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Posts posted by Iserlohn

  1. [quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1323329470' post='2868838']
    You actually spent time writing this.

    This is literally a thing.

    No, it's just a find and replace of "Charge of the Light Brigade".

    Which was about a group of cavalrymen who got wrong orders and charged straight into artillery and died.

  2. The ultimate winner of WPE is going to have to be

    [b]1) Prolific - lots of awful posts
    2) Emphatic - very awful posts
    3) Consistent - has been posting badly for a long time[/b]

    Duncan isn't prolific enough to stay (#1). Schattenmann lost out because of #3, since apparently "This Week in Pacifica" or whatever it was called (before my time) was good enough to partially cancel out his going off the deep end later on. There are plenty of other posters that lose out because of #2, but I doubt that they were nominated because the posts weren't awful enough to register in people's minds when they were thinking of people to nominate.

  3. [quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1300129579' post='2664767']
    If NPO made a satire of an apology of dubious sincerity made by Doomhouse to an alliance two years after it had kept said alliance at war for two years, then Doomhouse would retroactively cite said satire in a declaration of war they have already made?

    We've got to go deeper.

    [b]D O O M H O U S E[/b]

  4. [quote name='assarax' timestamp='1296172256' post='2606300']
    Perhaps if if the joke had actually been coherent instead of a bunch of inane rambling...

    Seriously, I thought you all would have wittier responses than what I've seen thus far. What I have seen has left me somewhat disappointed. Where's the hate Legion's so used to? You can do better than that! Pathetic warchests aside, the responses from our buddies over at Doomhouse have been pretty lacking.

    It's not hate, it's pity. It's always been pity. "Worst Alliance Ever" isn't given to the biggest enemy, it's given to the alliance that is worst and fails most at [b]being an alliance.[/b] UPN was a finalist, and it certainly wasn't because they're threatening to anybody.

    You either 1) failed your blitz, or 2) are holding back for the counter, or 3) you're deliberately doing the minimum possible to fulfill treaty obligations.

    Assuming the whole point of your attack is to take some heat off NPO, you failed since your blitz was weak and the quality of your attackers was generally low. There's no need to focus especially hard on you, so we can keep doing what we were doing. Additionally, declaring on us alone only delays counters by a day or two, and you've squandered plenty of time already.

    Tick tock.

  5. [quote name='Mirreille' timestamp='1296113249' post='2605073']
    I am glad you liked them. here's another one you might enjoy. I had to wait to see if there were going to be any counters before I used it:

    Those are total number of wars declared by each alliance in their blitz, right? :v:

  6. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1295416764' post='2583211']
    Sweet. I'm very eager to see how the alliance who frequently accepts rogues to stir trouble; tries to generate CBs out of thin air openly; managed to lose more NS in a month than GOONS did when we were being nuked by 20 people; and split apart and fought with itself and lost is going to do against iFOK. Even with the handicap of 6 vs 1, you guys might want to get some help.

    I believe this qualifies as an [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/0kGFq.gif[/IMG]

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