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Posts posted by Arieg

  1. [quote name='Subtleknifewielder' date='02 March 2010 - 07:13 PM' timestamp='1267575418' post='2211933']
    Hah hah...but seriously, this computer doesn't have paint...the closest thing is photeditor.

    Point out the country and I'll get it for you, I'm working up the big national map to put at the top of the nation thread right now.

  2. [url="http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p3/marines6103004085/maps/AECNbasewborderCN5.png"][img]http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p3/marines6103004085/Misc/AECNbasewborderCN4.png[/img][/url]
    Clicky for world map.

    [b]Erusean Confederation [/b]

    Primary Languages: English


    Population: 250,640,000

    Government: Democratic Socialist


    Population fit for Military Service : 70,040,000
    Active Military Personnel: 1,850,000
    Active Military Reserve: 1,200,500
    Active Paramilitary Units: 450,000

    Tanks: 10,678
    Armored Personnel Carriers: 9,567
    Towed Artillery: 9,546
    Self-Propelled Guns: 1,450
    Multiple Rocket Launch Systems: 1,050
    Anti-Aircraft Systems: 3,265


    Aircraft Carriers: 12
    Destroyers: 62
    Submarines: 78
    Frigates: 90
    Patrol & Coastal Craft: 120
    Mine Warfare Craft: 25
    Amphibious Craft: 35

    Total Aircraft: 10,560
    Helicopters: 3,150

    Erusean Aircraft Carriers


    [u]Strategic Weapons[/u]

    Naval (SLBMs)

    8x Typhoon class submarines (x1200 warheads mounted on SS-N-20 'Sturgeon' SLBMs (20 missiles per SSBN))

    Land Based

    120x SS-25 'Sickle' Road Mobile ICBMs (120x warheads)
    150x SS-27 'Sickle B' ICBMs in hardened silos (x900 warheads)

    Bomber Groups

    x70 B-1B 'Lancers'
    x55 Tu-160 'Blackjacks'

    (x1250 warheads various methods of delivery)

    +250 Tactical nuclear weapons
    +350 Stored weapons

    Total Stockpile: 4070 nuclear warheads


    Economic Status: stable

    Economic System: government regulated market

    Major Exports: grain, consumer goods, medical supplies, military hardware

    Major Imports: steel, copper, petroleum products


    Trade Agreements:

    Military Alliances: Republic of Khislav

    World Status: Superpower

    Capital City: Farbanti

    Major Religions: Christianity

  3. No, its not related to cybernations stats, I'm giving you a template to fill out (its in the first post). As far as military stats keep it within reason, such as if your the size of Germany it would probably be a good idea to base your numbers off of theirs or at least use those numbers as a starting point and then alter it to your preferences.

    Speaking of the template go ahead and start filling it out and pic a nation on the map, I'm about to launch the nation sheet.

    As far as GMs this is going to be a dictatorship, but I'll only step in when I have to (such as someone totting a superweapon). I have faith in you guys being reasonable human beings however.

  4. The goal right now is to have us embroiled in a cold war maybe even having it lean toward the commencement of hostilities.

    A city is a city, about the only ones that will matter will be your capitals and whatever you choose to include in your conflicts.

    Its a new setting entire civilizations are going to pop up, heck were not even using earth here (continent wise).

    Add: Map is up.

  5. Map- http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p3/marines6103004085/maps/AECNbasewborderCN5.png
    GeoMap- http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p3/marines6103004085/maps/AECNbasewbordermountains2.png

    Year start: 1989

    Technology will be late 80s, if it wasn't flying, floating, or rolling by 1989 I don't want to see it.
    Nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons are not on the table for use in unscripted warfare.
    Nuclear events will result in the permanent destruction of the target, if you nuke a city it is gone.. period.

    No more then 3 superpowers
    No more then 4 major powers




    Active Military Personnel: 1.5 to 2.5 million
    Active Military Reserve: 1 to 2 million
    Active Paramilitary Units: 350,000 to 450,000


    Tanks: 8,000 to 20,000 tanks
    Armored Personnel Carriers: 7,000 to 12,000
    Towed Artillery: 8,000 to 10,000
    Self-Propelled Guns: 1,300 to 1,800
    Multiple Rocket Launch Systems: 800 to 1,500
    Anti-Aircraft Systems: 3,000 to 4,000


    Aircraft Carriers: 5 to 12
    Destroyers: 60 to 75
    Submarines: 50 to 80
    Frigates: 70 to 90
    Patrol & Coastal Craft: 120
    Mine Warfare Craft: 25
    Amphibious Craft: 25 to 40

    Total Aircraft: 8,000 to 12,000
    Helicopters: 3,000 to 4,000

    Major Power


    Active Military Personnel: 750,000 to 850,000
    Active Military Reserve: 550,000 to 750,000
    Active Paramilitary Units: 350,000 to 450,000


