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Posts posted by generals3

  1. Hmm , i see , an other ally that has gone away . Oh well , ty for the notification and i can understand why , our FA aren't rlly on top right now . Anyway , for anyone wanting to communicate with us , there is the forum , it's where i'm on most of the time (i should rlly start adapting to the IRC thingy ^^)

  2. Sad decision but had to be done, we got no answers from them for several weeks, it had become really only a 1way communication.

    Anyway we have a project for helping them rebuilding, if they are willing to accept our help and to be active enought for sustaining it. :D

    Well as i have never been contacted i wouldn't know about the one-way communication but on the other hand i'm pretty poor at Foreign affairs as King (which is way i appointed a Vet in FA as FA minister , which i will interrogate on this ^^) . But than again , we live on .

  3. After a long and dark unstable period for TCB finally a new sun arises upon us.

    A few weeks ago we made a new government which until now has been pretty stable and active and we have confirmed our re-emergence with a new charter which has already been ratified .

    "Charter of The Centurion Brotherhood

    I – Preamble

    Article I. The Centurion Brotherhood is a Pink sphere alliance. The aim of The Centurion Brotherhood is to develop its members into powerful, affluent nations through means of alliance-friendly economic growth and trade opportunities, all while providing a safe environment in which to prosper. The Centurion Brotherhood supports the Pink sphere and strongly encourages tech deals. All members of The Centurion Brotherhood are expected to abide by the laws and ideals expressed in this Charter.

    II- Membership and Admission

    1) The Centurion Brotherhood holds full authority over the following alliance affiliations: “The Centurion Brotherhood”, “TCB”, “TCB Applicant”, "TCB Academy", “TCB POW”.

    2) All members of the alliance have the right to free speech. The alliance forums are provided specifically to exercise this right. The forum may be used to speak one’s mind, express concern, suggest improvements, and other such activities. It is the solemn wish of The Centurion Brotherhood that censorship is never a concern within the alliance.

    3) All new recruits will have a 25 day trial period during which they will be paired with a TCB member that will interact on a regular basis with the applicant. If after 25 days, the member feels that the applicant will make a positive contribution to the alliance, they will be accepted into The Centurion Brotherhood. If the member feels that the applicant will not be active and will not make a good contribution to the alliance they will be denied membership.

    4) Inappropriate and/or abusive behavior, imposture and impersonation on any means of communications (including, but not limited to TCB boards, foreign boards, CN main boards, IRC, in-game messages, IM) will not be tolerated and punished by any means deemed necessary by the Minister of Recruitment.

    5) The Centurion Brotherhood will institute a check-in policy. They policy is as follows. Every 2 weeks, a thread will be opened for 72 hours. The thread will run from Friday through Sunday. All members are expected to check-in during this time. Failure to do so will result in a warning. If a member misses 2 check-ins then they will receive a second warning. A third missed check-in will result in expulsion from the alliance. If a member has missed check-ins on their record they have the opportunity to clear themselves. If a member then has three check-ins in a row, they will have a clean record.

    Article II - The Council

    1) The Council consists of the King, the Advisors, and the Ministers. It is responsible for all legislative decisions except charter amendments and emergency measures. Every other bill shall be passed with a 50% majority in the Council.

    2) The King is the highest authority of The Centurion Brotherhood. He shall be in office for lifetime, upon resignation or upon a negative performance review.

    3) The Ministers are the leaders of the Ministries. Each of them has one vote in council. Ministers are in office for life, or until they receive a negative performance review. Ministers will be reviewed by the King and his advisors. If at that time, a negative performance review is given, the minister will lose his seat and an election will be held. Every alliance member with at least one month of seniority is eligible. If an election were to occur it would last 3 days and simple 50% majority would be needed to confirm the candidate.

    a) Performance reviews for ministers will be held yearly on the first Saturday of September.

    b ) Performance reviews for advisers will be held on the first Saturday of November

    c) A Performance review of the King will occur on the first Saturday of July

    4) If needed, the King may create additional ministries. The leaders of these ministries will be considered full members of the council.

    5) If any government member were to resign, they would need to give notice.

    Council: Must give a 3 day notice before resignation (allows the TCB populace to vote on a new council member to take his or her place, the king will have final say to ensure continuity and security)

    Adviser: Must give a 5 day notice before resignation (Allowing time for the King to choose a new Advisor and the Council to deem him or Her fit, once again the King has final say)

    KING: If the King were to resign, he will give a 7-day notice before he resigns. If this happens this will allow enough time for the council and Advisors to assess the candidates and pick the candidates suitable to run. The Advisors will deliberate the candidate’s abilities to ensure he/she is capable of running the alliance. Then an alliance wide vote will be held, a simple majority is all that’s needed.

