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Posts posted by TheShammySocialist

  1. [b]Classified Transmission to the Office of the President[/b]

    A joint development team from the “Viper II Cross-Industry Project (CIP)”, have identified a full range of upgrades that it has developed for our current “Viper” MBT System, which will include upgrades to:

    [*] Armor
    [*] Engine
    [*] Main Weapon System
    [*] Secondary Weapon System

    [b]Armor:[/b] Engineers and Chemists from AfghanMETaL and CPC have been working together to develop a new composite armor that will give our new tanks a stronger and denser defense against anti-tank missiles and shells. This new armor will integrate a hardened mixture of fiberglass, ceramic, and alumina, with a rolled homogenous armor plate, composed of a titanium/tungsten alloys. The composite mixture gives a much denser composition then normal rolled homogenous plate, while saving on weight and compactness, allowing for a better armor configuration, thus making the tank a faster and lighter vehicle.

    The new armor configuration, with this composition, is effective against high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) shells, fin-stabilized armor-piercing discarding sabot (FSAPDS), and high-explosive squash-head (HESH) shells. Against these shells, the armor configuration, a mix of rolled homogenous armor, as well as composite, provides an optimal amount of decompression and compression of the armor, which stops the shell from penetrating the vehicle, and breaks it up amongst the layers of composite material and armored plate. HEAT and FSAPDS shells are stopped inside of this configuration, HESH shells have proven to be ineffective against such composite armor on a number of occasions as it is.

    AfghanMETaL scientists tested the armor against a point-blank (less then 50m) shot from a T-72 MBT Family Main Gun, and the shells failed to penetrate in all instances, using all forms of ammunition. It has been given the Name "KK" or "KabulKomposite", to honor the city of its development.

    [b]Engine:[/b] NEM has designed the new HTE-1200G 1200 HP Turbine Engine, which will replace the old 10-Cylinder Disel Engine, which will give the Viper II a four-hundred horsepower addition to its' power. The new engine will allow the vehicle a significant speed increase, up to ten miles per hour more. The engine will add a little extra weight to the vehicle, which will require the tweaking of the drive sprockets for the tract propulsion, but NEM will be finishing the adjustments in the next two days, to find the right adjustment for the sprocket.

    The turbine engine also requires less maintenance and will be able to run on a number of refined petroleum products, including gasoline, aviation fuel, regular diesel, maritime diesel, as well as a few other products. CPC produced a number of petroleum products, and with NEM performed testing, and there is little fluctuation in performance.

    [b]Main Weapon System:[/b] We have found that the tank, with the slight weight increase of the engine, allows the accommodation of a 120mm Smoothbore Cannon, 55-Calibre gun, which KSA will procure for this new version. This will increase the potency of the Viper II, at no loss in performance, ammunition storage, or turret compartment conditions. KSA will also be supplying Kinetic Energy Penetrator rounds, which will increase potency of the ammunition itself. The new barrel will require the production of 120mm rounds of both HEAT, HESH, etc.

    [b]Secondary Weapon System:[/b] Casualties amongst some crew members during our combat experiences both at home and abroad show that using the weapon to assist in repelling infantry attacks is a dangerous endeavor. To allow the continued use of this secondary weapon system, we propose the reintroduction of an armored plate to protect the operator of the weapon. This change will put two angled plates of steel in place on either side of the weapon, reducing some visibility but still allowing ample views to the operator of the weapon.

  2. Sergei Kotlin looked out the small window next to him on the executive jet as they descended towards Narita International Airport, the skyline of Tokyo in the distance. It was his first time to Japan on business, and he hoped that he would be able to make a positive impression on the delegations there. With almost all the senior Foreign Office ministers unavailable, as well as the President, it was on his shoulders. He took another sip of champagne lightly, as the pilot up front confirmed their landing authorizations, and made his final approach.

  3. Fourak and al-Fulani looked over the treaty draft for a few minutes, and then turned to the King.

    "These terms are definitely acceptable, Your Highness," said al-Fulani, "The Caspian Clique would happily sign this treaty."

