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Imperator Hades

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Posts posted by Imperator Hades

  1. Athens had already discussed the matter internally as so many others have said in this thread. Yet some person who shall not be named decided to stick his nose in something that had nothing to do with him and then wondered, along with a few others, why his nose was burned. Thats why that nameless person was ridiculed, for making a fuss about something he had no idea about and had nothing to do with him whatsoever.

    19 Days And Still No Reps From Athens

    Nobody said his name and he still appears..what can we do to be rid of Bilrow?

  2. So, in summary, CSN has no moral fortitude because they did not take the time to inform someone they did not like and had no obligation to share information with that said alliance was in trouble because they were too busy being beaten down after defending another alliance they had a treaty obligation to help.

    Hail CSN

    Hail our new evil overlordz!!!


  3. In the beginning there was the question about whether or not Athens planned to pay their reparations and whether their reparations would be paid by their own nations, so, yes, there was something to discuss.

    Athens had already discussed the matter internally as so many others have said in this thread. Yet some person who shall not be named decided to stick his nose in something that had nothing to do with him and then wondered, along with a few others, why his nose was burned. Thats why that nameless person was ridiculed, for making a fuss about something he had no idea about and had nothing to do with him whatsoever.

  4. well..if your alliance does have allies and you dont like any of them. Then you should leave :P

    But voicing your displeasure at their choice of allies if often seen as insubordination, and is often met with some very harsh consequences

    Im known to be pretty vocal in how I feel about certain allies, always have been. Im in gov right now and even though I may not always think highly of certain allies, political necessity is a whole other matter. Like the saying goes, you dont have to be friends with someone to get along with someone. Now, treaties should be built on friendship and the key component in a friendship is loyalty.

  5. I also agree with Chairman Hal, which in itself is scary enough, Athens should have had each of their nations who participated in the "tech raid" send 3 million dollars to the nation they attacked and then worked out a final agreement with the government of Knights of Ni

    Splendid grasp of economic organisation, maybe thats why GGA is slowly recovering from your leadership. Takes a while to shake off such splendid ideas I bet.

  6. Listen here pal. We don't "owe" reparations to anyone. We decided quite on our own that we would make restitution to KoFN as an alliance. The individual nations, well we tech raid individual nations. And we don't pay reps for those kind of raids. The reason we decided to pay reps to KoFN is that it became clear to us after talking to them that they have an actual community, and aren't completely dead as an alliance internally. That's the only reason that we are shelling out reps. We didn't do it because of pressure from the international community. We decided to pay KoFN reps, as an alliance, because it seemed to be the right thing to do to us. Not because we stole tech from *GASP* innocent nations - any raider does that. But because we realized we had brought an unwelcome disruption to the normal function of their community. So we are paying reps to that community, and will do so under the direction of the leader of that community - who told me that the Ni! banking system would take care of the smaller members anyway. You can rant and rave all you like, but it's not going to influence our actions one damned bit. We are paying KoFN reps because of our own moral compass. We will repay the alliance on our mutual terms - not on your ideas of what we should do. The matter is between KoFN, Athens, and FoB. It is none of your business, and shrilly yapping that "it is your business" and you will stand up for the rights of the "unjustly abused" is a load of horse manure. If KoFN were being unjustly abused, they'd be posting about it here, or at least talking to their allies, who would be posting about it here. Guess what? They aren't. Athens isn't a pack of evil monsters, just because we tech raid from time to time, or just because we happened to tech raid Ni! We are an alliance that made an error in judgment about a community, and that is all. Those who know us and know our full history know that we are an honorable bunch with a strong sense of right and wrong. And no matter what you try to paint us as so desperately, no matter how much !@#$ you fling at us in the hopes that some will stick and people will start to despise us, we will still be who we are. I don't care what most of you think of us. What matters to me, and to us, is who we really are. Not what people think we are.

    To hell with your sanctimonious moralizing attempts at smearing our name. Get a life.

    My god..Its Prodigal Chieftain !!!!, welcome back :P

  7. Lumber- Imperator Hades

    Oil- Imperator Hades




    Pigs -Hayate



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  8. And yet...he has a point.

    Athens should have started rolling the aid train immediately and not waited on KoN government to get its act together. It was the individual nations suffering attacks that need the rebuilding aid, not KoN government.

    FYI: I made this statement when the incident first came to light. Pay them their damn money already.

    Yes...bilrow has a point..Athens has not sent the reps yet they have justified their reason for not doing so. Namely KoN not getting back to Athens about the total amount due. What is Bilrow's justification for making this thread though? Is bilrow the Overseer of Reps in CN now? Didnt think he was...

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