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Posts posted by Jiros

  1. Hello all,


    I am sure many alliances have members that are busy over the festive period with holidays or just celebrating with family and friends. D1 are proposing a festive truce between alliances. I am informed that similar has been achieved in the past and looking to see if there is interest. I have reached out to a few people already to see if there was any interest and thought it would be best to post on the forum.


    Based on some discussions the 23rd of December to the 3rd of January was the most popular however, this can be adjusted if required.  


    Feel free to post your thoughts and sign up if interested, or if someone else would like to organise feel free :D


    Either way I hope and wish everyone in TE a very merry Christmas and a Happy New year, all the best in 2020!




  2. I don't mind this bit of action from MHA, gives me something to do other than pressing the same couple of buttons every day.

    The tech difference sucks (lazy tech buyer that I am)  and for some reason, I can't resist smashing navy and aircraft against tech. Forever the optimist, thinking the next attack will be different ...... when will I learn.


    However, this is where I take issue with MHA (and others in CN over the years) it is unfair 😛 to attack us in the last couple of weeks in March and last week in Oct/first in Nov. Update at 5am is just not fair, I just ain't that committed to CN unless I need to be up for work. Does not seem like a coincidence to me. I wonder if we could get every alliance to sign an agreement to leave us be in these weeks going forward 🤔


    Also, no comment on my new overlord in pink, think if it was just me and him I could take him   

  3. 1 hour ago, Franz Ferdinand said:

    You probably should amend your treaties section on the forums in that case.


    You are right.

    I fixed it ..... kind of ..... it will just have to suffice for now.


    1 hour ago, The Chief said:

    Think you may be the only person to have visited the forum in years but you are absolutely correct MRr FF. 

    im amazed it’s still there



    If I deleted it we would save any work required to update it.... 

  4. That was my first thought as well. Except that it was "they did what?"

    I was racking my brain for alliance blocks whose initials are "DF."

    SF = alliance bloc. I think Scotland Forever will have to come up with something less confusing for the rest of us.

    suppose we could go with Scot, or something along those lines. We can still be found at #SF on coldfront. I get confused and i am in the alliance

    Anyway i just moved back to SF and its good to see the current gov doing some good work.

    o/ Dark Fist

    o/ us

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