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Werner von Hermann

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Posts posted by Werner von Hermann

  1. [quote name='Eamon' date='21 February 2010 - 09:18 AM' timestamp='1266772710' post='2195133']
    Lot of foolish talk in this thread about cowardice and bravery and what not. There's no bravery and cowardice in CN just people who care about their stats and people who don't (btw one isn't really better than the other provided you don't make alliances you love your stats too much to keep.) Certainly AJ has the advantage in the war I'm fighting with him, he's got nukes and spies due to dropping NS neither of which I can support at my level but then again we have numbers and aid to help. I'm getting my arse handed to me but there you go we made a promise to SWF and we don't care too much about our stats not to keep it.

    Anyway being nuked twice at a mere 75 days old is quite an honour. :nuke:
    You're a better man than I. I still hold to my opinion of cowardice; he admitted to purposely lowering his NS while still holding on to the military strength of a veteran nation. It's just how I see it.

    Glad to have you in INT Eamon.

  2. [quote name='Evitressa' date='20 February 2010 - 06:31 PM' timestamp='1266719507' post='2194416']
    Pitiful excuse for a human being? I guess you're pretty mad. But it makes sense, there's a large box of destruction just unloading itself all over your lower tier, of which you nor any of the commie alliances have an effective plan for stopping. Truth be told I was going to declare on the ONE guy that hit him, but his nation was trashed by the time I got an open offensive slot. But thank you for admitting that none of your nations stand little to any chance of winning, let alone surviving. It must help your alliances morale to know that you hold such faith in them.

    Rest assured I will be jumping in on the next nation(s) that attacks him, I promise.

    AJ, need 50 tech? I've got near 400.
    Contrary to popular belief, being an idealist does not shield our eyes from reality. If you were to be attacked by him, you'd be dead by the next morning. Explain to me how any other 8k NS nation, who did not act in the same cowardice, is to succeed. You would flee and plea for mercy, while we have a few brave souls willing to stand up against this terrorist. Actually, you wouldn't flee, you would join him, as you have, and prey on the helpless along side him.

    The "being" thing was a little melodramatic, but the guy is a very sad case. It always depresses me to see Reason and logic so twisted.

    p.s. Funny, I came to that conclusion about your character before I even read your signature. Your words betray you.

  3. [quote name='astronaut jones' date='18 February 2010 - 04:53 PM' timestamp='1266540800' post='2190717']
    Yes, cowards often declare wars against entire alliances, leaving themselves severely outnumbered. You sure got me there.
    I'm glad you agree. I guess you gain some points for acknowledging your short-comings. I mean, most people wouldn't admit to being a pitiful excuse for a human being by purposefully getting in range of nations that stand little to no chance of winning a war, let along survival.

  4. [quote][quote name='Believland' date='12 February 2010 - 12:44 PM' timestamp='1266007496' post='2178067']
    o/ AJ

    I suspect you'll be going after CPCN next? :v
    [quote name='astronaut jones' date='12 February 2010 - 12:57 PM' timestamp='1266008245' post='2178091']
    Perhaps. To be quite honest, the only socialist/communist alliance I could think of off the top of my head was SWF, hence the declaration against them. Now that I am aware of many other communist/socialist alliances that are nothing more than bourgeois capitalist pigs, I will be going after them in an effort to get them to redistribute their wealth. The amount I have asked for them to redistribute is small, and I made not restrictions on who it goes to, so long as they are less fortunate, hard working nations that are in need of a boost.

    The sum is paltry, when I know there are nations amongst them that are sitting on mountains of cash, while they masquerade around as working men and women, growing fat while others around them suffer.

    The hypocrisy must end.
    He was making fun [b]of[/b] you, not with you, and so is everyone else. Enjoy what spoils of war you gain now, for you are a traitor to the movement and will be [s]purged[/s] removed from the game.

    [quote]considering that I am currently sitting at 8k NS with 10 nuclear weapons, you are correct. You are, however, wrong in your assumption that it is I who will be in the nuclear bonfire, as I have purposely shed infrastructure, land, and technology to attain my current strength.[/quote]
    Wow, I thought you were a victim of war and got knocked down in glory, but the truth is that you are a frightful coward.

  5. [quote]Hydra: The guy who's going to beat your pasty pharaoh butt with three Blue-Eyes White Dragons, that's who! (summons three Blue-Eyes White Dragons)

    SOS Brigade: Wait a minute, did you just summon a bunch of monsters in one turn?

    Hydra: Yeah, so?

    SOS Brigade: That's against the rules, isn't it?

    Hydra: Screw the rules, I have money![/quote]

    Get ready Hydra, for Exodia!!!!! :awesome:

    Fun, fun. Go get 'em SOS!!!

  6. I distinctly remember our government ordering us not to attack until our DoW was posted, which therefore renders your assertion that "Alliance in-game DoWs are always done before Forum DoWs" null and void, as something cannot "always" be done yet have an exception.

    It is a matter of courtesy that a declaration of war precedes actual hostile action, it is to be expected. Note that during the Karma War, NPO was decried for having attacked 30 minutes prior to the actual DoW, yours came after an even longer time.

    Really? You're going to play the SAT-test card and call him on his use of an absolute? A clearly desperate tactic, even in a completely pointless discussion.

    Who says it "is" a matter of courtesy; and that it "is" to be expected? I for one don't look to the forums for a DoW if I get attacked; I look to my government for either orders to retaliate or to stand down till further orders. I received the order to attack, and so I did.

  7. really? after peace? Well if you wanna try that one then you didn't take a look at mine did ya? oh that's right, nobody from any of the three alliances we were at war with could take the time, or grow the pair necessary, to attack me. I really wanted you to though. Personally, if I were picking targets I'd red flag a nation like mine (smaller and nuclear) and send my best men to destroy it quickly. Apparently the spine required to do so was lacking. Though honestly a good choice. My nukes would have decimated your forces and my half a year warchest would have made sure that your men would cry themselves to sleep.

    Look I can measure my e-peen too.

    Sorry, couldn't see you way down there. Maybe if you focused on building you glorious free-market economy rather than nukes, we could have met on the battle field. I'm sure you feel good about nuking 15k NS nations.

  8. Like it would have made a difference. You were already involved in a war with our allies, meaning all your members knew what to expect; were in DC1, severe; max soldiers; etc, etc; AND expect counter attacks!

    Yes, our orders were scrambled and lost in all the confusion, but it was unintentional. Deal with it.

  9. I snuck into the picture!

    The International are a great alliance, wonderful friends and allies to ODN and many others, staunch consumers of orange caek in vast quantities, and the most successful vanguard the Bobian proletariat has yet to see.

    Onwards and upwards, comrades!

    I was more than happy to oblige to your request for more penguins in the picture, and invite an ODN observer to the party.

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