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Posts posted by varses

  1. When the new space wonders came out there was a general :huh: reaction to the Moon and Mars hotspots. It seemed rather irritating that the benefits from your wonder depended on your location and that the location would change every month. But it was something new and it was something different and I give kudos to Admin for adding something to keep the game fresh. However, when I read THIS post I knew that it had gone too far.

    Earth hotspots? Please say it ain't so. I don't want to have to worry about changing the location of my nation every week to get a bonus. I like the fact that I can pay bills and collect taxes and be done with my nation on an average day (barring a loss of a trade). If I choose not to participate in the earth Hotspot bonus, it would be a severe handicap to my growth. This makes my only options are to keep on babysitting my nation's location or to fall quickly behind in the pack.

    Not only that, but the learning curve to this game is already terrible. A major new feature like this will only make it steeper. As an observation, CN seems to have about 10,000 fewer player than when I played a year ago. The correllation between the intervening changes (which tend to focus on more real-time features) and the number of players is undeniable and may even indicate causation.

    CN never was a dynamic game. It was a game where you can do absolutely nothing 23.5 hours a day every day of the year. With these new 'hotspots' CN is slowly becoming more and more of a babysitter wargame, not the political sim we know and love. Moon and Mars hotspots? Fine, they're new, something to keep older players interested, but Earth hotspots only make the learning curve steeper and, frankly, piss off a lot of long time players such as myself.

  2. Wow, way to turn up the DRAMA Purge. I also appreciate the rather blatent squashing of any dissenting opinions in this thread by the large amount of people who are banned from posting. Not that I disagree with some of those names being on the list; many of those people just can't keep their hands off the flamethrower.

    I knew that CK was...displeased with the results of their recent issues with AO. Personally, I was displeased as well but that's for another thread. I say let Purge do what they will. It was not necessary for TPF to perform a coup but that's not up to me to decide. Not that I have anything against TPF, I actually like them. I just think it would have been more prudent to simply cancel the protectorate.

  3. Aaaaah Purge. Why am I not suprised that things would end with something like this?

    Oh well, if anything's true in this world it's that no one's guiltless. Make sure you get lcdt good with those nice and shiny nukes of yours. :awesome:

  4. Interesting.

    I won't pretend to have been paying attention to events over the past few weeks or to even have the slightest clue as to the internal workings of Purge. Ah well, it doesn't effect me much; just an interesting side note. Best of luck to Oreo and to Purge; TPF are good people and I think you'll do well under them.

  5. *W_A_R rolls his eyes while slowly shaking his head.

    There was a time, back in my young days in Vijar, where we would deal with habitual recidivists in a 'less than humane' manner. I am far older now, and I have managed to cobble together some shreds of mercy; but it remains in very short supply.

    Yes, I myself have kicked lcdt out of my alliance. Unfortunately as soon as I left he managed to make a return.

    To the AO leadership: Get your heads out of your asses and ZI lcdt or at the very least kick him out and never allow him to come back. He's been given 3 or 4 'second chances'; I think he's proven that he isn't the most trustworthy fellow. The irony is overpowering. I'll give you some words of advice: "Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it."

    To all the Purge members: I feel sorry for you that AO is a protectorate of TOP. Many alliances would not get away with keeping a member so disruptive as lcdt without war. Alliance wars have been fought for far greater stakes over much less. Your management of this situation has been very respectful and exemplary considering the situation and the repeat offenses. You obviously control the moral high ground.

  6. I know it's cool being the biggest dog on Yellow and all but I'd reccommend you do what I did i.e. bail out. Yellow just keeps losing members. When I left it had 1100; now it has 850. Trades are just going to become harder and harder to come by since Yellow has become the new Pink so it'd probably be better to cut your losses while you can and switch to a nice and large color such as blue or black.

  7. It's nice to see PLUS and Alpha Omega leaders supporting the flaming of Purge members. I don't care which Purge member it is that your flaming. Also Vlad you were a horrible MoR and me and Eva did all your work for you, I don't think your accomplishments stack up too high as far as GOLD was concerned either

    Talk about a double standard. If this weren't the OWF I'd request a lock. And just as a point of irony it was internal squabblings exactly like this which was why GOLD failed. Can we just stop having this wonderful reunion and move on for once? :jihad:

  8. From what I saw a large proportion of FAN nations had a significant number of troops over 20%. Even when you gave them a little leniency (24-50%) there were still a good 20 nations above 20 troops. Add in the 5 nations or so that had factories and those with airplanes, CMs, etc. And you get 25-30 nations. While that may not sound like much, keep in mind that that's about 8-10% of FAN; a significant proportion.

    Personally I think this whole situation has been blown out of proportion and could easily have been solved by simple diplomacy but then again the lust for drama seems to be increasing again. I have the sneaking suspicion that diplomacy was not considered as a serious option before military action was taken. But who am I to know? I'm not NPO or FAN leadership so I don't know what went on behind closed doors.

  9. Good god, don't get me started on Huckabee. First off, his name sounds just really goofy. Second, he's a hardcore Christian nut. Sure as hell won't get my vote.

    There is only one way I can express my opinion of Huckabee as a Presidential candidate


  10. Yeah, the Initiative before GWII and just after GWII was awesome, and I say that after being in the League. I think that at that point the Initiative was a brand new idea and showed how effective strong ties between alliances could be. And they fought very well. But I digress.

  11. Meh I dislike many NPO/NpO members because of their arrogance on the forums. However, I have great respect for both Emperors and I think that in general the NpO and NPO as alliances don't deserve to be demonized as much as they are or have been in the past. My issue is with specific members of the alliance, not the alliance as a whole.

  12. If a nation takes 4/5 days to get to Defcon 1 from 5, that's more than halfway through the war itself... we might have to increase the amount of war time to compensate, which would in turn overload the servers.

    Neutral Menace talking about war times using the word 'we' :ph34r:

    This is true. I also feel that the increasing complexity of the game is meant to maintain the loyalty of established members at the expense of becoming much more daunting for new members i.e. a much steeper learning curve.

  13. it does make them more useful. an alliance that stays on defcon 3 will have a huge advantage in war over one that stays in Def 5. likewise a dfe 5 alliance will have a big growth advantage. It adds more strategy and depth to the game. I really dont see what wrong with this idea.

    It makes a slow game even slower. For nations such as myself that spend the majority of time in DEFCON 5 this is a pain in the event of a war. Especially with spies. Should spies become balanced with respect to this update (only able to change DEFCON up or down one level at random) then this might be interesting. However, I still see it as a pain, realistic how it may be.

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