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About Hidaki

  • Birthday August 8

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Negotiations, taking one's time, contemplating the universe
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    GPA Applicant
  • Resource 1
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Hidaki's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. The nation of Nihonalasia wecomes visitors to its meditative shrines around the natural springs of Kyotamberra for the annual Anihonalasian Moon Festival. The basic lifestyle of the inhabitants of this city encourage visitors to consider their place in the natural world and to contemplate their harmonious discourse with the universe and the origin of the Moon. The Annual Moon Festival held in Anihonalasia has taken on a joyous with the rising of the Full Moon coinciding with the celebrations for the founding of the nation. A parade of lantern holding citizens in national costume makes its way from the centre of Kyotamberra to the shores of Lake Ewa-iffin, the mythical birthplace of the Moon. Vistors and diplomats from other nations can marvel at the spectacle and joined in national dancing, eating and meditation games. There is still time to enjoy the month of festivities associated with the Moon Festival and join the people of Anihonalasia in celebrating the birth of the Moon and their nation. The people of Anihonalasia are welcoming and friendly, being simple folk interested in farming and fishing. The national delicacies of sushi and wholesome breads encourage a healthy diet and vigourous activities. They look forward to the visit of peoples from other countries and in establishing long lasting collaborative relationships for the mutual benefit of all. The government of Anihonalasia is happy to consider any approach from similarly inclined nations. As a newly formed nation ruled by a novice government and an applicant to the Green Protection Agency, Anihonalasia hopes to live up to the ideal of neutrality and never to be involved in any armed conflict. Anihonalasia wishes peace and prosperity to all.
  2. The nation of Nihonalasia wecomes visitors to its meditative shrines around the natural springs of Kyotamberra for the annual Anihonalasian Moon Festival. The basic lifestyle of the inhabitants of this city encourage visitors to consider their place in the natural world and to contemplate their harmonious discourse with the universe and the origin of the Moon. The Annual Moon Festival held in Anihonalasia has taken on a joyous with the rising of the Full Moon coinciding with the celebrations for the founding of the nation. A parade of lantern holding citizens in national costume makes its way from the centre of Kyotamberra to the shores of Lake Ewa-iffin, the mythical birthplace of the Moon. Vistors and diplomats from other nations can marvel at the spectacle and joined in national dancing, eating and meditation games. There is still time to enjoy the month of festivities associated with the Moon Festival and join the people of Anihonalasia in celebrating the birth of the Moon and their nation. The people of Anihonalasia are welcoming and friendly, being simple folk interested in farming and fishing. The national delicacies of sushi and wholesome breads encourage a healthy diet and vigourous activities. They look forward to the visit of peoples from other countries and in establishing long lasting collaborative relationships for the mutual benefit of all. The government of Anihonalasia is happy to consider any approach from similarly inclined nations. As a newly formed nation ruled by a novice government and an applicant to the Green Protection Agency, Anihonalasia hopes to live up to the ideal of neutrality and never to be involved in any armed conflict. Anihonalasia wishes peace and prosperity to all.
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