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Everything posted by JustCrazyAzian

  1. If your interested look at my resources at http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=444279
  2. I am currently just selling three so contact me at http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=444279. We will negotiate prices. But i will take money only since i dont need tech.
  3. Only selling one so start offering. i am doing cash only cause i dont need tech. send me a message at http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=444279
  4. Selling only 2 $20 donations. Message me but i have a different account because my old one was deleted. My nation ID is http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=444279
  5. You view there nation and at the top it says Message | Declare War | Trade | Aid | Spy | Make Donation. So click make a donation. Thats if its to them but for your self it says make donation to yourself
  6. Starting bid is 18 mil Selling donation for August. Hurry up the bidding ends tonight. Ready set start your bids!!!!!!
  7. Some one just pmed me 18 mil. So lets start from there.
  8. Ya selling $20 dollar donation woot!!!!! Ok Highest bidder gets it. The bid ends at the end of this month. Selling september one. So who ever gets the highest gets the deal. Good luck and let the highest bidder win .
  9. D: no one bidding. 21 million is still highest. BUMP!!!! remember it ends tomorrow.
  10. Dude i only see money only or tech only.
  11. TID i can probably get my friends to be my middle men. But i will wait until the bid is over.
  12. Yup thats right i'm selling donations for august. I will be accepting the the person who offers the most. You will post on this forum your bid. Please start the bid at 18 Mill. You can pay with money or/and tech. Either is fine. The bidding will stop on August 4, 2009 at 12 in the afternoon. Remember highest bidder wins Also please put nation link
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