    Article III - War and Peace

    1) The Council may declare war on any other alliance, group, or single nation. A declaration of war is not necessary if The Centurion Brotherhood has been declared war upon or has been attacked without one.

    2) The Council may sign any treaty of peace, ceasefire, or armistice as long as it does not require the disbandment of The Centurion Brotherhood. Such treaties shall never be signed.

    3) In case of a severe threat to The Centurion Brotherhood’s internal or external stability or safety, an emergency measures vote shall be hold with all members having one vote. In case of approval, the King shall receive total power until the incident is over. This does not include the power of amending the Charter.

    4) All nations are encouraged to gain access to nuclear weapons. Their use, however, is restricted to the following cases:

    a) Direct retaliation after a nuclear attack. A member hit by nuclear weapons may hit back the aggressor with their own nuclear weapons. Sabotage against nuclear weapons may be deemed a nuclear attack on a case-by-case basis.

    b ) Following a direct order from the King or the Minister of Defense.

    5) The Centurion Brotherhood disapproves of the practice known as “tech raiding”. Nevertheless, it will be tolerated under the following circumstances:

    a) The target nation may not be member of an alliance. “Alliance” is defined as any group of at least 2 nations with the same alliance affiliation (“none” is not deemed an alliance affiliation).

    b ) The target nation may not be a member of the pink or red trading sphere.

    c) A raid consists of two ground attacks and a peace offer. Everything exceeding these limits will be viewed as a rogue attack and treated accordingly.

    d) There will be no aid from The Centurion Brotherhood, be it military, monetary or diplomatically, in case a raid goes wrong. Single nations may decide to send any form of aid, however.

    Article IV - Final Provisions

    1) Amendments to this charter shall be passed with a 66% vote by the general alliance membership.

    2) Generals3 of the United Confederation shall be the King after ratification of this document.

    3) The first ministers are as follows.

    a) Minister of Foreign Affairs and Advisor to the King- King Steven Arnowitt of Israeli Land

    b ) Minister of Defense- JoachimV of Tenra

    c)Minister of Recruitment- black danaraki ofThe Darkk Emire

    d) Minister of Commerce and Technoly- Mayoror of Pacifica Island

    e) Advisor to the King- Zaj Man of Iven Empire "

    May chuck Norris be on our side and help us prosper in peace .


    Generals3 King of TCB

  4. I only received 3 million in reps. I received some money from Invicta because I went to them personally and requested it (they had offered us financial support.) Everyone else who bothered to do the same thing also received money. It's called taking initiative. :rolleyes: The fact that I was sent 3 million before others is a complete fluke- I didn't write the aid scheme, nor did I really have anything to do with rep co-ordination as I detest finances- and I wish people would stop making ridiculous accusations.

    well i dont have anything against you . But HS is just full of hypocrisy , always about 'helping the AA NS' . Ok now i'm gonna explain the whole situation with bulletproof facts why he's a liar and should just admit it.

    -It was said numerous times your disbandment was planned and into discussion for weeks , the precise date maybe not , but i doubt u suddenly thought: today is the day * BAF* (and if u did , sorry , but fail. )

    -HS was in the govt .

    -HS thus knew that the AA would soon be disbanded .

    - By taking 9 mill for himself he thus didn't help the AA at all knowing it was going to be disbanded anyway: Helping the AA means helping ALL the members . And sure, by having some smaller nations become stronger, in time of war it will help the AA. But since it was going to be disbanded and afterwards the members would obviously chose different paths the only way to help the entire AA is to give EVERYONE its share and MAINLY the ones who suffered during the war. Because boosting HS who applied for NPO didnt help former CG members in ANY way .

    So why doesn't he just admit he was wrong and is greedy . He knows it , everyone else knows it , so why not just say it ?!

    EDIT: You also once stated 'why should i refuse the money' . Well after some thoughts , thats what i would have done. It's common courtesy and would have been honorably , i actually think accepting and using repair money without having anything to repair is just... Wait do i even have to say it (i think the sentence speaks for itself)? It doesnt matter wether you're small or not , repair money is supposed to help the ones who fought and lost things not to just purely boost your AA NS (and even that argument is flawed due to my above statement). Like i said it , in both AA's i've been in repair money was used to repair and nothing else.

