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Posts posted by KOwens06

  1. [quote name='HeRo1' timestamp='1295930733' post='2598364']
    You said exactly what i wanted to hear. Thank you for proving to me that CSN is (imo) a !@#$ alliance. Your nukes are your only strategies in war?

    My strategy is winning [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/smug.gif[/img]

    Also second nukes are only one factor in this war... The other is we have war chests.

  2. [quote name='Skable' timestamp='1294700691' post='2571411']
    LE and TFK peaced with everyone except us, and we peaced with everyone except LE and TFK.
    This is why I wanted to play TE. To fight. :smug:

    This really will be all from me now.

    In all honesty you didn't fight me... you just peaced out with me to wreck havoc on more of your nations...

  3. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1294714371' post='2571666']
    Confusion - Now controlling Synergy's wars too.

    oh my, I control too many Alliances... No wonder I keep losing the strings.


    Can you control Clash's strings a little better. He gets hurtful and sporadic sometimes... [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif[/img]

  4. [quote name='Mike Oldfield' timestamp='1294694848' post='2571331']
    And we're the only alliance that has ever started a war?
    You guys were already AT war when we showed up..
    No we didn;t start it.

    No, no we weren't. We declared on you and this is about LE.

    You declared on LE & TFK. Which caused this situation at the basic level.

    You guys declared on LE, you started in try again.

  5. [quote name='Mike Oldfield' timestamp='1294692043' post='2571286']
    LE said in this thread this war ends the 12th, Their actions contradict them, They keep blitzing. in all technicality this war ended when you guys all signed this document, this has become an occupation battle.
    LE is doing this because they don't want g-6 in the game, you guys all got peace, we did not.
    there isn't any other reason LE would refuse to give us peace...

    They can blitz to the 12th what don't you get about that?

    Blitzes are what do the damage. You didn't get peace cause you started the whole fiasco, is my guess.



  6. [quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1294621619' post='2570463']
    I will admit I jumped to conclusions :unsure:

    With that said, the only reason there is a grudge going on right now, is because of the strong personalities that are leading both alliances.

    x2 [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img]

    We need to get them in a room and have them hug it out in my opinion.

  7. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1294615689' post='2570324']

    Fine i'll bite.

    I have said the you whining stuff a few times just to annoy you guys as it annoyed me the whole time we were getting beat down and no I wasn't pointing that at you it was more pointed at people in this thread who cried foul after 4 wars. Because god knows we have about 30 noobs in tW at the moment. I brought up the different opinions thing in our last war thread and it didn't stop anyone didn't think it would stop anyone this time.

    First, I wish this grudge would end too. I personally just ignore it now as it has happened round after round since we came into existence. But we always seem to come into the round with a target onto our back from someone. It just happens that way. I know we don't plan on beating up Confusion every round. We just go in see who is around are strength bracket and prepare for a fight. Well at least thats what I do in tW. Can't say for others.

    Second, LE/OP had an idea to kill your bloc before you guys blittzed LE that is what was talked about. That plan got changed when you hit LE, and others hit THP and DF. We came in to protect our friends. OP came in because they were disgusted with how the wars were going. To each their own right? Thats why this war happened. No other reasons behind it.

    Third, yes it was a curbstomp. Did we plan it that way? Not wholeheartedly no but did we know you guys were going to get beat? yes we did we went into this war knowing we were going to win.

    Fourth, I agree I hate when people say TE is dying.

    Fifth, you guys came to us for I have no clue what reason. Your 80 war blitz killed us and I expected it to go on for a couple days considering who is leading your alliance. To the horrible fighters part. Im sure you have some good ones like any other alliance but I was not impressed with who I have fought so far in the blitzed war or in the recent one. It just seems that they don't have all the tactics down. There are many underlying circumstances for why this war is continuing for G-6 and LE/TFK most of which LE doesn't want this to happen again from what I'm guessing. Its not that we thought you were ruining the game we just didn't like how this round was folding out. I wasn't vocal on it cause hey war is war to me.

