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Posts posted by DavidRossJones

  1. youre arguing in-charecter politics with out-of-charecter suggestions. its like suggesting that poor ethiopians look for farmers on venus to supply them with enough corn to feed their families.

    i dont really get why all the sellers would want to have 3mill/50tech become the norm. sure, you make more money now and grow faster now, but you are only shooting yourself in the foot for later. once it comes time for you to start purchasing tech yourself, it will take you 25% longer (only in terms of aid slots, not taking into account fiscal numbers) to build tech than what it took nations older than yourself. so once your alliance goes to war, you are at a significant disadvantage to any nation older than yourself on the basis that you'll statistically always have less tech. in addition, the increased cost of tech will slow how much infra your nation is able to buy. therefore it is greedy for the sellers to want 3mill/50tech deals because they want more money now at the expense of their nations later.

    1. Oh come on, please be real. It's nothing like that. How is suggesting that we solve this "problem" (since it isn't really a problem) by increasing supply, like suggesting we do something physically impossible?

    2. Right, and this catching up game wouldn't have happened anyway? Of course it would. It's insane to suggest a newer nation could ever catch up an older nation, who buys tech at the same rate as the newer nation does. I'm fully comfortable with the fact I probably won't get into even the top 20%, let alone the top 5%.

  2. If the demand increases, which in turn causes the prices to rise and the supply to drop even further, the market will shrink over time, perhaps until there's almost nothing left. Sounds like an implosion to me. If $6m/50 tech deals become the norm you'll see people becoming tech buyers after just 2 months, after shipping 500 tech. At that point it's just hopeless, there will barely be any tech to go around, 500 is nothing, that's the bi-monthly demand for every tech buyer, and tech buyers already outnumber tech sellers. Some may even quit after shipping just 250 tech if they perform a good inactivity cycle. This means most people in CN will not be able to buy a lot of tech at all, and those with 10k tech will laugh their @#$% off because they're set for life (it'd take like 6+ months of war to destroy that tech, good luck relying on that.

    I didn't say I'd "rely" on it, but it is something to be taken into consideration. But an implosion is when the market can not cope with a certain amount of debt, confidence collapses and everything else with it. Implosions mean people actually lose money. Basically, it's a crash. People not buying or selling is just...well, it's nothing. It just means nations will grow slower than they do now. It's hardly the end of the game.

    Uhm, no, managing the economy of Cybernations is mostly our job. We set the prices, we invent the deals and perform them. The developers aren't going to save the economy by putting some kind of hard limit on tech deal prices, we have to do that.

    No, but then, if people do leave the game because of lack of tech deals, then it becomes the developer's problem.

    No, that won't happen. Low-end tech buyers are buyers for military reasons, you can't postpone it forever. They won't become sellers again due to a lack of supply, they'll just have to settle for a few unused aid slots like everyone else.

    Perhaps. However, if the price is high enough, they may sell for longer. But then, this is all just speculation. Nobody can say what would happen for certain.

    Just as mind boggling as you demanding a higher price even though that money is practically free to you already?

    Sorry, where did I demand more? Clearly you are reading what you want to read in my posts, as I've already said I'm more than happy with the money I'm making now. However, if the market price goes up, I will go with it. Unlike the buyers here, I understand that the market adapts AND, I know that when I get to buying tech, I will be paying the same price as I sell for now, if not higher. I'm completely fine with this, and it just makes the game more challenging and therefore more fun for me.

  3. I don't consider 3 mil for 100 tech sellers tech farms.

    By tech farms I mean 3 mil for 150 up to 0 mil to 50 tech dealers. Nations that are made to increase the tech level of the alliance. Yes, we're setting these nations up in GR. Wurzel is the biggest one of them and is about to only send out free tech as soon as he makes enough money every 10 days.

    I do not have cartel plans. Yet.


    Tech sellers are not meant to be fighters in a war. Them losing in a war is not a big surprise to me. The real fighting goes on in the high ranks where people actually HAVE tech.

    Do inter alliance tech deals if you want to help your alliance. The fact that they don't send money on time isn't a very big loss. There's enough time to grow.


    Wait are you saying that the admin has to change the game so the game would run more smoothly? That's like asking god to save the economy.

    I'm not trying to make you sell at a lower price. I'm trying to make you to NOT sell for a higher price (which would mess up tech deals for everyone). And there's the difference.

    Again with the argument that large nations should buy their own tech? For the love of god! Stop it already.

    3 mil for 100 tech is making both sides happy. And if you all would sell at that price, you can also buy at that price later. It takes you about 1/3 longer to reach that infra level but at least from that point on, you can get tech at the same price you sold for.

