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Posts posted by kevin32891

  1. Holy War of Farkistan (GOONS)
    Green Civil War (GOONS)
    VietFAN (GOONS)
    Unjust War (GOONS)
    GOONland (GOONS)
    Q vs GPA (NPO)
    Wolfpack War (NPO)
    1V vs GATO (NPO)
    Golden Sabres War (NPO)
    1V vs CIS (NPO)
    WotC (NPO)
    Jarheads War (NPO)
    Karma War (NPO)
    NSO vs RAD (NSO)
    Bi-Polar War (NSO)
    Doomhouse War (NSO)
    Legion Tetris War (NSO)

    Dam I'm old..

  2. [quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1330452612' post='2930066']
    Expected, oh well eventually they will bite off more than they can chew and when they do instead all calling in the whole alliance on a raid gone wrong they would call in all allies... oh wait that happened in the past :P
    Since when were wars won based off fairness?

    I'll wait.

  3. [quote name='Bodvar Jarl' timestamp='1329545362' post='2923205']
    The sincerity of forced apologies are dubious at best.

    Either Polaris feels regret for what they did or they do not.

    Paradoxia felt that what Polaris did to us was so out of line of the standards of conduct in CN politics, low as they might be, that we had not choice but to seek out retribution for it. The denizens of Digiterra have different feelings on the matter, as is expected.

    Both sides have stated that we want today to mark the end of it. Paradoxia is genuine in that desire, I hope that Polaris is to. Should that not be the case, I guess we can fight again.

    Paradoxia and Polaris is not likely to trust, or like each other again, if we ever did. But really, we have better things to do than to hold a grudge against an alliance with almost no nations that we actually can fight in the first place.

    I understand and agree with you, but TOP wasn't the only one screwed over by Polar in that war.

    I feel much more content with the beating they got.

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