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Posts posted by Corbetto

  1. [center]
    Spring is in the air.
    After a long cold winter [i](I know, another hot summer for those of you in South Africa, Australia, and other areas on the arse end of the world)[/i]
    Farkers flee Mom's basements for some nightlife. Perhaps an evening of karaoke . . . and where better than at the establishment named for Farkistan's Master of Morale:


    You know, this is why many places ban the sale of alcohol on voting days, but in Farkistan, following a rousing erection, it's time to unwind. Click on the pic below to come inside and hear some very special entertainment. [i](You'll be redirected to the farkistan.org web page, but don't worry, we'll get you back here in a jiffy.)[/i] And we're picking up the cover charge. We're awesome that way.


    If you have problems accessing that site, [url=http://farkyvideo.blogspot.com/2010/03/karaoke-at-musty-poptarts.html]try this alternate location[/url].

    Pretty special, eh?

    Oh, you came here wanting to know the results of our erections. I appear to have left the list somewhere, perhaps at that Chinese restaurant. The Mongolian yak and farkroll was excellent (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm farkroll). Or maybe in the club. I'm picturing Randomly Jim or Tumultuous Papaya (a duet?) trying to do their best Lady Gaga, thinking the list is the lyrics sheet for "[i]Telephone[/i]."
    So anyway, as for the erection results, I can only offer you a very happy First of April.[/center]

  2. Around the world, the sporting community awaits June's World Cup, but in the USA, the College Bowl Game season is top of mind. And coincident with Farkistan's monthly erections, we have exclusive coverage of one of the lesser known bowl games, the Hormel Bacon Bowl. Let's go live now to ESPN College Game Day for more . . . .


    Hi! I'm Lee Corso!


    And I'm Kirk Herbstreit. Welcome to College Gameday: Farkistan! ... Corso? The hell is wrong with you? Take that ridiculous thing off. You're embarrassing yourself.


    Fark you, Herbie, I'm drunk! It's a Fark thing!


    You are such a Farking child. I swear to GOD if you don't take that thing off, I'm going to have a bulldog chew off your withered old sack!


    There. Is that better Miss? You don't got the balls to do anything, do you, woman?


    *barking* *growling* *screaming*


    Well, that was a lot of fun! Now let's get down to business. The starting lineup for the defending National Champion Farkistan Drunkards... Let's go down to the sidelines . . .


    The coaching staff of the Farkistan Drunkards, Head Coach and Submitter Randomly Jim, and up in the Press Box, Defensive Coordinator and Squirrel Tumultuous Papaya will do the best they can with this motley group of football misfits.


    Starting at Quarterback (actually we hear he prefers bareback), Emperor Norton I . . .


    At Tailback, His Holiness, Pope Rodger . . .


    Moving from Tight End to Receiver, Mr. Cynical . . .


    On Defense, Free Safety Kahiel . . .


    And on Special Teams, this walk-on who insists he's nobody's bot, idsfa . . .


    Lee, I've had enough of your shens. I'm going back to my hotel room, slipping into something comfy, and watching the game.



    Farkistan Erection of the January TotalFark Council:

    Emperor Norton I (Speaker of Council)


    Mr. Cynical



    As usual, we're doomed.

    - Corbetto

    Cowbell of Farkistan

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