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Spartan King Leonidas

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Situation dictates tactics, tactics dictates outcome, outcomes dictates survival. Come, bring your crackers, criminal hackers, and I shall charge them with treason and electronic thievery. They will end up the same place as the drug smugglers, in the deepest pits of Spartan prisons.
  2. Then we shall fight in the shade, and be prepared for a nuclear winter. This too shall we endure, oh Planet Bob, and ye who else are unworthy of a Spartan victory. A Pyrrhic victory is a victory nonetheless.
  3. Darius fell due to Marathon. Xerses was conquered due to his ego. Let the Persians come, the Greeks are united this time, and Persia will fall. Thank you for the fair wishes.
  4. I have never claimed to represent the Alliance of Sparta. If you knew history, Lakadaimonia and Sparta, are one and the same. Thank you for your post nonetheless.
  5. Are they so cute and cuddly as you? We fear not small, fuzzy, critters, the easier to stomp into the ground.
  6. Your wolf pups stand no chance against grown lions.
  7. The warrior serves the state and questions not orders. And Spartan's are destined to some day not just fight on or for one tiny planet, but to rule the entire Universe. Let your actions speak where your words fail.
  8. No one can say they have been against better warriors than Spartan's. There are many people who would ask for a Spartan's allegiance, and their allegiance is to the state first, allies second. Fair warning and woe upon your Holy Inquisition.
  9. Spartan's are as tough enough. Lazy? I think not. Visit? Am I coming for dinner or to conquer?
  10. Your cultural mecca can stay where it is, this is acceptable. Athens, however, was never a match for Sparta.
  11. Thank you for the welcome to Cyber Nations. I hope my eventual takeover will be a fortuitous and fruitful stay.
  12. Greeting to you all, I was born a Spartan, a warrior caste, and born into nobility. My name is Leonidas, and I am here to legally make war in order to protect my Kingdom, at any cost. Warfare is flowing through my veins as water flows through mountain streams, tactics being a mere thought as most people think of making their food. I have no use for gold nor silver, which is why it is an export of my country, I seek instead information which may be useful to the nation of Sparta and throughout this game, may the best man or woman's nation win. I know of course it will be Sparta.
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