    With that, Fourak and al-Fulani posted their signatures on the document:

    [quote]With the assent People and Government of Caspia,

    Yassin al-Fulani, Deputy Foreign Minister
    Anwar Fourak, Economic Minister[/quote]

  4. "We are definitely allowed to sign such a pact, and we definitely would like to see our relationship develop further. And definitely move towards a more stronger Mutual Pact in the future. At the moment, the Clique is still putting feelers out, and weighing its' diplomatic options abroad," responded Fourak, smiling.

    "We look forward to enjoying our time in Cochin while your ministry works over the final details, of course. It is always a pleasure to go abroad and visit new places, and learn about new cultures."

  5. "Well, we do not intervene without the request for assistance by that government, we will offer our help, but we will not send our troops without a call to assistance. We respect the sovereignty of the nation, and will not deploy troops to support a regime or intervene without their behest," nodded al-Fulani. "And we certainly do not deploy troops to topple a regime either, unless that regime has, of course, declared war on us or under very [i]extenuating[/i] circumstances."

    "I believe that is the only question I have for you, Your Highness. Is there anything further you would like to know about our country or policies?"

  6. [b]Classified Transmission[/b]

    [quote][b]To:[/b] COLONEL R. TYUMEN, CAMP "SHRIKE" CO
    [b]From:[/b] GENERAL T. LOWELL, MOD

    [b]Regarding:[/b] Activation, "Samael" Battalion

    [b][color=red]CLASSIFIED, LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE[/color][/b]

    Colonel Tyumen, this transmission confirms earlier plans to form a large Special Operations Battalion, trained in intelligence gathering/extraction, covert operations, counterinsurgency, assassination, long range reconnaissance/raiding, infiltration, high/low level airborne insertion, airmobile insertion, and advanced small unit operations. [i]Et Cetera[/i].

    You are allowed to proceed with the formation of a five-company battalion, with companies of one hundred and fifty men each, sectioned into twenty-five man platoons that can be broken down into five man teams. The Ministry of Defense is prepared to allocate whatever resources needed to form this battalion, and we have provided information on personnel of interest, that showed great potential during the Kandahar/Baghlan Counterinsurgency Campaigns, as well as personnel currently serving in Communist Australia.

    The existence of this unit is unacknowledged, and until it is revealed, personnel are considered to be kept in closed quarters, with all interactions with family members monitored, and all mail censored. We wish you luck your endeavor, the eyes of this ministry, and the President, are on you, Colonel.[/quote]

  7. "Of course, we share the same sentiment, although we do have a broad idea of maintaining stability in potential markets across the globe. We also believe in peaceful transition of government, and why we may intervene in internal conflicts, at the behest of other national governments, outside of our sphere of regional interests. These interventions, however, are usually meant to help a peaceful transition of government, or to shore up a government who is legitimate but under duress. We admit that we got more then we bargained for when we involved ourselves in Communist Australia; one of our battalions suffered twenty-five percent casualties in one battle alone, for instance, but I believe the results of our actions there are appreciated regionally, and possibly globally, the result may pay big dividends for our country in the long run."

  8. "The Caspian Clique is also looking to increase regionally peaceful coexistence, and as an important country in our region, I definitely believe that Optional Defense and Free Trade Agreements would both serve these interests well. Our companies are looking to increase their regional markets, and we are hoping that the Kingdom of Cochin would be a good market for goods flowing out of our country. We are also committed to regional security, as one of our promises publicly during the Baghlan Counterinsurgency Campaign, was to make sure violence didn't spill over into Shambala," nodded Fourak.

  9. "Our own insurgency occurred while trying to suppress anti-government forces who were determined to not see President Dawkins return to the country, in two successful campaigns, in the Kandahar, then Baghlan areas, we largely wiped the insurgency out. Of course there are small incidents still occurring, our troops have it under control, and have stabilized the country," noted al-Fulani. He paused, and continued, "We are in the process of instituting a rehabilitation program for captured insurgent fighters, that will help us reintegrate them back into society and have them make a meaningful contribution to our society."

