacked and still survived and even came out better in the end.

    Also to the troll- admin made the game realistic. how many nations do you think attacked Germany and it's allies during WW2? How about the number of nations that are attacking the Al-qaeda? History is littered with examples of wars that were lopsided numerically and favored on nation or tribe over another. so before you start spouting off nonsense about things that you don't understand I suggest you review RL history and compare if to CN history. You never know you might add another marble to the three or four rattling around in your skull.

    Also how are you not banned?

  17. Great war 1?

    Anyway, congrats Pacifica

    At best you can say it was a stand still. No other alliance has ever stood up to the entirety of planet bob and been back to there pre-war strength in a matter of weeks not to mention in total the non NPO side took the most damage. and if it hadn't been for legion getting a screw loose you guys would still be licking the Order's boots

  18. How do they find the new nation?

    Because they don't learn there lessons the first time around and politely request permission to repeat them. Usually the teacher is kind enough to provide them with Lessons for the suggested donation that usually equals whatever they take in a fight. Bottom line if you restart because you've been perma-ZI'd change your ways, don't bad mouth the same people with the same stuff. You don't do what the example earlier in the thread showed where you talk about your long months of experience when your user name was only created in the last week or two.

    EDIT: Alferius beat to posting. this method is also employed. Granted there are also certain alliances- such as fan- that have been sentenced to Perma-ZI

  19. Before this goes to far Someone should point out more then reasons why it might happen. I imagine there's more then a few players that don't know why individuals such as Walford, or the blitz for those that remember him, are consistently placed on Perma-ZI for past, present, and possible future infractions against several alliances. When an individual shows repeatedly that there incapable of changing there ways. Basically when someone is sentance3d to ZI and then continues to make the same mistakes that earned them that ZI in the first place then there sentenced to Perma-ZI. otherwise it will normally stop at ZI, if not then chances are it will be fairly easy to resolve the issue.

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