  5. Ok thats enough of hypocrisy , i went looking and found a CG member with 3.3K NS and got no money whatsoever , hmm seems that for example you giving him 3mill would have balanced it out and helped NS growth as much , now didnt it? And how come Fran got 9mill as well while she has 14k NS and members with less than 5k get nothing or 3 mill aid. Yes idd , because you are just being an hypocrite . Just admit you were/are wrong.

  6. What the hell in Admin's name are you talking about? I didn't ask for the reps, deSouza told IS to send them to me.

    I didn't disband CG, Francesca did, and the disbandment had nothing to do with the IS war or the IS reps.

    Again , you're trying to turn around the pot here to distract us from the following facts:

    A: You got 9 mill rep money while u didnt get any dammage whatsoever and didnt even use a bit of this money to help the ones damaged during the war. If at least you were planning on sending tech to those nations...

    B: You are part of the CG govt and thus also had decisive power and must have agreed on CG being disbanded before IS gave all the rep money.

    The fact you received the money doesn't matter , its what u did/do with it that matters.

    And also , doesnt the fact no one has said : what HS said makes sense but only disagreements prove you're wrong? Get me one person who can say your actions make sense with good arguments and than i might get back on this , but untill than stop wasting our time with flawed arguments constantly and just admit you only cared about yourself.

  7. If you are part of an alliance you must not care about your nation.

    Again, learn economics and then get some glasses.

    That sentence made me laughed due to an overdose of hypocrisy . I guess you must be a stalinist kind of communist : Everyone is equal , but i'm more ?

    You only cared about your own nation and not your AA thats just too obvious. The disbandment after u got ur money and not the rest is one proof and the fact you dont use any of that money to help the ones who actually deserve it is one as well. Well i guess this must make all the NPO haters happy , knowing someone acting like that joined their ranks my prove someone's statement right. (forgot who said it already , but he said something like 'maybe its to destroy the NPO from within' )

  8. look m8 , now ur just trying to confuse us all with random statements. Who said u would send tech? You IMPLIED it with your statement . Reread what you initially wrote , any reasonable person would have understood that as: He takes the money to buy cheap tech to help the bigger nations.

    And if you are not going to send tech to the bigger nations , WHY even saying that its more efficient to send money to small nations and tech to big nations as here 50% of that is missing! If you're not going to use money to help the big nations crippled by the war than you are honorless and cheap . And dont give those economic lessons crap again. I know them myself , i send aid to a friend who started a few months ago every 10 days for that reason.

  9. Your lack of knowledge of this (ooc)game(ooc) is saddening. People don't pay reps in money for big nations, reps to big nations are made out of tech. We decided on just money, for it gives our alliance more NS then the tech(if sent to small nations). Sending money to our large nations was going to be a retarded move. Where did I say I am going to send anyone tech? What are you talking about? You sir need to learn how reps work. Small nations get money, big nations get tech, we just had money reps. Our alliance worked on a Alliance>Single Nation principle, the most efficient way to earn NS is for small nations to receive money and buy infra.

    Sending money to big nations is a stupid move, since there were no tech reps, the reps were sent to small nations. Me being government or not has nothing to do with anything, I am a small nation.

    So you're saying we should have waited on disbanding to get reps? That's the kind of person you are, not us.

    You said it yourself m8 . You said : small nations get money and big nations tech . And as IS wasnt gonan give Tech the OBVIOUS solution is the small nations using a part of their money to buy tech and give it to the bigger nations. And it is funny how u say Alliance > bigger nations. How i see it , it is : HS > Alliance. Ur bigger nations suffered the most and ARE PART of your alliance . Not sending any kind of repair help is just spitting on their faces and say : screw you , i want my Nation to grow! Tbh i'm done arguing with you , its obvious for me now the downfall of CG was inevitable with such a founding member with no Team spirit whatsoever and flawed logics . I've been involved into wars in two AA's : The Legion and TCB and believe me reps don't work like you describe it. War aids are meant to help the ones who suffered the most , which is logical , not the greedy ones like you.

  10. So what you're saying is that the money should have went to people in CG that earned 2mill in taxes a day? Your alliance needs to educated you on [ooc]game mechanics[ooc]. Big nations receive tech, and send out money, small nations receive money and send out tech, that's how you grow your alliance efficiently. Big nations never receive money, it's not efficient. Small nations never send out money, it's not efficient.

    We didn't ask for the money to get payed for the damages to our big nations, we asked for it to grow our small nations.

