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Posts posted by Hyperbad

  1. [quote name='memoryproblems' date='17 July 2010 - 04:02 PM' timestamp='1279396943' post='2376163']
    whats wrong with the treaty web? it makes things interesting.
    I'm not sure how alliances being so inflexible with relationships that they mandate their support in conflict by treaty is making things interesting. I would think things being spelled out ahead of time makes it, well, boring.

  2. [quote name='wickedj' date='17 July 2010 - 03:23 PM' timestamp='1279394585' post='2376120']
    That worked out well when NPO came a callin' :P

    edit: likewise when TDO was threatening ADI lol[/quote]
    I seem to recall when the NPO came calling rather few alliances were safe and the conflicts had quite a bit to do with leadership at that time and how they handled the situation but considering the stats now and their (neutrals in general) numbers in the top ranks I'd say it has worked out. I think it's pretty safe to say they've probably taken less damage and lost less time devoted to growth than the interventionist alliances have.

  3. [quote name='kitex' date='17 July 2010 - 12:16 PM' timestamp='1279383364' post='2375856']
    First of all before I tell you how to end the treaty web madness, I [i]must[/i] give stupid dumb props to the user iamthey for putting this in CNRP treaties. The way to end the treaty web madness is simple:

    In all treaties just include an anti chaining clause that looks something like this:

    [font=tahoma,][font="'Courier New"]
    [font=tahoma,][font="'Courier New"]That would easily end all the craziness and wars wouldn't have to go global unless people wanted them to.[/font][/font]
    In order to be called an anti-chaining clause shouldn't it you know, prevent chaining instead of making it optional in order to be called that?

    I honestly don't mind much that wars go global. I simply find it ridiculously stupid that people (not necessarily all or even a majority) feel the need to have treaties to act as the justification for their participation in it. Those announcements always sound like someone without the capacity for independant thought.

  4. [quote name='The Reccesion' date='11 July 2010 - 05:26 PM' timestamp='1278883545' post='2367238']
    Those are some meanings of the term "bandwagon". So you hear a lot about bandwaggoners, my question is [b]What makes a bandwagon during a war?[/b]
    From my perspective it's a mentality, not an act and applies to anything in politics. The mentality is one of "meh, why not" and you possess no other reason for participating which is actually related to the conflict itself or its consequences. Those holding treaties and those without can both ride the bandwagon. Those who bandwagon can be the closest of allies or most unpredictable of entities. The only thing which is actually bad about holding such a mentality is how the actions taken and result thereof could be counter productive to what goals they possess.

  5. Sounds like it's been established that pips aren't to be relied upon for an accurate statement as to which alliance someone belongs to. It should also be mentioned how it's only a minority of alliances and players which actually have one that could accurately identify them anyway so you'd just have to check their profile or in-game nation to see what their alliance is. This is just a pet peeve blown out of proportion to any potential issue of confusion it causes. The confusion will have minimal impact on anyone understanding in-game events or policies.

  6. [quote name='TOLWYN' date='01 July 2010 - 11:14 AM' timestamp='1277997267' post='2356638']
    Awesome. I didn't even realize we had millions to lose. Schatt, you're really falling behind on the milestone announcements.

    In other news, I have put in place a "No Child" policy for anyone with descendants from DINOLAND. The stupid must not be allowed to spread.

  7. [quote name='TypoNinja' date='04 June 2010 - 12:38 AM' timestamp='1275626312' post='2323133']
    I don't entirely agree, while its obvious that making decisions based solely on emotion is a bad thing the polar opposite is just as bad I think.

    A leader with no passion, no spirit, will have no drive. We look to our leaders for inspiration and direction. A computer does not inspire loyalty or devotion.

    Similarly we are often forced to make decisions on incomplete information, in these cases our intuition and feelings come into play.

    One should of course strive to eliminate bias, but it is our emotions, our feelings, and our personal drive that makes us individuals, and it is the desire to reach for those goals that we are driven to by our passions that separate the merely competent leaders from the great leaders.
    There's a difference between suppressing emotions for the purpose of making an important decision and suppressing them entirely. One can think logically yet be filled with passion in what they do and inspire others.

