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Posts posted by isolde

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    We have met here, Fellow Citizens, to commemorate a day though little noticed in the annals of history, yet is not less important to the Nordic people. A day that will ever be dear to many of my hearers, . It was on this day three years since that Nordreich came into existence, Let us then unite in paying a tribute of respect.

    With celebration and song we greet once again the return of the Thirteenth of October, the anniversary of Our Fathers Day. This is a day of rich significance, not only for the people of Nordreich, but for all people throughout the world. Surely it is a day for offering up the consummate act of thanksgiving,

    Such a defining moment of national determination, was not the product of a single generation, but the culmination of years of experience forged by countless trials and triumphs. The selfless sacrifice of Kaisers past, the fearful deprivations following the fall, the glorious struggles of Independence,all these events and more have been the furnace and the anvil shaping and tempering the Nordic character.

    Some nations are rich in gold; some nations are rich in oil or minerals or farmland. But the children of NoR have treasures greater than all these, treasures that cannot be exhausted or stolen or diminished in any way. The children of NoR are rich in history—the kind of history that makes possible a defining moment and a national treasure like to day.

    this inestimable treasure becomes the common treasure of all the free peoples of the world. Let, therefore, all the citizens of the world commemorate and rejoice in the riches of October Thirteenth, since such history is a wealth that can be lost only through forgetfulness.


    On this glorious day, of October 13th 2009 it is appropriate that we commemorate and celebrate with humble reverence, the memory of absent comrades, all of whom epitomize and give true mening to the words, “valour, sacrifice, loyalty, and perseverance,” while we revere and cherish the memory of those who have come before, we are reminded to do everything within our power to look forward.

    Today is a day of conflicting emotions for each of us; a blend of pride and mournfulness, gratitude nd loss, and a deep abiding sense of patriotism. A communitybound by brotherhood and trust, strength and prosperity, throughout conflict and peace.

    We are also united in our thanks to those who give their last full measure of devotion to a cause much greater than themselves. Let every deed and act of each of our days, be guided by the memory of those who gave their lives for our future freedomes. And may their sacrifice continue to inspire us and fill us with hope all the days of our lives.

    I stand before you to announce that once again our government is taking another step forward, for the past ten days, Nordreich experienced its second Althing election round. The following were chosen from among our ranks and deemed capable to deliver the vision of Nordreich.

    At this time I was promoted to MoFA. My only desire in taking this position is to cement that which has been instilled amongst our folk, our allies and our friends and to move ever onwards. I only hope that in due time, I will serve with as much honor, and walk among the ranks of my fellow veterans.

    With that said I present to you the Nordreich Government officials


    Finally but by no means least it is tradition to Honour our folk for dedicated service to Nordland. It is therefore with great pride that I am able to announce the bestowing of the Hero of the Reich medal for outstanding work since the rebirth of Nordreich.

    As many will know for a short time control of the alliance was in the capable hands of the Triumvirat. It was through their untiring work and unflinching efforts that the road to the final goal may still be realized. We salute each of them, Calhoun, Medraut and Oberherr Xenu for continuing their work in spite of the many set-backs.

    We especially salute John C. Calhoun who continued to act as a close advisor even after the dissolution of the Triumvirat. For his dedication and loyalty, Calhoun is hereby appointed as Reichsgraf von Nordreich, the highest nobility position within our alliance.


    Der Endsieg ist uns sicher

    This has been an official NoR announcement. All questions or concerns should be directed to NoR's

    Marshal of Foreign Affairs.

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