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  1. Thanks for welcoming me into UED. It is an honor to be a part of this government!
  2. OK, so I have been playing CN for a while now. (even though I have a relatively small nation). I have had some number of previous nations, and I have learned my lesson for all the reasons they were deleted. (Please don't ask why). But, I am making sure to make sure that this one becomes a great power. But, I am looking for advice here. The alliance I am currently in, is getting kind of dull. There isn't much going on, or things going on that I care for. So, I was wondering if I should make my own alliance, 1: to keep the game interesting for me. And such. Like I said earlier, I have had some other nations, and I have gained good experience with these nations. I know the basics to running a nation, the government positions that it requires to run smoothly, (as I have my own alliance in another game called TribalWars. World 40 if you wanna know)! So, I know what government positons you need to get it running smoothly, but I just want to know if there is anyone that thinks that it might be a good idea. So, please post your opionion! Thanks.
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