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Caesar di Cesare

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Posts posted by Caesar di Cesare

  1. As Continuum started to lose members, of course we saw the threat that was developing. We knew where it was coming from and why. We had multiple opportunities to eliminate the risk with various CBs, but chose not to so as not to feed in to the Vox stereotype.

    Wow. Someone actually cared what Vox had to say? And it was you?

    Letting that reliquary of failures influence your decision-making may have been a mistake.

  2. Yeah, I know right? They totally need CBs to declare on you right now.

    Pfft. Rookies. You keep doin what you are doing, it's gonna end well.

    Yes. Hypocrisy has been a successful strategy in the past.

    Keep doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for different results. Let's see which of us gets frustrated first.

  3. And so it begins...IMHO, worse CB ever.

    Good luck to Ordo Verde.

    Spying on our allies? Check.

    Admission of guilt? Check.

    Reneging on good faith negotiations of a peaceful settlement? Double check.

    Ignoring a charitable offer to limit punishment to guilty individuals? Check.


    Yeah. This CB is no good. Your superior logic has convinced me that I am evil.

    Can't wait to see the bandwagon that trolls up to our doorstep hoping for a crack at "ending the hegemony". I bet their CB's will be bulletproof.

  4. As a former leader of LoSS and current member of TORN, I can tell it more honestly than anyone else.

    LoSS is an alliance full of savvy, ambitious players. They know the game. They have survived under conditions that would have caused any other alliance to disband.

    They make smart moves. I can speak about some from direct experience. The LoSS-TPF treaty? Yeah, that started as a handshake between TheBigBad and myself. We looked at a situation facing our alliances and saw something in our mutual interest, and the trust held between two friends built that treaty.

    A lot of agreements were made that way.

    When the players who built them move on, things fall by the wayside. Unintentionally. Accidentally.

    The truth is, a number of LoSS's treaties had begun to stagnate this way, and it can't be blamed entirely upon them because the burden for maintaining a relationship is incumbent upon both parties.

    People may be critical of the timing of a cancellation that comes at a time of uncertainty and speculation, perhaps a time of impending war, but I cannot think of a better time to take stock of the value one places in relationships and to assess whether and to what extent the relationships even exist.

    LoSS found that their principles were incompatible with the actions of treatied alliances with which they felt little affinity after time. So they made a big cancellation move. So people got pissed off and called them classless or cowards.

    Whatever. They're honest. They're smart.

    And as for TORN? Well. That sort of thing, smart, honest, or otherwise, is incommensurable with our philosophy of allies. So we go separate ways.

    Dial down the rhetoric. Everyone is just doing what needs to be done.

  5. I like how you think that just because your allies have the guns to back you up means you can do whatever the hell you want unchallenged.

    Where there is injustice there shall be dissent.

    I like how you think that anyone cares what you have to say.

    I'd say this action is about as just as they come. It's unfortunate, but just.

  6. I sympathize with you.

    You were given a lot of opportunities, a lot of license, and a lot of credit.

    In spite of that, we haven't received our pound of gold. The only step left is extracting the pound of flesh.

    And yeah... That is unfortunate for you.

  7. Look Brendan, I was a diplomat to TORN.

    They're a bunch of classless and heartless jerks and that's putting it lightly. They destroy small alliances without protectorates and when they go to TORN about it asking them to stop their replies are "Your tears are delicious" or "what is this I don't even..."

    TORN doesn't need an excuse to fight, they just needed an excuse to get to fight BAM.

    Nah, we really didn't. It just so happened they were more than willing to give us one by ripping us off. Imagine that.

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