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Posts posted by Janquel

  1. I have two questions?

    What's "tl;dr:" ?

    And why are you at war with The Legion again?

    tl;dr stands for too long; didn't read, and is commonly appended to long, well written posts, because many people who read the threads are too lazy to go through what they refer to as "walls of text."

    Recently, people are sometimes posting false information in their tl;drs (especially in shorter posts), in order to confuse those who don't bother to read the contents of the message itself.

  2. Trust me, we aren't trying to be rude. I made this DoW to have a more funny setup than a rude one. I apologize if you take it as rude.

    But I've even gone into the Valhalla IRC channel and wished your members the best of luck. Please believe me when I say that we aren't trying to be rude.

    Can't speak for everyone (and I'm not getting IGPMs from you guys :P) but I think that most people on all sides of the conflicts that we ourselves are in have been relatively polite, especially compared to some of the vitrol that's getting thrown around in some of the other fronts in the war.

    OOC: As a personal note, I don't see the point in getting all worked up like a lot of people do - I view these wars as large games of paintball. It could be my best friend in my crosshairs and I'd try as hard as I could to get him, but the next round I might find him at my back and there shouldn't be any hard feelings. Getting emotionally involved not only drains the fun from war because you start taking things too seriously, but it also leads to other problems, which is something that's been demonstrated elsewhere.

    IC: So I say again to you guys, welcome to the fray. I hope that you find some entertainment as things blow up around you ;)

  3. Well, since everyone's on at update, and can buy troops to counter your attacks, attacking when it's not update is a valid strategy, providing three nations all hit the opposing nation at once. It may not be as "effective" as a quad-update attack, if the opponent gets unlucky, but a skilled opponent will sit through a quad-update attack, but will get anarchied from a surprise triple. I suppose this goes to show IAA's respect for Valhalla, mixes with their easy-going attitude to provide viable war tactics :)

    Additionally, to play the devil's advocate, not everyone is from America - oftentimes it's very difficult for people to coordinate from opposite sides of the globe, so groups are organized based off of their time zones and availability in that sense, and work together. I expect that's a large part of the reason that such a large number of alliance-wide declarations of war have been at times other than update in this war.

  4. I'm pretty sure he meant NpO. :P

    Sorry, at work, don't have the details handy and don't have time to look them up. I remembered that you had signed a defense treaty with one of the Orders during the whole mod incident, and we have treaties with both Orders, so the central point still stands. Sorry for almost making you fall out of your chair ;)

    I hold no ill will toward Legion in this conflict, as we both entered with valid CB's (as did IAA, although I'm not fighting any of them), and there's members within Legion who can attest to this, not the least of which being the people that I'm fighting. We have a difficult past with one another, were working toward making amends, and situations beyond the control of either alliance erupted. There's no harm in recognizing that fact, and simply enjoying th fight for what it is - a war between two alliances upholding treaties.

  5. Does Valhalla have any terms of non-aggression with the ODN?

    If not would it not have been appropriate to strike ODN rather than the Legion.

    This has already been covered many times. ODN has a defense treaty with NPO, an alliance that we are also MDP'd with. We wanted to ensure that we would not only not be breaking any of our treaties, but also would not be placing our allies into awkward positions due to our own signed treaties.

  6. Those were fired seven days ago, if I got my math right... ;)

    At which point our government got in correspondence with the leaders of alliances who we had pacts with that were involved in the conflict, and our role evolved multiple times over the course of a couple days, eventually leading to our entering in this manner. The point I was trying to make is that we would not dissolve our treaties after they had been invoked, instead choosing to honor them by standing on the same side of the battlefield as our allies. The person I was replying to is correct in that there was technically multiple "choices" to make - but for an alliance who wishes for their word to mean something and expect to be upheld, there was truly only one choice for us to make.

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