  8. [quote name='Mathias' date='04 June 2010 - 07:18 PM' timestamp='1275693466' post='2323865']
    That's ludicrous. GPA shouldn't be oppressing their members like that.[/quote]
    That policy was put in place by a President of the GPA at a time when the community had turned on them. Many were claiming the GPA wasn’t neutral and this impression stuck with them more so out of fear that another war may occur for their not being "neutral enough". If an effort to remove that posting ban were raised then the first challenges older members would throw at it is the question of it being neutral. Some will attempt to reinforce that position by saying not many members would post in those regions they have the self imposed exile on.

    [quote name='bakamitai' date='04 June 2010 - 07:26 PM' timestamp='1275693991' post='2323871']
    Why would anything the GPA does provoke us?[/quote]
    It doesn’t matter if anything would. It’s the chance of another war happening that has the older membership paralyzed, afraid to move forward. They still live in the past and for them it doesn’t even matter if they have a good reason for any action they take. All that matters is what other alliances will think about it. Neutrality, while the foundations of the alliance, is used largely as a buzz word to strengthen support for positions taken out of fear.

    [quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='04 June 2010 - 09:25 PM' timestamp='1275701102' post='2323967']
    Given all the work Sal did, a simple 'thank you' would have been sufficient.[/quote]
    The GPA being an isolationist alliance rather than interventionist one means it will see little action and with their seeing little if any action that would make any military wonder virtually a wasted investment if purchases prior to any economic ones. So while I can see what Sal is trying to do I must say that even if the GPA were to change in how they do things while not being interventionist I think they’d still see little if any action thus keeping economic wonders the preferred investment.

    [quote name='Shaka Zulu' date='05 June 2010 - 11:05 AM' timestamp='1275750337' post='2324540']
    I'm pretty sure those Hailing this would not like for their nations to be inflitrated with false propaganda. Especially since it came from an outsider posing as a government official.[/quote]
    There really wasn’t an infiltration because Sal never joined. It was merely an impersonation and while something to be frowned upon in any case (and I would understand a desire to knock Sal down a bit) the membership of the GPA had the means available to them with which they could inquire if this was legitimate or not. The GPA has never given their members orders in how their nations should be built thus this move by Sal was out of character and should have been questioned by anyone who’s been on that AA for a remotely significant amount of time.

    [quote name='Captain Flinders' date='05 June 2010 - 01:13 PM' timestamp='1275758002' post='2324622']
    Do you believe that the GPA had the proper means to defend themselves from a largely nuclear assault, as most would be in the world today, before (or for that matter now) Sal decided to boost your MP numbers?
    They still don’t after this and still won’t except for months of only military wonders being purchased.

  9. [quote name='Aeternos Astramora' date='29 May 2010 - 02:12 PM' timestamp='1275156743' post='2315706']
    29 nations remain since the Easter Day Accords. 43 nations have left since that day. 96 nations have left since Karma.

    And that's the nonsense facts assuming they didn't gain any members since then, like the Filipino Heroes. That means probably only ~10 nations remain from the Karma Gre.[/quote]
    Roughly half - 14 - of those who were members during Karma are still present. Of the 14 approximately 9 had them joined 420+ days ago. What relevance that last figure has I have no idea. I just thought it might be something some may wish to note.

  10. I just wish to thank all of the participants for this astoundingly long thread where the discussion is reminiscint of the time when Clark Griswold was stuck in the loop of Lambeth Bridge's traffic circle. It's been quite entertaining. I'm just curious, does any one here feel actual progress has been made through the discussion? Speaking as someone who has not participated in this thread, its participants largely (though not all of them) are reading the others posts for what they want rather than what the case is and instead of arguing based on the latter are winding up into these endless tangents which run in a circle. There are a handful of good posts in this thread but largely the honest discussion stops with them and this thread appears to have outlived its usefulness. Perhaps it might be helpful to start over from square one in an honest and non-demeaning manner, clearly phrasing ones position using a different angle then has been used thus far?

  11. [quote name='ktarthan' date='27 April 2010 - 04:23 PM' timestamp='1272399814' post='2277563']
    I beg to differ, see the OP (emphasis mine):
    Interesting why did I read that differently. Meh, maybe a previous link threw me off. Anywho, I stand corrected.

  12. Good luck, have fun and all that other stuff everyone else is echoing as if it wasn't said before.

    If you need tech deals to grow shoot me a pm. I'm a buyer.
    [quote name='Lamuella' date='27 April 2010 - 03:32 PM' timestamp='1272396709' post='2277501']
    question for the OP:

    Did you check with anyone before doing this?

