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Sovereign Dixie

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Posts posted by Sovereign Dixie

  1. The Hegemony will be replaced, and a new bloc will rise to preeminence. That's just the way of things. I don't see there being a "Hegemonic" bloc at the helm of Bob for a while though. While C&G or one of the other core Karma blocs may take the top, I can't see them acting in the same manner as the Hegemony.

    Hopefully, what we'll see instead though, is 3 or 4 blocs achieving more or less equal power and influence. That would make things much more interesting. You can sort of already see that happening. There are a good number of people who neither agree with Karma or the Hegemony. That's a good thing, I think. A multiplicity of factions and viewpoints will hopefully lead to Planet Bob becoming a much more interesting place, as well as requiring more thought from us as players as to whom we wish to throw our lot in with.

    As for the NPO, I'd say a new bloc from them is an inevitable eventuality. No matter how much they are beaten down, they will retain their core. They've been around too long not to, and they will always have friends.

  2. Wow, flashbacks, man!

    I was a Senator in Atlantis during the time Ferocitas was created. As one of the bloc's most vocal proponents in Atlantis I was disgusted when Atlantis withdrew from it. I also remember quite clearly Valhalla's extortion of IAA.

    As for GATO and their fate, I have no idea. I have high hopes and optimism, however. I don't really think the PIAT with NPO constitutes Stockholm Syndrome though. More likely they were simply "throwing the dog a bone".

    All that aside, I have faith in GATO. They've over come a lot, and now I think, they should have the hope required to fuel a resurgence back to their former glory and maybe beyond. Time will tell. They must have been doing something right though, to be the oldest alliance in CN.

  3. I'm pretty sure what you've laid out is a lose-lose scenario.

    Alliances are allowed to live (pre-GW III era) ===> they rebuild and attack again

    Alliances are forced to disband (post GW III era to UJW/GW IV) ===> a few players quit and the rest scatter to new alliances where they rebuild and attack again

    Alliances are allowed to live again, but as temporary tech farms (post UJW era) ===> they are weakened but could eventually rebuild and attack again

    Sorry, but if "gridlock" is the issue, blame the MDP web. Then, blame the MDP web on the tendency for alliances that don't become part of it or are only weakly attached to it to get duck rolled.

    Note that I didn't have to use "NPO" even once here. NPO, while at the center of the MDP web, thus virtually untouchable, is not the problem.

    Want the real culprit? Look in the mirror.

    A player's or alliance's future is limited only by their own innovation, willingness to shake things up, and desire to take risks. If you're wanting drama, make some! We have things called "televisions" for those who merely wish to watch others make things happen.

  4. I endorse Kev's move and thank him for his support.

    As stated in another thread, I have ordered those still fighting to cease, for the sake of preserving nations who got drug into this affair with little or no understanding of it's genesis.

    Inertia made mistakes, and for those mistakes, I offer apologies. To the new players we recruited who got their first taste of CN by being blasted to bits days (in some cases hours) later, I am sorry.

    To the members of The Motley Crew, who merged with us only to find themselves under bombardment 2 days later, my sincere apologies I feel horrible about the situation you found yourselves in(You'll get your 3 mil maha :P) and I hope you fare well in your future endevours.

    To my friends in what was once Inertia, thanks for being there, because for me, Inertia was never about what did or did not happen in Atlantis, it was about being with my friends, many of whom are now gone, and will not return. I'll remember you.

    Good Game to those we fought in battle, though there was some sniping in IRC, the combat on the field was civil and the way it ought to be. Hopefully when the next war rolls around, I'll be calling many of you allies instead of enemies.

    Farewell Inertia, another chapter closes, and for those left, seperately, a new one begins.

  5. With the resignation and subsequent nuclear attacks, our enemies have launched a full scale nuclear retaliation against, from what I can gather, All Inertia members within attack range of a nuclear equipped nation.

    With that in mind, and with the resignation of so many high ranking members, and the unvailibility of the others, coupled with my desire to see the members of Inertia who are still caught up in this, to get peace...

    I am hereby ordering the stand down of all Inertia military. If you have been sent surrender terms, you are ordered to accept them.

    Acting as MoD following the resignation of YogiJeff, I have posted the preceeding on Inertia's forums, and have sent all remaining nations the link via in game PM.

  6. In one's life, there are numerous choices that need to be made. The hardest ones are when doing what you feel to be right, involves hurting a friend. The life if an alliance is much like real life, in this aspect. In the days and hours preceding Atlantis' involvement in The Unjust War, our adolescent alliance was faced with a one of these hard choices.

    In the end, it came down to two things, we were legally bound to assist our allies who's treaties with us legally demanded our assistance, and the fact that we recognized GOONS as a force in CN that did not represent the principles of honor and justice which we hold dear. Thus the decision to enter the war on the side of ~ was made.

    Time and maturity has a way of showing the sometimes unfortunate consequences of even trying to make the most morally sound choice. As our alliance has grown older, and wiser, we have come to appreciate the harm this choice of ours caused our friend, \m/. Even at the time though, we felt bad about the circumstance, the consequence of a convoluted treaty web, which forced many alliances to drop treaties or even sets of treaties. Some remained neutral, granted. Atlantis opted not to take this course, as it was our belief it would be a slap in the face to *all* alliances who held treaties with us. This does not, however, undo the unfortunate consequences of this action.

    Though we still believe today, as we did then, that ~ was fighting the right cause, we regret and sincerely apologize for the repercussions caused with regard to our relationship with \m/. Though no more, many of her members have gone on, to them, we apologize, and ask for your forgiveness and understanding.

    Sovereign Dixie

    Atlantis Senator

    Posting on behalf of Atlantean Gov't

    Edited to correct typographical errors and changed "The Justice League" to "~"

  7. I can't fathom why this would be seen as a good idea. Hate it hate it hate it. I wasn't all that thrilled about the tech thing, but this poses much more significant long term ramifications for the game as a whole. Bad things man... bad things.

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