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western skier

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Posts posted by western skier

  1. I've got Gold and Uranium.

    Any Trade Circle that needs these resources, please PM me in-game or post below.


    I dont care what color sphere I just want a Trade Circle :D

  2. UINE is a sinking ship, and I know since I was a govt member a year ago. I recently rejoined and quickly found out that the UINE govt is made up of inexperienced, arrogant, inactive members. UINE govt is not open to ideas or suggestions to grow or to improve. Lazy describes the govt best. Inactivity is very high, and ideas to improve it are quickly dismissed by the gov members. The UINE can be best described as a sinking ship.

    When I was there, the future looked very bright for UINE. It's amazing how a couple members leaving can sink a entire AA.

  3. our IRC channel is always active, and so are our forums. We are a small enough alliance to understand and know eachother, yet big enough to provide protection to your growing nation. Government positions are available for those active players that want to do more than collect taxes and pay bills. You get 3,000,000 when you join, and millions more in tech deals and aid. UINE is truly the place to be!

    Message Anson or me if you want to learn more, or go onto uine.biz to apply for membership to this strong, growing alliance!

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