    Fourak nodded, and added, "The insurgency in Communist Australia was a large uprising by an organiation called the Free Australian movement. President Dawkins dispatched a company of light infantry to Communist Australia after a large nighttime assault on Red Australian Army infrastructure, as well as Communist Australia government facilities. Once we learned the extent of the forces facing a stabilization of the region, we now have a reinforced Brigade Battlegroup in country, including around five battalions total, along with a few attached forces."

  10. Dawkins and Yakolev, both dressed in crisp business suits, were escorted into the venue by a few UFE staffers, and directed to the private conference room where Premier Wei was waiting them. He adjust his suit a little, as one of his escorts knocked on the door, then opened it for them.

    "Premier Wei, may I present, President Sham Dawkins, and Caspian Foreign Minister Doctor Vladimir Yakolev," announced the staffer.

    Dawkins stepped forward, and bowed his head in a Caspian customary greeting, before saying, "Premier Wei, it is an honor." He stepped forward, offering his hand with a polite and a sincere smile.

  11. Fourak and al-Fulani would both as soon as they entered the office of the King of Cochin, Fourak adding, "It is an honor, Your Majesty, an honor to be here in your country, and your office, no less! And yes, our country is stable, after the quashing of the insurgency, and on its way up in the world. We thank you immensely for your invitation to meet with our government to discuss regional matters."

    "I can presume that the Kingdom of Cochin is also enjoying a time of prosperity, wealth, and security?"

  12. [b]Private Response[/b]

    [quote]The Caspian Clique would be delighted to meet with His Royal Highness, we will dispatch a diplomatic delegation including our Deputy Foreign Minister, Yassin al-Fulani, and our Economic Minister, Anwar Fourak. We hope this meeting can lead to better regional relations with one another and a cooperative friendship.

    We look forward to honoring that invitation, and the diplomatic mission will be dispatched as soon as possible to Cochin City.

    [i]President Sham Dawkins, Caspian Clique[/i][/quote]

  13. As soon as the CT-23 Transport set down, and was safely parked, the President and his small entourage quickly drove off their unmarked "Prowler" transport, looking conspicuously like an over sized Sport Utility Vehicle. The vehicle quickly made its way into the city proper, making for the summit's venue, arriving at the doors.

    As Sham Dawkins and Vladimir Yakolev stepped out of the Prowler, they looked around.

    "Vlad, I don't think we're in Caspia anymore," Dawkins quipped, admiring the bustling city, which was much bigger then their own capital of Ashgabat, as one of their staffers shut the door. Yakolev let out a hearty laugh, and clapped his President on the shoulder.

    "Let's see what the Premier wanted to speak about before this shindig gets started," said Yakolev, as Dawkins marched up the steps, Yakolev following close behind.

  14. [OOC: Read "Rehabilitation Program for Former Insurgents Announced" on Caspian Clique Media Outlet for backstory. Private RP, OOC Commentary allowed, within reason]

    [b]Caspian Armed Forces Base "Camp Shrike" - Special Operations Facility - Classified Location[/b]

    "You shake him up at all?" asked one man in the darkened room to another, looking through the mirrored glass into the interrogation room.

    "One of the guards gave him a good elbow to the gut when he gave him some lip, but that's it, sir," responded the man next to him, wearing a military uniform.

    "I didn't know you boys could be gentle as well," chuckled the first man, who, unlike his counterpart was wearing a crisp business suit. His eyes glancing back to the man seated in the interrogation room, cuffed to his chair, his hair was longer then normal, and his facial hair had given him a scraggly appearance. His hair was well doused with gray flecks, he moved little, his eyes staring at the table in front of him. He looked apprehensive, his orange prison jumpsuit had a series of numbers on one breast and his name, "Turner, E.", on the other.

    "How long have you had him in there for?" asked the man in the business suit, turning back to his military counterpart.

    "Three hours," responded the military officer, crisply.

    "Given him any water?"

    "Nothing, sir. We gave him some on the flight in, enough to keep him adequately hydrated."

    "What was his attitude on the flight in?"

    "Quiet, didn't ask anything, to be honest, I think he's been expecting this, sir. Hell, he smiled when we fetched him from the Kabul Detention Center."