    And there is hypocrisy on both sides. Maybe not from you but from a lot of others. You should have seen the peace talks it was facepalm after facepalm after facepalm.

    And I think I got everything.

  8. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1294613991' post='2570267']
    no i could not have. unfortunately, 2 raids took up two of my slots for the whole war otherwise i would have. and again, need to work on your reading comprehension skills.

    You like using the same argument over and over, don't you?

    Typical G-6 Poster.

    We worked out peace its done and over with. You get to continue taking a beating have a good day.

  9. [quote name='Mike Oldfield' timestamp='1294609771' post='2570133']
    It's not that I don't want to fight LE, it's that LE is doing one of the taboos of Planet steve, they are perma warring, they never followed tradition and set an end date to this war. now they are evading and not posting here to clear this up.

    Its not a taboo it happened last round with LE vs OP (40 days). It happened the round before that with tW vs RE (30 days). It happens. If you don't like it don't try to beat down a very warlike alliance. If they do good for them. If they don't good for them. You don't get a say in it, you just get to take the beating.

  10. [quote name='Mike Oldfield' timestamp='1294607208' post='2570061']
    LE launched another blitz last update that is still ongoing....
    I got 2 new LE wars myself.
    they are still blitzing...

    Yeah and that doesn't mean they won't peace out. That means they just want to pound you into the ground. Which is what they should be doing.

  11. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1294606895' post='2570046']
    No I didn't, maybe my alliance leaders did but I didn't, I didn't have a say in it.

    Individuality FTW

    Wow great for you. G-6 is a community. The leaders lead that community. The leaders came to us to peace out. The community peace us out see how that works.

    Communities FTW

  12. [quote name='Mike Oldfield' timestamp='1294606586' post='2570033']
    Ok the evidence points to perma war, we got a bunch of 3rd parties saying no perma war,
    If you're not going to perma war us LE, step up and prove it because your actions are contradictory to your allies' claims. thus far no one has provided one shred of proof.

    Ugh fine.

    Here is your proof from the peace talks:
    [quote][22:07] <Bacon[LE]> k. ours are fairly simple. RE and DR can be cut loose; G6 gets us till their blitz wars expire[/quote]

    Now for the love of god stop.

  13. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1294605542' post='2569998']
    Maybe that's what we should have done when you where getting rolled by RE/G-6


    tW, tough, only when they are winning.


    Ironic part is you guys came to us to get us to peace out. If you think peace talks are bashing us then asking nicely for peace you should think again. I was more than nice when these talks were going on. You don't bash the winners of a war when you want peace plain and simple. If you wanted to make us burn more power to you, but you didn't. I would have fought with 0 infra because well G-6 are horrible fighters anyway from what I've seen. We could have but we didn't. More than once it went through my head with your side calling us "cons" to names that aren't appropriate on this forum. Thats what I meant by it. There is a part about diplomacy that is sought after in peace talks and G-6 nor DR did anything of the such. They kept antagonizing us throughout the whole process imagine that. Leaders of alliances that are getting beat down antagonizing us saying we ruined a "fair war". These are peace talks not lets bash the other side. Peace talks are to get the war over with. KingJames and I were not happy with how they were turning out luckily. King mediated through them and his level headedness lead me to wanting peace not anyone else. I was in them from day one and dealt with this the whole time.

    Again G-6 horrible posters.

  14. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1294601836' post='2569913']
    I don't believe I said anything, unless you're referring to Dogbite. In that case, I don't know...


    Yes dogbite is who I'm speaking of in which he was the first one to say something about it, sorry about that.

    [font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2][quote name='Mike Oldfield' timestamp='1294602485' post='2569929']
    They didn't say 4 more days of war, they didn't specify a time frame they just said it's gonna continue and left it at that...

