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Posts posted by Mozaffar

  1. This right here, don't fool yourselves and believe "Karma" is doing anything to change the way we play.

    I'm glad I'm in an alliance that does, and I don't really care if there are 50 or 300 nations in that alliance. Anyone who pays more attention to the amount of members in an alliance then it's character doesn't belong in the NSO and should just go to some Citadel alliance or something.

  2. The peace nation thing applies only to GATO, who aren't one of the alliances at war with us. If GATO want to declare on us and make that term their part of the surrender terms, then I'd understand and accept their right to do so, but not a group of fear and vengeance driven alliances acting in their name, especially as GATO themselves have requested they be kept out of this. Besides, wanting to kill our banks has nothing to do with what we did to GATO, that is just the excuse being used. It is to knock down their strength and get us out of sanction. We already know that.

    So let me get this straight the rules your trying to propose for just and morally justifiable surrender terms are, according to you, that the alliance needs to have personally underwent the very same surrender terms they are proposing to another alliance. Strange that NPO & friends only thought up this doctrine when they could very well be on the receiving end of these terms.

    edit: For the reason of keeping the game interesting and I think some lingering nostalgia I support not too harsh peace terms for the NPO. But certainly not because of the NPO membership coming to this forum talking about how harsh peace terms are unfair.

  3. People have been fired under such circumstances--in the NFL it is considered tampering and can cost a team draft picks. I also know of RL companies that have stopped doing business with others because they poached employees. Poaching in the business world in general is absolutely frowned upon. It is the reason that there are 'no compete' clauses in contracts.

    No, the "it's no big deal" defense doesn't work.

    And in football (as in what us in Europe play) it is a, to speak with a sense of understatement, pretty widespread to try to "poach" players from other clubs. Not just transfers but also approaching the player privately if negotiations with the club break down to try to get a breakthrough.

  4. Just got online for the first time in two days to see all of this, got to say I'm pretty unimpressed. I don't find this whole "poaching" that upsetting, it certainly doesn't make the NSO the most evul alliance eva. As is pretty much standard this time of the year people are getting bored and are looking for drama, no matter how trivial it is.

    o/ NSO

  5. A crowd is gathered at the national rallying grounds, anxiously awaiting their spiritual leader and national ruler, the Holy Filibuster Urban IV. It is raining and getting the dark, Urban IV being well over a hour late they sing patriotic songs to stay entertained. Finally a limousine reaches the rallying ground making it's way through the crowd. It's flanked by a small army of militia members, part of the bodyguard of the Filibuster, they are firing their rifles in the air to keep the crowd at a distance and marking their arrival at the same time.

    Finally the car arrives at the small stage. Out comes the Holy Filibuster, wearing a purple toga and clutching a phonebook the elderly man makes his way to the stage. Several women in the crowd faint at the sight of this great man while many cheer at him, hailing the man who has taken the nation of Amsterdam Phonebook from rags to riches. As he gets ready for his speech, the crowd gets quiet:

    "Compatriots! Fish don't fry in the kitchen, beans don't burn on the grill. It took a whole lot of trying, just to get up that hill. Now we're up in the big leagues, getting our turn at bat! We have joined the Neverland Ranch a young alliance, we have decided to unite with others to protect our way of life, our freedom, our ideals. Forever will our nation be loyal to the Ranch, or at least up to the end of this round!"

    The crowd cheers at this jubilant news and many of them just happened to have brought flags of the Neverland Ranch to the rally, which is now being flown together with that of Amsterdam Phonebook (the logo of the Yellow Pages). The Holy Filibuster continues his speech:

    "We can already see our enemies criticizing our way of life, our culture. They are disgusted by our love for all of God's children, they know we would never hurt any living being but still they hope to bring us down. Here is a warning for these vultures, if you try anything we will bring you down and destroy you! You better run, you better do what you can! Don't wanna see no blood, don't be a macho man. You wanna be tough, better do what you can. So beat it, just beat it."

    As the Holy Filibuster finishes his sentence flags of Murder Inc start to be put on fire and are trampled on. Militia members are keeping a watchful eye as they are patrolling through the crowd.

