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Everything posted by Dioxide

  1. Gold is, and Fur can be an option for me in the wild card. So, I'd be very happy to include you in.
  2. I need lead for a bunch of other things for this one. Microchips man.. XD
  3. Got your message, and hopefully you and your friend will post here, so I can confirm it, so I can edit and bump some more. Also, it's long term, and like I said, it can be in any colour.
  4. Well, you sure fit the qualification and surely this is going to take a while. So you might also fit the list, or maybe not. Who knows? Tell others about this~!
  5. Heh, wow hey. A reply. XD If I can't sort it out, I just might add you in. So for now, tell others about this. This is like my first time. lol
  6. NEED ONLY COAL, LEAD. COME ON GUYS! Oil: BDRocks Coal Rubber: Touche Aluminum: BDRock Marble: King Mendoza II Iron: Zetal Lumber: Zetal Lead Gold: Western Skier Water: Touche Sugar: King Mendoza II Wildcard:Western Skier, fur. Wildcard included now! 8 (Technically 7) BR's: Steel Asphalt Automobiles Construction Scholars Not exactly something I'll get, since I don't have 90% literacy, so I might replace it. Microchips Radiation Cleanup Beer Contact me on PM, reply back on this topic, or look me up on Cybernations Touche: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=346008 King Mendoza II: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=327932 BDRocks: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=205728 Western Skier: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=343612
  7. Nation Name: Hipcrita Kingdom Nation Ruler: King Mendoza II Nation Team: Black Link to Nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=327932 My Resources: Sugar and Marble Needed resources: Fur and Iron. Long term, any colour will do now.
  8. Hey uh.. I'd like to apply for this alliance.. ehh?
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