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Posts posted by Janquel

  1. [quote name='Great Lord Moth' date='12 June 2010 - 04:52 AM' timestamp='1276314745' post='2334429']
    Gotta love the greenlights. =D

    Fark's strength is probably gonna explode with all the new members expanding. This should be entertaining. =D

    A wonderfully high percentage of them actually registered on the forums and made it into IRC this time around. :)

  2. [quote name='Matt Miller' date='07 June 2010 - 02:16 AM' timestamp='1275873376' post='2327073']
    Oh lord, this was the poor college guy staple where I was. I haven't a clue how much of this died in my belly, but it was a lot. :)
    It was depressingly common near me, too. At least most parties managed to have Yuengling too, which is much, much better.

    Nice reviews, Matt ;)

  3. [quote name='avernite' date='02 February 2010 - 07:39 PM' timestamp='1265139540' post='2153673']
    No stealing my great ideas!

    (I support this idea, obviously, since I already suggested it BEFORE Polar entered the war twice :P )

    Didn't see that :P

    /complete sidenote: Great avatar - I have a copy of that book. Numbered, not lettered, but still :)

  4. The thing which most computers seem to be choking on is the typical 'say NS/alliance name on hover' functionality.

    I went ahead and took some screenshots/stitched them together. It blurred a tad, and some small bits were lost in the stitching process because my software apparently sucks, but it should still be serviceable.


    Linked for bloody huge

    But seriously, awesome chart, UE. You're great for keeping up with all these stat updates and providing the historical perspective/service to the players.

  5. That being said, forcing people to drink alcohol isn't exactly something you can hold over them if they dont want to do it. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some suds myself from time to time but holding the fact that some of them were not pleased with such against them seems a bit much. I guess they did agree to that though.

    While the focal point is going to be on the reviews because we used it as fodder for our election announcement, the sentiments expressed in the OP are not limited to that - there were a large number of terms violations to deal with which were not always met with expedient responses. As Quad noted in the second to last paragraph, in the past couple weeks, IRON's response time stepped up immensely, and they should be lauded for that. But for a fair portion of the terms, there did not appear to be much self-policing going on to ensure compliance.

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