    You sir are confusing Tech deals with repair money. Repair money is meant to be used to repair broken nations and as far as i know when you're involved into a war where CM's, BR's and nukes were used you lose more infra than tech and i've yet to hear about infra deals. But sure it could be conceivable ur bigger nations preferred tech than repair money. Well ill watch you on that one. Your next six aid slots better be used on sending tech to former CG members else you just lied.

  11. It's called intelligence. If a small nation uses 9 mill to buy infra, it gains more NS then if a big nation does. So, if small nations buy it then the alliance gains more money.

    [OOC]Have you learned game mechanics in your alliance, sir?[OOC]

    No , thats called being the worst Government member ever . Doing that to your AA is just low . Don't excuse urself out of it with obvious economic reasons. Everyone knows what you said but that aint a reason why YOU , someone who wasnt damaged in any way, used AA repair money instead of giving it to those who actually needed repair money.

    No honor at all sir, none at all.

  12. Did people miss this?

    I'd say the members of CG that got attacked by IS and didn't get reps have been had.

    Hell Scream's NS, 8/24: 1,779

    Hell Scream's NS, 8/26: 5,979

    IS reps paid to Hell Scream: $9 million

    A total of $39 million out of $84 reps were paid to a total of 6 CG nations, including Hell Scream and Francesca.


    Good luck in NPO.

    Epic lol. Two things i got to say on this: 1st: He dared talking about Honor while he just proved himself to be the most honorless person i ever known , using repair money needed by your AA members for yourself while u suffered no damage from War is just EPIC FAIL. Even IS's War was more honorable than that.

    2nd: NPO , good luck with such a member! I'd definitely wouldnt accept him in any AA after doing something like that , but hey , thats just me!

  13. I have a question. You say this disbandment wasn't rushed and was clearly thought out for weeks. Then why did you take on a protectorate yesterday or 2 days ago that you knew you would have to drop when you disbanded 2 days later? Doesn't make much sense to me.

    Because they wanted major Randomness? TBH thats the only way i can find to describe the past event "major randomness".

    IS nukes CG => CG wins and gets reps => CG disbands before getting all reps? => Makes NO sense at all if you ask me .

  14. When a major alliance on a color does a certain action, it is expected that the alliance is backed up by not only their color but by their allies.

    Case in point.... DoS's from other pink alliances. They supported IS even though IS was in the wrong, and, quite possibly, about to be rolled. That took guts, yes, but the fact is they backed up their treaty/color partner. In other words, pink* rolled together.

    You can say IS doesn't represent the pink sphere, but honestly, they do. They have received support from pink, and no condemnation from pink. It seems pretty clear that IS and pink go hand in hand.

    *at least, the major players on pink.

    that's wrong , i condemned their action as King of TCB . That said i would off course never roll them , but i didn't support their acts and wouldn't have gotten our AA affected into the conflict in any way.

    Also some pink AA's condemned their actions but treaties are treaties , and at such points they have to decide between two morals , sticking by their allies or their moral condemning the act and that is a very hard choice you know .

  15. Pink Team is now the haven of lulz alliances, raiding alliances, and even some of the old Commie alliances that periodically get "re-born". If it still has a "certain reputation" it is because of this. How do you change that reputation? Warring Pink isn't the answer--that has been done to death (no pun intended)--the Pink alliances themselves need to work to improve Pink's image.

    The problem is that you are labeling the entire pink team , while for instance TCB hasn't done anything wrong for a while now (i'm not sure about our far away past) and yet we are pink and because of all that 'pink' labeling it seems like we belong in the same pot as those other AA who ruins it for the pink reputation. And that is what bugs me.

  16. They did have a candidate to merge into, again as Fran has said on these boards. The candidate has not been named, but it is my understanding it's still in the works.

    ok i might have made a slight mistake , they might have more friends than i thought but still. Don't you think there are some people who just supported CG because they hate lolpink? To my opinion everyone who said 'lolpink did it again' or something like that and suddenly supported CG were opportunists (maybe not all) . And most of those people wouldnt have given their moral support if it wasn't a pink alliance , because yes i'm 100% sure if it were an other colored alliance doing this they would have gotten less support . With which im NOT saying they wouldnt have gotten any but still less.

  17. CG wasn't looking for treaties, they were looking to merge, as Fran has said multiple times, both in this incident and weeks previous.

    My point remains . If it they were looking for a merge but couldnt find anyone to merge into there has to be something wrong somewhere. Now mind i have nothing against CG (and also disapprove what IS did ) but i like to remain realistic and i just can't stop noticing the opportunism around here.

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