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The Wizard of Oz

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Posts posted by The Wizard of Oz

  1. Meh, he's paying Ammon royalties on it....Sneezing powder, and pepperspray. LE is using new tactics this round. :P

    Let's hope he is not paying too much!! :lol1: *Use a cold virus and get the same results*

    It's time for Bacon to take the reigns, he's been a high officer in LE

    the past few rounds. Yes, new tactics this round. We try to switch things

    up, as the same old same old gets, well, old.

    <S> all

    Happy Holidays

    Always good to see what LE has cooking!! Happy Holidays!!

  2. Ozland Cobras


    The time has come that I break away from my bretheren at The Phoenix Federation. I have many friends there and have enjoyed several rounds as the *Phoenix of Flame*-2nd in command. TPF has been a great experience and I have personally enjoyed working with Burning Glory. He is a great warrior and friend.

    I am pleased to announce the Ozland Cobras. The Government is made up of some of the most awesome

    and talented players I have met. Each one possess different skills and talents which should help make for

    some exciting times for this round. I am very grateful for the commitment they have shown already to

    making Ozland Cobras another great contribution to the fun of CN:TE.

    If you would like to join Ozland, we would love to have you join @


    We can also be contacted through our IRC channel on coldfront @ #ozland.


    The Wizard of Oz - King Cobra

    Dogbite - Cobra Commander

    Tired Tyrant - Cobra of Foreign Affairs

    Hidden Shadows - Cobra of Internal Affairs

    Big Kat - Cobra of War

    Natural Disaster - Cobra General

    edit:COW Change

  3. It is most unfortunate that public education has failed you so.

    In regards to Clashpoint's post, I fail to understand your reasoning of me "carrying things over" from SE. For simplicity sake, ill post the events, and you can make your own judgments about them.

    -A TPF nation declares war on a BW nation for reason being "raid"

    -BW seeks out TPF TE gov to get said nation to peace

    -TPF sends 3 more nations to raid the BW AA

    -BW organizes a retaliation against unprovoked attacks

    -TPF sends in 9 more nations, all using full force including nuclear warheads (Really? in a "raid"?)

    -TPF and BW meet in close doors, TPF claims that their members are to stop attacks, yet many continue otherwise.

    -BW offers to drop the whole thing if TPF posts an apology for their unjust actions (mainly for having something to believe, as there were many conflicting stories with gov & members)

    -TPF officially declares war on BW.

    Now, in those series of events, did you honestly believe I was acting out of personal opinions of TPF from how they acted in SE, or do you think it might of had something to do with the unprovoked attacks?

    Regardless, its quite apparent that TPF was never looking for peace. After all, why would burning glory send in a MoW to handle diplomacy? Why would increased aggression happen while blackwater was busy with OP? Why would TPF send in the 3 nations AFTER BW had requested a cease on all raids on BW diplomatically? Or, worse yet, why did TPF retaliate so hostile after we were defending our kin. Why else would they nuke our nations?

    Even now as I right this, there are many in TPF that still think their actions were just and satisfactory, assuming that the only wrong doers were those who defend themselves from aggression. It therefore makes it strangely difficult to separate those that are ignorant, and those that are just plain illiterate.

    It is a shame, really. To watch TPF as they take on alliances that they can outnumber. Honestly, when was the last time TPF warred someone who they didnt have the number advantage over? Its pretty clear why they chose Blackwater as their prime target. But, so be it. At least we will be able to say how it took a man with a hundred men at his back to have the balls to confront Blackwater. In fact, that maybe our slogan for next round!


    BW TE commander

    With all that you state here and obviously you're so outnumbered and picked on... You could of accepted peace without the apology. You chose to require it, we declined..... Don't pretend you had no options besides

    war and your such a victim.. We stated to you clearly we would peace out no problem, but "YOU INSISTED"

    on the apology or no peace.

    This isn't near as complicated as your book above suggest. We raided you, you defended with suporior force, we attacked your defender's with even more force. When we raided, we offered peace, when we defended our nations from overwhelming force, we wasn't raiding those BW nations, we were "ATTACKING" them not raiding them like the original nations. This same action has taken place over raids, round after round.