    The name "GOONS" was slightly less mired in mud than that of /b/, but it still wasn't exactly squeaky clean. We spent over a month talking behind closed doors to even be allowed to start an alliance with the same acronym. Please tell me that before your big "oh hi, we're back" thread, you sat down and chatted with a few major players.
    Considering he wasn't aware of /b/'s previous incarnations let alone their past I think you know the answer to your question.

  13. [quote name='Crymson' date='18 April 2010 - 05:36 PM' timestamp='1271626573' post='2265338']
    I've dealt with Ramirus more than enough to believe that he did write the above.
    It might very well be him. I wouldn't doubt an internal statement of some kind being made. I'm just reluctant to believe something posted anonymously from a community which has shown the capacity and willingness to fake logs, screen shots and just otherwise do things in a lulzy manner particularly for controversial issues.

  14. [quote name='Arcturus Jefferson' date='18 April 2010 - 04:40 PM' timestamp='1271623214' post='2265264']
    I haven't really had much contact with the current Gramlins.gov, but that seems too Orewellian to be legit. Maybe if it was supposed to be Pacifican...
    Yeah, the whole thing sounds rather awkward and convenient. Unless the person who put it up there comes forward I'd be reluctant to trust anything on pastebay/bin.

  15. [quote name='Lennox' date='18 April 2010 - 03:17 PM' timestamp='1271618251' post='2265162']
    Its called being sadistic :P[/quote]
    I resent the calling of anyone a sadist for their actions here. A true sadist would prefer options not available to leaders. Allow me to lower captured spais into an active volcano. Allow me to spread Solanum throughout my opponent's lands.

    I suppose however if they truly feel themselves to be that way then it's personal.

  16. Poyplemonkeys: did you save copies of the new charter on your harddrive or should your frustration be taken as you hadn't?
    [quote name='Penkala' date='14 April 2010 - 06:23 PM' timestamp='1271283819' post='2260525']
    It takes work and time to get somewhere in-game or to achieve a personality or goal. This type of bottom-feeding scum clearly needs instant gratification.
    It is for that express purpose why the Great Lord Hyperbad instituted policies enabling him to maintain a harem. Thus permitting him much needed instant gratification at no cost to others. Certain other characters in the Cyberverse would do well to follow this example. Instant gratification has never tasted so good.

  17. [quote name='mike717' date='16 April 2010 - 04:53 PM' timestamp='1271451181' post='2263178']
    no, in order to keep her out and make sure someon wasn't [i]ever[/i] in your alliance again, you would kind of have to keep tabs on someone
    I'm not seeing the relevance of this statement to the one you quoted considering the context of the dicussion.

  18. [quote name='Dochartaigh' date='16 April 2010 - 04:39 PM' timestamp='1271450348' post='2263163'] and second- i don't like tracking rerolls but if they announce themselves, then frankly, they deserve what they get in terms of not being trusted. (this is not to say they deserve being ZIed, but i can understand if alliance A had a spy in their ranks who rerolled several months later, announced who they were and then tried to join alliance A only to be rejected based on who the reroll was in a former life)[/quote]
    To my knowledge she never attempted to rejoin alliance A through the course of past events but rather alliance B. As a result MCXA lacking trust for her is to be regarded as inconsequential.

  19. Information is always welcomed so long as it is complete and motives clear. At most all I have seen in the logs is you relaying hearsay or rumors about her possessing multiple accounts. Those reports are unreliable because there's no actual evidence she was. Finding an account within our alliance doesn't prove her having others. The best move would have been going to the staff if you honestly believed she had more than one.

    Moving beyond that there is a questionable motive as to why you sought to provide us with it. I also question the means and how accurate the report would have been, knowing who was seeking it - a formerly aggrieved party. I suppose it certainly is possible you genuinely believed the information, felt yourself to be helping us all the while a personal or organizational search for revenge would be fulfilled. What ever the case I’m most displeased at what could be construed as attempts to involve us in a feud even if the feud itself was only cause for the pursuit of information.

    [quote name='supercoolyellow' date='16 April 2010 - 02:31 PM' timestamp='1271442649' post='2262974']
    Why don't you just ask her to come back to CoJ then I know she gets on IRC and talks to you all, and after this, I doubt we'd have any desire to know anything abou it.[/quote]
    I tried talking her out of self-deleting; even offered some pizza and cheez-its should she. Alas she refused. Truly for such an exquiste offer to be rejected ones mind must have already come to a firm decision.

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