    I was in the peace talks. From what I've seen you guys will be done by the 12th.[/size][/font]

  15. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1294597308' post='2569858']
    excuse it however you want mate. i find it amusing ya'll keep saying that it is not the same as what G-6 did but then use the "can't stand the taste of your own medicine" routine as well. and seriously, you call us horrible posters, you guys can't even keep your stories straight in the same post.

    if what tW did is not the same as what G-6 did, then we are not in fact tasting our own medicine. but if what tW did [i]is[/i] the same as what G-6 did, then yes, we did taste our own medicine.

    so i am assuming since you keep switching stories, that i am correct and you are once more lying when you state your excuses about how it is not the same as what G-6 did.

    as for tasting my own medicine (as in G-6 getting hit) it tasted awesome, though tW seemed far to scared to hit me this war. but LE took up the challenge and are doing an amazing job at decimating my alliance. but to compensate, they are also working hard to help me get to and hopefully maintain that #3 total casualty ranking for longer than 2 minutes.

    /me waits for KOwens to state i am whining somehow cuz he seems to think he is original and witty when he says that. though heaven forbid, he actually need reading classes because he thinks it is true.

    And don't worry I haven't changed my motives for this war we came in because you hit TFK our friend. If you didn't want us to come in, you shouldn't of hit our friend. See how simple that is. THP a friend and DF a friend too. Those were out motives to enter. For all our gov members.

    Yes because we were obviously scared... You could of hit me any time I had free defensive slots this whole war and not one G-6 nation countered me when i decimated 4 of your nations two of which had no wars going when we started. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/smug.gif[/img]

    /me waits for Dochartaigh to write a coherent non text wall post that anyone can understand.

  16. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1294598826' post='2569878']
    I don't think I personally ever said PZI/EZI, not once appart from now :awesome:

    I don't know about members of tW but members of G-6 are free thinkers and post their individual views rather than what their alliance tells them to say.

    Well actually, I must take that back, you do have some people who actually say something worth reading.

    Yeah, because we don't have different views right? And I wasn't referring to you but as G-6 as a whole because I'm about to lump people in the same alliance together just like you do all the time. When someone starts making posts about 4 wars when specifically in peace talks we said we might have a few stragglers please give us a little break. Then your leader jumps on us right when it happens? Yeah I consider that whining.

    And I was not saying you were whining. So If your free thinkers, why do you care that I was calling another one of your members a whiner when they were obviously whining? You are one of the few thats having fun with this and I respect that but the others just keep going and going and going. We gave peace its over. Lets move on people please!

  17. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1294595573' post='2569822']
    Oh the irony and hypocrasy in this is amazing :awesome:
    Remember what you said in the DoW by G-6 and RE in that war that tW where getting destoryed in?

    Let me remind you.
    tW, tough, but only when they are winning :smug:

    No but you see I had other content to my post, stating that we never went against our peace terms etc etc. All you guys did was state the same rhetoric over and over. 4 wars guys I mean that is whining anyone can see that is whining. If its 40 wars ok then we have something to talk about but its 4. And saying PZI/EZI and stating we renewed hostilities. None of which are true. So your point is I said your whining? But I still have a point behind my message. You guys had nothing but "oh your whining we expected this out of you"

    G-6, still horrible posters. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/smug.gif[/img]

  18. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1294594246' post='2569808']
    hahahahahaha. no matter how many times you repeatedly say "you are whining", won't make it true.

    i never stated you did anything morally wrong, read it again. i stated that you spew this moral crap all over TE and then do the exact opposite according to yourself. that does not mean [b]I[/b] think you did anything morally wrong, just that you guys broke your own morals.

    hence stating you don't have any morals. you can spew words out of your mouth, but that means little. your actions belie your words.

    that is called, calling it like it is seen. but hey, i can understand how confusing it is. tW is not used to honesty as is obvious by you continuing to state i am whining, when all i am doing is telling the truth.

    We didn't break our own morals sorry try again.

    You declared in a down declare against a friend and we did something about it. Thats what we do protect our friends. TFK, THP, and DF are all friends they have fought for us and with us. So if you think were going to let them get beat down you have the wrong view on us. So no moral breaking here. You guys did the moral breaking, again, and we told you it was a bad idea the first time. Look at what happens. "Taste of your own medicine and such" how do you like it?

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