    "I'm surprised he let us take him captive."

    "You and me both, sir."

    "I'm going to go in there," nodded the man in the business suit. The other man nodded for a guard in the corner, before he added, "I'm going in alone."

    "Are you sure, sir?" asked the military officer, with a raised eyebrow. The man in the business suit gave him a look, that even in the very dim light, assured him a wordless answer. The man in the business suit opened the door and stepped into the hall, as the military officer held up his hand that kept the guard in the corner.

    As soon as the man in the business suit entered the room, the prisoner looked up, and grinned, shaking his head.

    "Well, well, I'm flattered President Dawkins, I would have expected one of your goons to be here," said Eric Turner, his face giving President Sham Dawkins a look of contempt.

    "Why should I leave a personal matter of my own to one of them?" answered Dawkins, as he shrugged off his business jacket, and hung it up. He had a pistol in a holster strapped to his belt, and Turner eyed it, and his lips upturning in a malicious grin.

    "Quite," responded Turner. "But, [i]Mr. President[/i]," he started, accentuating his title with a distasteful tone, "I thought politicians were to set personal matters aside." As Turner said that, Dawkins undid his tie, Turner watching him closely, as he pulled it off and set it in the pocket of his suit jacket.

    Dawkins scoffed, and replied, "Turner, you and I both know that politicians make things personal much more often then they should. I guess I'm no different then your typical politician."

    "And I figured you for a businessman, who liked to weigh the costs of his actions, you do know that if this gets out, you're going to look like a dictator with a lust for vengeful actions. Not going to look good for you," chuckled Turner, his malicious grin still plastered on his face. "So much for a [i]legitimate[/i] government, you're no different then your father."

    "I guess not," said Dawkins, simply, as he rolled up the sleeves on his white button-up shirt.

    "Why are you here, Dawkins? You think killing me will do some justice to your father?" asked Turner, leaning back in his seat as Dawkins sat down across from him.

    "Who knows?" answered Dawkins, his stare at Turner was cold and calm. Dawkins could sense a certain insecurity about Turner, who probably was expecting him to be much more emotional, angry, or forceful. Dawkins unsnapped the clasp on his pistol holster, and took the KSA HP-5H High-Power Pistol out, and set it on the table in front of him.

    Turner chuckled softly, then said slowly, with a shake of his head, "Just like your father, Sham, just like your father."

    Dawkins just gave a blank stare in return, and said simply, "I have a few questions for you."

    "And if I don't want to answer them?"

    "Then we'll see what happens."

  15. [quote][IMG]http://i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa325/VictorDeltaRomeo/gallgitmofence0112gi.jpg[/IMG]

    [i]Interior perimeter zone of an insurgent detainment center near Kabul.[/i]

    [size="6"][b]Rehabilitation Program for Former Insurgents Announced[/b][/size]

    [i]Nataliya Konev, Staff Writer
    Caspian Journal[/i]

    [b]Kabul, CC[/b] - Interior Services Division Manager Colonel Markus Boldin announced the government's plan today for the rehabilitation of former insurgent fighters that were captured during the stabilization of the Caspian Clique. The Interior Services Division confirmed today that it has 2,394 insurgents in custody at various camps, mostly in the Afghan State. Boldin said during a press conference today that the insurgents were being treated well, and their basic needs seen to as the government developed this comprehensive plan.

    Most of the insurgents, most being paid for their work as mercenaries, will be interned in work camps, that are in the process of being constructed. These work camps will offer amenities to these former fighters, and see to their basic needs, as they go through a process of technical education, as well as working on projects for the state-owned infrastructure construction company, CASCON. The rehabilitating insurgents would have a weekly schedule that put them in the classroom for basic technical skills for at least twenty hours a week, including heavy engine repair and maintenance, basic construction and masonry skills, welding techniques, metallurgy, and other meaningful technical skills.

    "This education will give these former fighters a wide assortment of skills in preparing them for a two to four year probationary contract, which will make them work with CASCON. Once that probation, which will be monitored by our division, is up, they will be set free, but are expected to be monitored, and they are not to possess any firearm of any kind. We hope that this training and experience will reintegrate them into society, and give them a penchant for building things, instead of destroying them," said Boldin, during his statement at the press conference.

