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Ebony Wings

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Blog Entries posted by Ebony Wings

  1. Ebony Wings
    I brought the issue of intra-Aqua relations and behavior up in a train wreck that happened last week, and was rather disappointed by the response I received when I tried to suggest that perhaps Aqua should try to hold itself to a higher standard where alliance behavior is concerned. There was apparently some confusion over what I said, which brought certain people to believe that I was making some sort of push for Aqua unity. I've been thinking over this issue for a while now, and I think it's time for me to explain what exactly I mean when I speak of Aqua holding itself to higher standards.
    Let's get one thing clear right off the bat: while we at Oceana would love to see a unified Aqua Team, most of us have enough foreign affairs experience to realize that we'll never see anything of the sort happen while Aqua remains such a politically diverse sphere. While we support the idea of Aqua unity, we're not going to try and squeeze blood from a rock. So what exactly does Oceana want from the Aqua Team? Oceana has always been committed to the peaceful growth and economic prosperity of the Aqua Team, a goal that we feel is best achieved by minimizing the amount of Aqua-on-Aqua conflict and by maintaining a positive image of our trading sphere in global politics.
    To be fair, there has been an absolute minimum of intra-sphere violence in the 2.5 year history of the Aqua Team; this isn't the problem area. The problem with the Aqua Team right now is that while violence might be at a minimum, the various alliances that call our trading sphere home just don't seem to be willing to go out of their way to prove Aqua's worth. Again, I'm not suggesting that all the members of Aqua should gather 'round the campfire to hold hands and sing Kumbaya. What I feel the Aqua Team needs at this point is a strong commitment to simple things like respectful intra-sphere relations and communications, courteous and ethical use of senate priveleges, and the continued economic development of the Aqua Team.
    This isn't to say that progress isn't being made, though. The Aquarium opened recently, and I feel that a little buy-in from the other inhabitants of Aqua could turn this politically neutral forum into a common grounds where the leaders of Aqua can meet to discuss the issues facing our team. Even if a consensus is never reached regarding the issues I've brought up here, we owe it to ourselves as members of Aqua to make every attempt to better our sphere nonetheless.
    Feel free to comment, and may Splash Woman bless your travels!
  2. Ebony Wings
    Since blogging is the trendy thing to do these days, I've decided to set up a blog that will contain both Oceana's latest news and our viewpoints on what's happening throughout the world. Be sure to tune in next entry, when I might actually have something to write about!
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