    We're really talking about different things here. Buyers are obviously here for personal gain without caring about the tech selling economy on planet Bob. Sellers... There's different kinds. Those who don't care at all what the price is, those who go with the current price and those who want to keep the old price because there was nothing wrong with it.

    1. Sande, seriously, I respect your views but please read what I say properly. I have said (twice, I believe) that buying tech for large nations is not a feasible options. I'm NOT suggesting you do that, and I'm not suggesting it should be done. I am simply saying that if buying tech for 3mil/50t is so bad, then buy your own tech.

    2. I know you aren't trying to make me sell at a lower price, and I personally am very happy with doing 3mil/50t deals.

    3. No, I am not saying the Admins need to change anything. The game runs smoothly enough as it is. What I am saying is, is if suddenly things went pear-shaped with regards to tech selling, and numbers of nations started declining because of it, then it would not be yours or my job to fix it.

    Buyers are obviously here for personal gain without caring about the tech selling economy on planet Bob
    ... those who want to keep the old price because there was nothing wrong with it.

    4. So, what you're saying is, whilst it's O.K. for buyers to try and get the best deal available, sellers should settle for the worst one they can and like it?

  4. 1. The market won't "implode", and to say so is at best naive and at worst scaremongering. For the market to implode, the international market that exists in CN (which consists of two things: trading technology and donations) needs something which doesn't exist in this market. It needs debt. Market implosion only happens when debt exists. It isn't physically possible for this market to implode. All that can happen is prices go up, prices go down, activity goes up, activity does down or activity ceases. This isn't an implosion.

    2. Again, I am going to say something I said earlier in this thread: Tech sellers do NOT exist solely to make buyers happy and even wealthier. We're playing this game as well, and would also like to be in the position to buy tech someday. Agreed, without tech deals, the entire process would be slower but you can not blame us for wanting to get the best deal on offer. It's not my job, or anybody else's, to make sure the economy in Cyber Nations runs smoothly. That's the developer's job. I do, however, doubt that you have any real concerns for the economy of Cyber Nations and are just using this as a reason to get people to try and deal at a lower price.

    This means that eventually, we have a handful of nations who hold 75% of the tech in the game and the others don't have more than 2k. Only the top nations will be getting tech because the price is too high for the mid-NS buyer nations.

    3. This won't happen. If tech prices do go up to that stage, we'll start to see nations who are currently low-end tech buyers, become sellers, and the cycle will start again. I'll also leave out of this argument the fact nobody has mentioned that, at some stage, these nations are bound to have a war(s).

    No, but I'm not buying your car here. I'm giving you money to buy a car for me. You lose nothing in the deal, you're essentially getting free money.

    4. Then, following the same metaphor, which deal would you rather take: paying $3,000 yourself for a product, or paying me $300 to get the same thing, even though you know I'll be taking a huge commission? Can you not see how mind-boggling it is, when you look at it like this, to then see so many buyers complaining? This is why I said if buyers hate it so much, buy your own tech.

    This game is like a corporation that is promoting every member every month regardless of what they have done the last month. Once you promote everyone from the low ranks, there is no-one to do the dirty jobs. What good do we have from the corporation heads that don't do anything? They basically live on the low rank workers.

    5. You think there's a seller shortage now? Watch what would happen if this mindset ever became reality.

  5. Buyers are providing a "service" in the same sense, we provide you with way more money than you'd otherwise be making, for pretty much no work. And of course a tech deal benefits you more, 50 tech doesn't make much of a difference to a large nation but the money you get is a huge boost. Especially in your early days 5 tech deals will put your nation in a position that would normally take months to reach. You get that on day 1. It sounds like you don't realize just how much tech dealing helps you, ask any old nation how fast they grew before there even were any tech buyers.

    EDIT: Sorry for the double post, I forgot about it.

    1. That's a bit of a red herring, because large nations save a lot of money by buying technology through deals. If you bought a car for $50, instead of $5,000, would you say that the seller benefited, simply because the car wasn't the newest model? I suppose this point is more about perspective, but in this sense, buyers make more.

    2. I never said tech deals didn't benefit me. Of course they do, and I love doing them, but then, I'm not the one complaining, am I?

    3. I think the calculations posted here are pointless. It's really very simple. 3mil/50t will always make more profit for sellers than 3mil/100 deals.

  6. Hmm, in my experience, the CN system never lets me do a ground attack when my chanfces of winning are over 90% I think...

    at 96% I know for sure it says: You cannot attack because your opponent is too weak...

    I'm not an expert on the game engine, but I believe that this only applies once a nation is in Anarchy and has basically no soldiers, though I could be and am probably wrong on this.