    I see you are surprised..... This is TE.... If you wanted peace you just had to say so.

    Obviously you don't like us, its TE lets war......better then bawwing :blush:

  4. In recognition of Blackwater's war or public apology policy as well as their threat of apologize or OTHER AA's will kill us, I totally agree there is a State of War between Blackwater and TPF.

    I hope their need to get something they don't deserve, yields their desired results.

    Good luck with this Blackwater...

    Lock an Load TPF, We have some killing to do. :gun::nuke::war:



  5. Hmm, this is a useless thread. I really expected more from ya BG since you are one of my favorite leaders of the larger alliances. And why do you guys keep saying Trouble is crying, when I've only seen TPF members/leaders "crying" about what Trouble did. I don't mean to be offensive TPF, I like you guys and all, but you guys are pretty much making yourselves look like fools.

    Says the guy who just rejoined Trouble for the 2nd time and is now in anarchy again. Your objective point of view

    is certainly in question, as well as your intentions. TPF is not offended by your words, we merely understands that they are not objective or fair minded but suspect and self serving. If you would stop hanging around Trouble for your current events, you may see TPF is merely defending herself. We have spoiled every one of Trouble's strategies and in fact we are not the ones that look so foolish. Any legitimate AA would do the same as us.

    BTW, what alliance are you leading now? :blush: Just asking.... <_<

  6. I dont remember us crying, but I did get a few messages from dogbite, Oz, and yourself, crying about the sanction I put into effect

    Please by all means post my letter of tears......I could of cared less about your sanction, I collected already and it will be removed in 3 days, why would I care... Your fairytale is starting to catch up with you.. A LIE is a LIE, do you really think that the brilliant minds of TE actually buy into your fabrications.

    All of your comrades are in Anarchy and my 3 TROUBLE tech farms are producing at full capacity.. You guys make me grin. :D




    I await some evidents of my tears...... :lol1: You sir Fail, as usual... :blush:

  7. Something differs from your self-described norm and everything goes haywire. I was astounded by how quickly TPF resorted to such things, such as OOC attacks within hours of a DoE.

    Seems like a broken record here.... I have to admit you look good down there picking at straws and in anarchy.. Both your battlefields in destroyed status.

    Every time people have to resort to using pictures to get their meaning across I just get the feeling that the short carriage is missing a passenger or two.......or ten

    You noticed that too.... You are a wise man :D

  8. Whatchu mean, these people? >_>

    In reference to the rest of your post, we came to TE to have fun at the expense of TPF. That's all. You guys threatened us, kicked our butts and had fun doing it, we refused to back down, and here we are, TPF's tech farm.

    There you go Mary, I got that fixed for you, now you seem more honest.. :lol1:

  9. Another useless announcement. I expected better from you, BG.

    Trouble's Best Cheerleader

    Those terms don't seem too reasonable. They are rather high terms to agree to, considering Trouble is still holding their ground.

    RA RA Trouble

    They are holding ground. If they just rerolled then they would have a large chance at hitting TPF hard. Just because you peace out with an alliance now doesn't mean they won't hit you back later. My suggestion is to give light terms, otherwise they will be back for more. (And since they recruit directly from SE, you can bet they will have much more nations than TPF.)

    RA RA Trouble

    Technically, they have to wait 25 days and then they can reroll. Alternatively, they can get peace right now and delete their nations. Then, in a week or so, they can easily strike on an offensive war against TPF all at once. You really must be bad a tactics. Either that, or you are terrible at coming up with worst case scenarios..

    RA RA Trouble

    Yeah i'm sure everyone around here bows down to one so knowledgable and tactically aware as you are. BTW out of curiosity which wonder are you getting?

    What? Wait......I love this guys..... He is so observant. B)

  10. Ya know, Not one person in Trouble has complained. There is no crying. Stop making invalid accusations because it is only what you want to happen. Well, I have great news: 15 minutes with - Nevermind, not happening.

    I LOL'd, Would you like to see proof that refutes this lie? :lol1: :lol1: :blush:

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