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Everything posted by SexyDexy

  1. its is a work in progress my friend, i have not the time to create it at the moment. However i have made a basic layout of it
  2. bump! because you are my ally! and why not?
  3. ello gents, and of you remember me... comrade federov maybe?
  4. understood, thanks for the tips.. i already am fairly close with some larger nations as well as ragnarok and soon with you guys so every thing should be covered
  5. Ok here's BCCC's Basic Rules: Article I (War): We are a peaceful alliance. We will only attack when severely threatened or are being attacked ourselves. If our allies feel it necessary, we will also aid them in any way possible. Article II (Economics and such): BCCC members WILL NOT tech raid for any reason, with the exception of being in a previously provoked war and simply finishing the nation off. BCCC is a purely economical alliance willing to participate in tech deals and other forms of aid for the good of the alliance. We also believe heavily in the use of strong trade circles to help economies flourish. Article III (diplomacy): We will become allies with war-like nations under the condition that we will not participate in their wars unless they are the ones being attacked. BCCC strongly believes war is simply a hinderance to nations and alliances in general. It is requested that if you have an issue regarding BCCC or one of its members contact us immediately and we will try and clarify as to avoid war. Here at BCCC we are a fun-loving alliance and would love to be your allies, so don't hesitate to attempt a friendship with us. Article IV (inner works): As mentioned before, no member may declare war on another nation for tech raiding reasons or just "for fun". Members in BCCC are expected to obey orders when given and fall in line, however, this would only be in a time of desperate measures. Members are more than welcome to invite friends to join our alliance, or tell friends to become ambassadors with us. Inside BCCC, once we grow stronger, aid packages will be offered to young and new nations in order to make them stronger as well. Members will have a place to converse in general chit-chat as well as post issues, concerns, trade cirlces, questions, etc. We will set up a barracks in order to further prepare for wartime when and if it comes. If you are too tempted to attack random nations, it is suggested you do not become a member of BCCC, but if you would like to become an ally it is more than welcome. Positions to be filled: C.E.O. (manages internal economic affairs), Minister of Internal Affairs (manages all issues that arise within the alliance), Ambassadors (manage diplomacy with other alliances), General(s) (manage the barracks and wartime affairs), Staff Sergeant (manages the squads within the barracks), Welcoming Committee (Reviews member and diplomat applications and accepts or declines them). Legislature(s) (helps to pass sanctions, new articles, and laws for BCCC), Headmaster of Foreign Affairs (watches over foreign and BCCC diplomats; makes sure everything is running smoothly). President (Head of the alliance, watches over all matters within the alliance and makes sure things stay in order) If any of these positions interests you, please, sign up on our forums and request that position. Any questions, comments, concerns, etc. may be posted here and I shall do my best to answer them.
  6. wait, whats this? ah yes, another BUMP
  7. Hello everyone! BCCC is a tiny alliance looking to grow. We will accept all members that will obey orders when given, but especially members that are fun and just looking for a good time on CN. So please, swing on by, our door is always open! http://z6.invisionfree.com/BCCC_Alliance/index.php?act=idx Thanks! Dexy
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