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Posts posted by Chysil

  1. Dude when i first took a look at this thread i though of exactly that.. :P


    And it got boring when the thread started... :D

    And a quick tip: If you going to be a attention whore , do it right...

    Do I need to explain the irony of someone calling me an attention whore who used all caps in one sentence, 2 smileys and as many paragraphs as the OP? Not even going to touch you title and sig, because I don't need to.

    I love the people that you don't even have to try to dis them, you just point at them and they do all the work for you. Especially useful for someone lazy like me

  2. In all seriousness though, after I sold off all my infrastructure, have 0 troops and zero infrastructure... I had a very large laugh about getting bombed (he destroyed nothing because there was nothing to destroy), and also laughed at how they spent money to spy op me... I mean I can see attacking, since it's not like it costs anything, but spy ops? That's basically pissing away decent chunks of money...

    thanks for the fun fark, the few citizens that remain are now using rocks and sticks to fight to the death over who gets to cannibalize the other, but I still have a lot of money apparently from a TV and Photo contract by national geographic so desperate old guys can stare at our women (or men) who only wear a loin cloth

  3. You may have won a battle, but that doesn't mean you won the war. You should probably remember that.

    In any case, as for your friend, one nuke isn't much, and anybody who is even the least bit prepared can survive one nuke. Question is, what is he doing to make his enemies fear throwing another at him? If he can survive 100 nukes, then I would be impressed.

    I don't speak for Fark in any way, shape, or form, but I know that if you had done to me what you had done to them, you would not be seeing peace before at least one round of full war is over.

    i sold off all my infrastructure and won a battle with 25 infra... that's what I found funny...

    and I told them I don't care I'm not "seeking peace" I'm going to delete my nation and told them that if they wanted to declare peace I'd send them the tech and delete so tey wouldn't have to take the time to kill me.


    and one nuke is a lot at our level, maybe in the high up levels of nation strength 1 nuke isn't much, but the fact nukes are even involved at this level is kind of crazy.

    nice try, you failed when you assumed we cared and aren't just having fun messing with fark

  4. I knew Fark to be very thirsty. They really like their beers. :D

    I never knew them to be bloodthirsty so I guess it is your way of governing your military forces. Bye bye infra.

    I sent my soldiers out to hunt for food because my citizens were starving. Fark come and say "haha you guys die, you have stick, we have gun. Bam"

    It's boarderline cheating to have an alliance anyways, and then fark ruthlessly hunts the smaller guys and attacks them. I was inactive and on centsports when I saw "Fark vs The Little Guys" (edit: the money line was +600 for us) bet was available to take and I was like "Oh noes, my women"

  5. Your joking right? Using the race card? or are you making a stupid joke? Which ever way you are trying to make this go, you are making yourself look dumb.

    [ooc] Don't you dare use Poland in this situation. It's stupid to link the two and Fark is not Germany/Russia like. [/ooc]

    Now... lets see if you are in my range...... ;)

    you send foreign aid to me? Help me defend against incoming fark horde?

  6. This reminds me of the time a rogue called TOOL bullies for suggesting that the guy pay reps for hitting our nation. I even blogged about that one. :ph34r: Also reminds me of Rebbilon.

    Chysil, you started this crap, and you know what they say - a person reaps what he/she sows. Perhaps I have to screenshot your alliance's war screen to give any doubters or fence-sitters the irrefutable proof of this. ;)

    They will do no good. Fark got into my account to have me attack people just so they could get 6 wars on me. Any screenshots you post would obviously be doctored and bolding my name doesn't make it true

    fark has obviously gotten to you.

    I feel for your loss

  7. Let me just say this right now: you are really bad at attention whoring. It's already getting boring. While watching a train wreck can be entertaining, it's only so long before that joy loses its luster. My suggestion? Get better at attention whoring and give us a real show on your way to ZI. :awesome:

    From a nation that can't seem to decide if they want to mate with cats or women, I'll take that as a compliment

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