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I am nobody

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Posts posted by I am nobody

  1. AvalanceFlag2


    Although you might look at the soldiers of Nordreich, The Last Remnants, and Non Grata fighting in the mountains of CRAP and think the area seems quite picturesque, we feel it is our responsibility per The Mountain Compact to war them that mountains can be very hazardous. In particular, we emphasize the importance of quickly reporting to the nearest safety authorities should they notice any signs of Avalanche conditions in the area. Remember, safety is everyone's responsibility!


  2. I assumed the NAO/SCS war was as unbalanced when it started as it currently looked, which going back and looking at the nation graphs, is completely and terribly wrong, My mistake. 


    I've sent peace to both of you; take it now/send counter attacks and your own peace/keep fighting. Your choice. The original war was clearly fair when it started, and this one is not. 

  3. Our recent Alpine Patroller election had to be extended by 48 hours due to how incredibly close it was, but it is now over and a new Avalanche team has been appointed. Results are as follows:

    Alpine Patroller: I am nobody

    Nordic Patroller: Nitropenta

    Mountain Host: SirDog

    Auxiliary Patrollers: The Pink Pansy and Minion Rouse

    SirDog opted not to run for reelection and took the position of Mountain Host instead. Nitropenta moved from Auxiliary to Nordic Patroller. Minion Rouse has joined the Team for the fist time, and I've moved from Nordic to Alpine Patroller.

    We look forward to [s]destroying all of Planet Bob[/s] a great conclusion to our first year!

  4. Yes.

    THIS IS A POLITICAL SIMULATOR PEOPLE. The point of a simulator is to emulate, at least to an extent, some form(s) of reality. If you really think that the fallout of a nuclear explosion quite literally is contained within the borders of one nation, well, I pit you and whoever taught you that notion.

    We should probably fix all this as well:

    -A 40k NS nation being able to support as many planes and navy vessels as a 200k NS nation.

    -A 30k NS nation being able to support as many nukes as said 200k NS nation.

    -Soldiers just kind of appearing. Why does hiring 150,000 soldiers not have an affect on your population? There can't be that many mercs in the world.

    -The world's ability to support 30,000 nations

    -Being nuked 5+ times kills everyone in your country.

    -There is no limit on how many times you can attack/be attacked.

    -There is no limit on how many attacks of any form you can use per day. Especially for air force. (seeing as one CN day /= one RL day, shouldn't we be able to launch far more attacks? And for that matter, to be able to deploy more than once?

    -Thousands of nukes being dropped result in a nuclear winter, causing everyone to die.

    -You can have as many trade slots as you want

    -You cannot build your country on water or move it whenever you want

    -You are not limited to 5 of each improvement

    - Etc, etc, etc

    This is game is fun, but it is not realistic. The fact that nukes would affect other nations IRL is not a reason to include that in this game.

    EDIT: Also, this would result in new nations being in bill lock within a couple days. That would kill the game.

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