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Nagato the Great

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Posts posted by Nagato the Great

  1. The horse archers scooted away, losing a dozen men to the archers. They remained ahead of the Russian cavalry, firing their arrows at the vulnerable riders. A number of the horse archers laughed, for the thought of infantry chasing horses was amusing to them. They were only wearing themselves out, running in full battle garb.

    The chief of the tribe smiled. "For freedom!" he roared. The other 2600 horse archers rode up a small slope and onto ground level with the Russians, and spread out. They began a loop around the infantry, firing their arrows as they went, in a modified, giant version of the Cantabrian Circle.

    OOC: I beg to differ, as do your own words.

  2. OOC: Right. So your guys managed to run the 100+ yards to the horsemen and stab them, and only 20 men died with 2600 archers shooting at them? !@#$%^&*.

    OOC: After about a minute in that circle, I doubt you would kill the entire lot of them. I specifically said, in the circle, not overall.

  3. The infantry slashed at the legs of their horses, while outside of the ring, the hundreds of cavalry attacked the barbarian horsemen From a distance with arrows, while other cavalrymen rode in and stabbed the riders off their horses. About 100 infantrymen had already died in the circle, and more seemed to be about to die. Meanwhile, Leonov turned his horse around and engaged the chieftain of the horsemen in one on one combat.

  4. The True Russian Army simply charged down their adversaries, hacking and stabbing at them. As they numbered 7,000 they were numerically superior. The archers fired several arrows before charging with their swords as well, bringing the fight directly to the enemy. Those who tried to ride away were chased down by the Russian cavalry who, having horses most likely more well fed and trained than those of the barbarians.

  5. In preparation for the coming attack, longbowmen were placed in the top floors of houses. The True Russian losses numbered about 210, but they were ready to fight on, having rested, reorganized, and rearmed.

    Meanwhile, in Siberia, the large caravan passed by a group of brigands and rattled on...

    Any of the runners who by chance ran into the True Russian forces were executed upon contact.

    The True Russian army marched on through the tundra, where there was no possiblity of hiding.

  6. "Gregory died when I was born. He was a human. I am a Juggernaut. I am theJuggernaut.

    As for my plans...that remains to be seen. I have been approached by people like you, some Agents of Merlin deal. None of you have anything to offer me."

  7. OOC: That's also a massive piece of land. It is not difficult for 400 men to avoid an army of 8,000, nor is it difficult to pass themselves off as merchants, nor is it difficult for them to fight back, considering that I am something like 300 years more advanced than you, and you don't know what a cannon is.

    OOC: It's not really massive. The sliver of land that is needed for the route to Lu China?

    And anyway, 400 men may be able to avoid 8,000, but as I said, Lu's invading force would find them if I didn't.

    And anyway, I would think, hmm, a random trade caravan in the middle of a known battleground?

  8. OOC: LOL no. 100% !@#$%^&* is what this post is. Just how did you manage to put an army everywhere in Siberia between you and Lu?

    OOC: Not everywhere, but let's figure it out. Lu invading from the south. Me from the North. It's bound to be captured, if not by me, then by Lu.

  9. The True Russian troops saw a caravan riding downt he road and moved to capture it. However, Leonov stopped them. Only he knew that it was the True Russian trap.

    "Let them go." He told his troops. "Leave them to Lu." He said this to cause any brigand spying on them to believe that it wasn't a trap.

  10. OOC: The size of your nation makes it impossible for the entire army to reach the villages in the southernmost part of your country within two hours.

    OOC: It was not the entire army. 1,500 men in that area. Plus the 500 in the villages you attacked. You would definitely suffer many deaths because our forces are basically the same.

  11. OOC: You wouldn't have gone unresisted. There are still 6,000 troops and cavalry in True Russia.

    IC: The counter attack was swift. The brigands hardly had any knowledge of the city scape of True Russia, and thus were easy to be killed by the army, who knew the cities like the back of their hands. They swept through the brigand groups, who could not use their guerrila tactics in a city that the army knew completely.

    Meanwhile, news of the attack spread to the army in Sibera. Leonov, whose wife and children had been killed in the attack, was so furious he was indistinguishable from a demon.

    "I will find the brigand commander, and personally, I will make his life hell on Earth." he howled into the night sky. "I WILL RIP YOUR PATHETIC BEATING HEART TO SHREDS!!!"

    This note was sent to the Lu Chinese Army.

    "The barbarians have attacked True Russia. Dozens of women and children have been killed. Please, march faster. We must annihilate this threat before it reaches Lu China as well."

    Meanwhile, from the peaceful Northern villages of True Russia, a group of caravans and traders left on the road to Lu China.

    In the caravan hold, were dozens more soldiers and swords, spears, shields, and bows and arrows. The 'traders' themselves were soldiers in disguise. The 'caravans' slowly moved towards Lu China, a seemingly vulernable target.

  12. The Scout Army had, meanwhile, done a complete search of the surrounding tundra near the main army, and now had orders to return to the main army, not far away. They were then to await the arrival of the Lu Chinese army, and then march, laying waste to all between them and Lu China.

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