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Posts posted by KOwens06

  1. [quote name='Jake Liebenow' timestamp='1334615958' post='2954482']
    I've always thought that Sanitarium was garbage, and I've never been one to not voice my opinion on something. At least I hide scraps of advice in my jabs :P

    This is a new Sanitarium, be it you can voice your opinion as I could care less. But how this is a new entity with entirely new member core and gov except for that nut job memoryproblems... We can have a different outlook you see, while once an micro is created most expect them to fall flat on our face and fail. But if we had that attitude why would we even start, make the forums charter guides and so on. That just sounds like a horrible agenda and way to upstart this alliance.

    As for this fighting over who is more garbage lets get over that and let us run the alliance into the ground or wherever we are taking this drum circle/train.

  2. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1326922748' post='2902341']
    You really don't see the purpose behind anything. Sad but necessary, etc. You'll get it, soon enough. I hope. Also, it doesn't really bother me knowing me whether or not ADude is better than I am, just knowing we're both better than you are enough. Lastly, my goals have never been to be the 'best' nor 'most liked' player.

    Guess what? I've done exactly what I've wanted to do & not only that, but I did it with #swag.

    Do you know what swag is? And you aren't the best or most liked don't worry about it. And you'll never be better than me don't worry about it. You can aspire to be me, yet it will never happen. The mold was broken after me. I am KO and I am god. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/smug.gif[/img]

    Whats the purpose of this to be the annoying pest that we've dealt with for the last 10 rounds? Cause if so bravo you have done well good sir. Very well.

  3. I'll miss ya ADude.

    Even though we were on different sides 90% of the time and bashed each other. You always were a cool guy.

    PS: Can i get on that limited time offer [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/awesome.gif[/img] (The girl not the wars)

  4. [quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1325204997' post='2888828']
    No it doesn't.

    It was my understanding that if the Broncos lost and the Raiders won, the Raiders would win the division. Not like the Broncos are a good team, they've just had alot of luck lately.

    But if the Bengals win, it definately eliminates the Titans from the play-off hunt, so go Ravens!


    Yeah but I don't want the Raiders winning the West then they'll have to beat the Steelers and watching Paul and Clash cry at the same time would be disgusting.

    [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1325208871' post='2888861']
    I hate you :/

    Don't hate its soooo true

    [quote name='King James XVIII' timestamp='1325224233' post='2889039']
    Let's go Raiders!

    Yes sir! Silver and Black is where its at.

  5. [quote name='paul711' timestamp='1325196991' post='2888753']
    Go Steelers!!!!

    Oh and on another note, at least for one week, Go Bengals!!!! (that disgusted me actually) :)

    That is all but OP will be making an announcement soon.

    Happy New Year.

    If the bengals win that means the Raidahs are out of the playoffs so screw that with a 10 foot pole.


  6. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1325051549' post='2887819']
    Once again, don't get ahead of yourself, buddy. See you soon.

    Can't wait I'll wear something sexy.

    [quote name='Clash' timestamp='1325092854' post='2888024']
    Meh, everybody should probably just shush up lol.


    Don't make me [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif[/img]

  7. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1325049282' post='2887798']
    Yeah, Sure. As for the whole round war, it's still too early to tell isn't it? :)

    Not really you did take our white peace? Or does that not make any sense to you?

    Come on, bud. I've played this game too long to care about your posturing. Just do it or don't do it. If you do thank god you grew a sack and brought it for once.

  8. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1325047660' post='2887780']
    Thing is, it's not worth it. We don't get mad, we get even.


    We don't get mad, exactly you stay mad and ragingly butthurt.

    Get even all you want, we'll be back to piss you off later. Like the whole round war you threatened on us. Yeah that happened. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/lol1.gif[/img]

  9. [quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1324957233' post='2886957']
    And if a nuke dropped on you after update?

    Jesus let it go... Really one attack from people on the other side of the ocean that our sleeping when peace was agreed upon. WAPA peaces out when tW did. WAPAs messages didn't go out til morning. Maybe you should agree on peace earlier than an hour before update. Makes things alot easier for all timezones involved.

    Lets be a tad reasonable here.

  10. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1324774742' post='2885910']
    To tW, you cant just bring 260kns 50-60??? nukes, against our 190k and 9?? nukes, expect to unload all the nukes you can on us just before christmas, then try and use the holidays as a way of gaining peace.

    Suck it up, admit you have been defeated(or will be if it drags) and we can all enjoy the holidays without logging on. Its christmas now, and I have a turkey to finish.

    Defeated???? :lol1::lol1::lol1::lol1::lol1:

    77 day war where you can't do anything I'm down.

  11. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1324582470' post='2884169']
    Saving this little gem for use later on.