    He added further, "This plan is a blueprint, it is flexible, and if this government does not think it is working, it will make new plans."

    Boldin also announced at the same press conference, that rumors of one insurgent prisoner disappearing or even escaping overnight were untrue. [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=98697]He assured the media at the press conference that the prisoner, Eric Turner, had been transferred to a solitary unit for causing mischief at supper two nights ago, and was considered to be a problem for the general population.[/url] Anonymous sources within the insurgent detention center near Kabul, however, have told the Caspian Journal that no such incident had taken place.

    Eric Turner, in his late 40s, is a prominent warlord whose militia fought in the battles against Caspian forces near Kandahar, and was captured there during the final days of the campaign. Turner was the ringleader of a group of militia leaders who led a bloody coup against Sham Dawkins' father, John, almost fifteen years ago. The warlord self-proclaimed himself to be the end of the government at that time, and is thought to have been in the presidents' office when the leader was executed. The coup ultimately led to the last fifteen years of bloody strife and ungoverned state of this land, before Sham Dawkins returned to take his fathers' place.

    When pressed about the disappearance of Turner from his cell by one journalist at the press conference, Boldin said simply, "The connection is but coincidence only," and moved on from the subject.[/quote]

  16. [b]Classified Release to the Office of the President[/b]


    [i]First photo of KAR/CAA XCF-69A "Desert Eagle"[/i]

    Stealth Air Superiority Fighter/Interceptor.


    [*] Vulcan Cannon

    [*] Up to 10 Air-to-Air Missiles

    Speed Rating: Up to Mach 2.3 (Cruise Speed: Mach 1.5)

    Range: 2800 Miles

    Service Ceiling: 65,000 Feet

    Production Status: [b]Advanced Testing Underway - 6 Examples Produced[/b]

  17. After gaining entrance to the Peterhof, Sham Dawkins adjusted his crisp business suit before stepping into the ballroom, he was astounded by the magnificence of it all. Dawkins, of course, enjoyed a comfortable lifestyle back in Caspia, but the pomp and splendor displayed here was utterly jaw-dropping. He didn't entirely feel comfortable being here, and his stiffer body language showed it, it wasn't that he was shy, just not used to this awe-inspiring celebration. As a server went by with a tray of champagne glasses, he picked one up.

    "Thank you," he nodded, as the server bowed his head. He sighed out softly, and said, "To Caspia... bottoms up." He took a sip as he saw the Tsar and Tsarina, along with an entourage of guests walk into the main corridor where the guests had clustered. "... And to this night," he added quickly, polishing off the glass with another sip, and putting on a polite and friendly smile.

  18. President Sham Dawkins made the flight to Shanghai aboard a modified CT-23 Strategic Airlifter, an aircraft that had originally belonged to his own company, and now his nation. The large aircraft may have lacked the sleek looks of executive jets, but it allowed for the plane to carry its own mobile military command center, as well as a small and simple sleeping quarters and office for its executive passenger.

    The spacious interior of the plane also allowed the transport of the presidents' own NEM "Prowler", which had been modified from its standard armored personnel carrier configuration to accommodate the President in a more roomy interior, although it still had a spartan feel to it. It was a feel that Dawkins liked, opposed to lots of extra features that could have been installed at his behest, he was a man who enjoyed his comfort, but he also didn't like to look too flashy.

    As the leader of a now stable regime in Central Asia, he felt that this meeting was too important to pass to one of his cabinet ministers. Dawkins had ordered Dr. Vladimir Yakolev, the Clique's Foreign Minister, to accompany him as well, recalling the foreign minister from overseeing proceedings as an observer at the Trade Federation, the move of bringing two prominent Caspian leaders to the summit was an inkling of what this organization might mean to the Clique. His country had already taken a step towards involvement on a global scale, seeing their first deployment of troops to Communist Australia, and his desire to work with other nations in an international stage was developing as fast as his nation was.

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