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Posts posted by Maxxx

  1. I'd like to be the first to congratulate GOONS on a new milestone as they descend via the path of Justice. Too long have they been on the path of the unjust, and now - finally - they are finally well on their way to justice just as they wanted. For too long they have had a higher total nation strength than Pacifica, but that is no longer. Good luck to GOONS as you descend farther on this path to justice!

    New Pacific Order 785 671 85% 11,627,666 14,812 1,412 47.01

    Goon Order Of Neutral Shoving 801 586 73% 11,614,381 14,500 2,052 47.13

    Wasn't that the whole point of this war.

  2. Scotland Forever indeed. Greatest country on the earth.

    On the down side you are not doing a good job representing said country.

    The Scotts honor there word come victory or peril. How is that not doing a good job of representing their country?

  3. So, I've been keeping an eye out on things, and I've noticed that everyone's yet again managed to piss off everyone else and have declared armageddon on everyone else. Again.

    As the leader of my alliance, the "What Would John Moses Browning Do?" alliance, I feel compelled to announce that we intend to remain neutral in this conflict. Simply put, it isn't our business, by and large, and I have a feeling we'd just end up greasing someone's gears if we did get involved.

    So, we're officially not involved. We are going to peace mode until this whole mess is over, just to enforce our non-involvement

    That's all. There's nothing to see here. Move along.

    -Zephir, WWJMBD leader and Dictator-For-Life.

    First I like to say that I love the name of your alliance. Secondly, going into peace mode is probably overkill. Of all the bad things in CN, alliances that declare neutrality are left alone. All that will really do is shoot your own foot in terms of growth, but if that is what you think you need to do then more power to you.

  4. Too bad to see this Kimber. I always thought very highly of you. Well, good luck with the end results. I hope the world will have some mercy on your rogue maneuvers.

    Why the disrespect. Just picking a fight. I thought you would respect that.

  5. He's more relevant than you'll ever be Iago hah.

    Yes lets hide behind the fact that the three alliances that pounced on GS might have actually done a good job. Sure, explain away everything.

    Three on one you say? OK, good job. There, I said it. Good job at having a such an advantage just to have GS thumb there noses at you.

    *Maxxx lifts his kilt to get some sun on his...*

  6. Ok, sorry it took so long to reply. I did get a GREAT ab workout from the lulz though. Who the hell cares about infra? We'll go down, but it's nothing that can't be regained. We'll destroy a lot more than we'll loose. Please take this as notification, official notification, that Golden Sabres will not surrender, consider us as a mini FAN in that respect. Please do expect to loose lots of your precious infra though. :D

    That out of the way,

    If you care to save your precious infra (since you know we are going to destroy it until we have nothing left to destroy and then continue past that) you can surrender to us under terms that are almost as generous as GenMays (sorry, we're not that nice).

    1.) Change your AA to "Golden Sabres POW"

    2.) Decom all military to just above anarchy levels

    3.) Post a resignation thread

    4.) Do not attack GS or any of her allies for the duration of this war.

    Very fair terms.

  7. If you knew anything about that treaty, you would know that the motivation for it had little to nothing to do with global radiation. In fact, the New Pacific Order has had a non-nuclear first strike policy since long before the advent of the GRL.

    In no large-scale war has any alliance (other than FAN) endorsed the use of nuclear weapons in an aggressive capacity. I'd say the location of the "moral high ground" is clear.

    Wrong x 2

    :nuke: NpO :nuke: attacked FAN, not the other way around. :nuke: NpO :nuke: nuked FAN first, not the other way around. FAN was on defence through the entire war. To clam that FAN used nukes in "an aggressive capacity" is a joke.

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