    Tanks: 5,000 to 7,000 tanks
    Armored Personnel Carriers: 5,000 to 6,000
    Towed Artillery: 5,000 to 7,000
    Self-Propelled Guns: 800 to 1,200
    Multiple Rocket Launch Systems: 600 to 750
    Anti-Aircraft Systems: 2,000 to 2,500


    Aircraft Carriers: 2 to 3
    Destroyers: 50 to 55
    Submarines: 40 to 45
    Frigates: 50 to 60
    Patrol & Coastal Craft: 120
    Mine Warfare Craft: 25
    Amphibious Craft: 15 to 20

    Total Aircraft: 6,000 to 7,000
    Helicopters: 2,000 to 2,500

    Regional Power


    Active Military Personnel: 450,000 to 650,000
    Active Military Reserve: 350,000 to 450,000
    Active Paramilitary Units: 250,000 to 350,000


    Tanks: 3,000 to 4,000 tanks
    Armored Personnel Carriers: 2,000 to 4,000
    Towed Artillery: 2,000 to 4,000
    Self-Propelled Guns: 600 to 700
    Multiple Rocket Launch Systems: 400 to 500
    Anti-Aircraft Systems: 1,000 to 1,500


    Aircraft Carriers: 1 to 2
    Destroyers: 35 to 40
    Submarines: 20 to 30
    Frigates: 30 to 40
    Patrol & Coastal Craft: 120
    Mine Warfare Craft: 25
    Amphibious Craft: 10 to 13

    Total Aircraft: 3,000 to 5,000
    Helicopters: 1,000 to 1,500

    Local Power


    Active Military Personnel: 250,000 to 350,000
    Active Military Reserve: 150,000 to 250,000
    Active Paramilitary Units: 100,000 to 150,000


    Tanks: 1,000 to 2,000 tanks
    Armored Personnel Carriers: 1,000 to 1,500
    Towed Artillery: 1,000 to 1,500
    Self-Propelled Guns: 400 to 500
    Multiple Rocket Launch Systems: 200 to 300
    Anti-Aircraft Systems: 1,000 to 1,500


    Aircraft Carriers: 1
    Destroyers: 25 to 30
    Submarines: 10 to 15
    Frigates: 20 to 25
    Patrol & Coastal Craft: 120
    Mine Warfare Craft: 25
    Amphibious Craft: 5 to 8

    Total Aircraft: 2,000 to 2,500
    Helicopters: 500 to 800



    Name of Nation:

    Primary Languages:





    Population fit for Military Service :
    Active Military Personnel:
    Active Military Reserve:
    Active Paramilitary Units:

    Total Land-Based Weapons:
    Armored Personnel Carriers:
    Towed Artillery:
    Self-Propelled Guns:
    Multiple Rocket Launch Systems:
    Anti-Aircraft Systems:

    Total Navy Ships:
    Merchant Marine Strength:
    Aircraft Carriers:
    Patrol & Coastal Craft:
    Mine Warfare Craft:
    Amphibious Craft:

    Total Aircraft:


    Strategic Weapons


    Land Based


    Total Stockpile:


    Economic Status:

    Economic System:

    Major Exports:

    Major Imports:


    Trade Agreements:

    Military Alliances:

    World Status:

    Capital City:

    Major Religions:

  6. [quote name='Shadowsage' date='01 March 2010 - 07:50 PM' timestamp='1267491243' post='2210552']
    And we're talking about CNRP, not real-life. Especially not untrained mobs calling themselves soldiers against Israel.

    I'm not talking about Jihadists I'm talking about events like the Six Day War, numbers don't mean everything those who fail to take this into account end up like Iraq after Gulf War One.

  7. Deathblow? More like using your last shot then getting eaten alive by mob of zombies, nuclear weapons are a deterrent not an option. Then again as I've stated CN doesn't take this into account.

  8. I've noticed that CN doesn't take into account the variety of methods and countermeasures to nuclear exchanges, then again it also doesn't take into account the finality of even a limited nuclear exchange.

  9. I want to try and start a alter-earth style roleplay were not only are the people, borders, and overall situation different, but the entire structure of the world. I'd like this to be independent of your CN nation, this would allow people to act as far as their imaginations will allow rather then when they started their CN account.

    We would employ this map,



    I'd like to kick it off during a 1950s or 1960s style era, the space race is just beginning. This would allow more creative development for various military and civilian aspects for your nation.


    This of course would be limited by what kind of nation you employ, though I'd keep a guild line of less then 10% of whatever your nation's population is. The technological level of your military would also be at your own discretion, though if you employ a very large conscript force (similar to China or North Korea) it would be expected for a small percentage to be actually equipped with 'modern' weapons.

    Nuclear Weapons

    These I intend to keep out of this thread, the IC block will be a thorium based nuclear power industry and a global agreement to prevent the development of nuclear weapons.


    Before the IC goes up I'd like to have some form of workable timeline to employ, it only needs to go back a few decades to establish the relations between powers in the RP.


    This would obviously be a necescity though it will more then likely be a 'paper tiger' similar to the real world organization.


    Work in progress.

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