    We already knew you were going to do this. Thanks for pointing it out were not stupid. You do the same thing round in and round out. Stop acting like you are original. Its like fighting with your little brother you know what hes going to do and you really don't care one bit. Like at all.

  12. [quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1324580600' post='2884156']
    From where Im sitting it sure seems that you do need them.

    The amount of time you guys bring up LE is staggering really. Its almost as if you are trying to get revenge for them, when you were in fact opposed t what they pulled last round? Sometimes I just dont get it.

    Awww they hurt your feelings? Do you need a tissue? And I don't care what happened last round and its not about revenge. Have you heard of taking a dose of your own medicine? No, well let me explain you curbstomp Alliance A. No one does anything. You do it again. No one does anything. tW gets fed up you do this. We do it to you. Crying commences. hmmmmmmmmm.....

    And don't worry we know next round you'll curbstomp us its cool. Kinda how the world works. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/lol1.gif[/img]

  13. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1324575333' post='2884122']
    Like you've never done this?? :P

    Not anymore I have in the past though until RE decided to kick me in the balls for it [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif[/img]... Wait ADude damn you I still love you and all but I'm just trying to make a point and now you made me feel dirty and now I can't make fun of any AA even the small puny one that decides to raid me.... You're killing me good sir, Killing me.

    PS: Much love and respect good sir

    [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1324575937' post='2884127']
    Why hello there, at least we can fight very experienced alliances such OP and LE, which doesn't mean we're afraid of them, mind you. On the other hand, I'm afraid Warriors can't even try seeing as the ass whooping you'd receive would be unbearable.

    In addition, you guys need a nukes/members/ANS just take us on, and please don't deny it. It'd be so unfortunate if you were to lose this war, I'd almost feel bad for you.

    Uhm I haven't been active nor did I know this war was happening. And no we don't need those, were using those as tools to show you what you do every single round (IE: LE this round... Way too many to list or care about). And funny cause we've never taken a horrible ass whooping from anyone so you keep thinking that.

  14. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1324537211' post='2883937']
    Messages were sent- and I'm pretty confident of our fighting capabilities. Furthermore, we don't give a $%&@ whether or not you understand it, and it isn't something I need to explain. In case you haven't noticed, we can't care less about public relations (pr). Also, it was the Warriors, we already knew they had !@#$ blitzes & quite frankly aren't very good. The only thing they have is the nuke advantage (One which is quickly dwindling down), member #s advantage, and ANS advantage- and they'll need it I'm sure. If it was LE or OP, it would've been more devastating 10 times out of 10.

    When all else fails attack the alliance fighting abilities I see... Same ol Confusion.

    Don't act so mad you deserve whatever you're gettin.

    We can't care less about PR... So you care about PR or you don't? Because with all the look at me threads it looks like you do. And we know you are scared of LE and OP you down declare on them every round and hide rogues around every corner for them so have fun!

  15. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1323759260' post='2876328']
    Absolutely fair, best of luck to you.

    And to you too!

    [quote name='MaGneT' timestamp='1323760883' post='2876340']
    It shouldn't be that difficult to mend the grudge if government officials like KOwens here are as reasonable as he is below:

    I understand that you guys did not find trying to settle this peaceably pre-war to be possible. Perhaps you were right. I have to thank you for your forthright attitude, though, and I hope to see this attitude down the road if you choose to initiate peace talks.

    Enjoy your wars.

    I hope to be in the room when these peace talks start but give me a few rounds to get my war fix in.

    [quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1323792160' post='2876605']
    If only more people in CSN acted like you this probably wouldnt be happening. Good show Kowens, I'm glad someone has their manpants (or womanpants) on.

    Manpants good sir, manpants. And I'm still glad it happened, Only hope from this is all the bad blood between us 4 goes away.

  16. [quote name='Myworld' timestamp='1323733090' post='2875752']
    No that was your current gov running around with the mouth to add to the bad history. So CSN hasn't learned anything on how to improve relations. The hole is dug and now it's time to dispose of the trash.

    Hey now,

    Don't lump all of the gov into this I came over to try to shed some light on it and bring a fresh light to the situation. I get why this war happened I don't blame you one bit.

    To those of CSN that are posting this is crap or whatever please get over it its getting super annoying. We can war with some class here. DT did this for valid reasons, I don't doubt any of you would do any different in their situation so lets move on and war.

  17. [quote name='Amossio' timestamp='1323632880' post='2874161']
    take your nuke on the chin, csn deserves everything it's getting.
    wish it was us in there instead of the other 2 but oh well, next time I guess :smug:

    Do you remember what happened when it was you guys in there last time? I wouldn't wish that on any enemy.

    But enough of that, Lets have some fun and drop nukes like they are going out of style.

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