  7. I am still doing 3 mil for 100 tech deals.

    Also, saying that large nations should buy their tech like small nations do is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. You can't be serious when you are throwing such argument into the ring.

    If this continues, the nations in this game will eventually be VERY weak in tech and the ones who currently have tech will stay to be stronger than them because they bought their tech when it was cheap and available to buy. Thanks for ruining the economy!

    If all buyers first offer the sellers a 3 mil for 100 tech price and they accept, it would make the economy more stable, letting us have more sellers and producing more tech.

    Call it whining but that's how it will be - we will just bite the arm that's feeding us. No more tech thanks to the new price.

    Sorry but you didn't read what I said properly. I said if buyers really think that they're so hard done-by at buying tech for 3mil/50t, then they should buy their own and deal with it. Clearly, this isn't a feasible option, which is why I said what I said; I was trying to make a point.

    Your prediction of doom and gloom isn't a valid one. If the price goes too high, and people don't buy, then sellers will naturally lower the price. Creating a cartel isn't feasible, and ruins the fluidity of the game. Prices go up because there is more money in circulation and more demand. If you really think the price is going to remain the same, then you're living in a dream economy. I assure you, if I could not find buyers at a 3mil/50t level, then I would sell for 100t. But, I never wait more than a day to find a buyer. Sometimes, I'm inundated with requests. This can not be because these people are stupid or overly generous. It's because they're adapting to the economy.

    If CN had a sudden surge of active nations, a new update was introduced which lowered all tax revenue drastically or if buyers suddenly stopped buying en masse, then I'm sure you'd see many more 3/100 deals. As I do not see any of those happening, I see the price steadily rising over time. If you have no problem finding 3/100 deals, then fantastic, good on you. But, prices change, and no argument you throw into the pot will change that.

  8. 1.In a ground (tanks and soldiers) battle, I can attack only as long as I have less than 90% or 95% chances of victory?

    No, you can attack at any percentage, but it's not advised unless it's a high percentage.

    2.What good is decomissioning?

    During times of peace, your military can needlessly add a considerable amount to your bills. Decommissioning some of your forces reduces these bills, and may also increase the happiness of your citizens (though this depends on how many you had originally)

    3.What is the most efficient way to win a war? Do you have some best battle & war guide?

    No, I don't. Just use Guerrilla Camps, aircraft, nukes (if you have them) and yeah, there's other stuff here but I can't be bothered to type it all out.

    4.What are the fastest ways to increase your population? My population decreased from 59 000 citizens to 38 000 citizens

    because of the wars declared upon me, and me fighting back... :(

    Buy infrastructure, have a population-friendly trade circle, buy clinics and a hospital, have a good environmental score, make sure your Government is set to the appropriate options. There's probably more, but Infrastructure is number one, always.

    Edit: Never mind.

  9. How many wars can one nation hold at one time?

    3 offensive, and 3 defensive.

    Is it possible to hold a war against a nation even if your strength is 30 000 but because of your attacks,

    the strength of the attacked nation went to 5 000 but still you can continue your attacks on it ?

    Yes, this is possible. However, once peace is declared, or the war slot runs out, you will not then be able to re-declare war until you are both within each other's target range.

    How do you reduce a nation to Zero Infrastructure?

    Attack them.

    Note: If you've been playing for a year and a half, how can you possibly not know these terms?

  10. If the price goes up to $6m/50 I will make it my personal jihad to destroy any tech seller daring to sell at that price. :awesome: $3m/50 is where I draw the damn line, no way I'm gonna use multiple slots for cash, especially not with the high tech seller deletion rate. Tech sellers benefit just as much if not more from a tech deal than the buyers. Remember, without tech selling you'd be growing the old skool way, and it'd probably take a year to reach 5000 infra. All the tech sellers seem to act like they're providing a service and are thus in a position to make demands, and sadly the buyers are playing along, but people seem to be forgetting it's a mutually beneficial deal. You need us just as much as we need you.

    1. We are providing a service. What else would you call it?

    2. If the market price goes up to 6 mil/50t, then go for it and declare a jihad. It'll be you, after all, who starts to lag behind other nations.

    3. Buyers actually benefit much more than sellers. Ask some 80k NS nations how much 50 tech would cost them, and then try and tell me sellers benefit more financially (I say this assuming you are not 80k NS or higher. If you are, then might I suggest you buy your own tech, if it's so much better).

    4. It seems you're implying that sellers are the ones complaining here, but look at all the posts. I'm sure you'll find the "whining" ones are buyers, not sellers, this thread was started by a buyer, and buyers are the only ones trying to change the price for their own benefit. Buyers are the ones who are not happy and who think sellers owe them something, when they do not.

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