    "Our religion is a religion of peace. We would never harm anyone, but we will not sit idly by while we and our friends are insulted by these false prophets! I call on you that if it comes to war you will defend us, our nation and our Ranch!"

    As one the crowd answers his call screaming in unity that they will defend it to the death, after which they try to push towards the stage to get a clear sight at the Holy Filibuster. Small fights are starting to break out throughout the crowd as people foaming at the mouth start accusing each other of not making enough noise, being unpatriotic or even a traitor to the fatherland. While the Holy Filibuster is being evacuated his bodyguard unsuccessfully tries to calm the uproar which would continue for several more hours.

  6. I vote for one of the Order flags. Simply the best design. As far as I'm concerned flags should be relatively simple without any fancy things to make them nice is cool but some of these flags just aren't flags anymore. MHA flag is also pretty cool and should have been in here.

  7. Do you really think it would be possible to pay of such reps "quickly?"

    Even if you didn't apply any restrictions it would still take some time for us to pay them off and rebuild. If Karma is as strong as you say it is you should have no problem taking care of us if we do anything "evul" again anyway.

    And we clearly said in the op that we lost.

    Good to see NPO members again, long time no seeeeeee. I notice you haven't been following this forum that much, using an argument that has been getting debunked for well over a month. "Karma" or at least the alliances that are or were fighting the former-Hegemony will be parting ways after this conflict. Between the lines you can already see the "lines being drawn".

    It might be a difficult concept for you to grasp, still stuck in the Hegemony mindset, but these alliances have never been intent on shaping a new Hegemony. Destroying the old one is good enough.

    Once this war is over, it could very well be that parts of the old Karma could be fighting each other and can't really be bothered to do something about NPO. In this case they best make sure that the NPO is crippled. Any treaty less then this isn't a peace, it's an armistice for a year (thanks Ferdinand Foch!).

    Regardless I still chuckle at the sight of NPO members complaining about high reparations. Might makes right is only valid when it's you that's on top?

  8. I would definately say that Karma is a large scale offensive (most of the DoW's are from Karma's side) used vy some or all of a defending force to seize the intiative from the NPO. I fail to see how an alliance with not one defensive slot in use is in a defensive war.

    Just because it's unwise for the enemy to declare more wars doesn't mean it suddenly ceases being the aggressor in this conflict. I think what you fail to see is taking offensive on the military front, and the offensive on a diplomatic front (declaring wars without a proper casus belli or simply coming to the defense of your treaty partner).

  9. This is a lie. PZI lasts until the alliance in question feels like they need a PR boost, or simply have too much else on their plate to worry about.

    This coming from the guy who was PZId for over a year before getting off.

    Pretty sure there was someone who came to MK back when I was there who was at least 9 months in bill lock before getting off PZI as well. Can't remember who it was though.

    Some people may get off with an apology, most don't. Most just delete and reroll.

    Right on, actually I think that officially I'm still on ZI list. This one person from Old Guard was in charge of clearing me but never seemed to truly be bothered to respond to multiple people asking for updates on their surrender...

  10. My opinions.

    Karma - Citadel participiants and close allies = Out there to bring higher morality and principles to the game..following words with actions...They also seek some sort of power too.

    Karma - Most of the rest = They just want Vengeance, following NPO's footsteps...they seek power and are willing to exercise/abuse it.

    Karma - Rest of the rest = Band wagoners and turncoats... Seek survival and power.

    NPO: Put us in deep !@#$.

    IRON: meh

    In the pre-war situation, seeking power and survival is essentially the same. Without power, your open to being curbstomped and possibly even being put in perpetual war and this could very well continue, a lack of power could very well threaten your survival. The reason the Hegemony dared to attack Ordo Verde was because of a perceived lack of power. Any alliance has to seek power, be this through their foreign policy, public relations, recruitment or nation-building.

  11. Nobody tried to Bail on NPO. We still had treaties with them at the time, and we honored our obligation. We sent NPO a message. That particular message had nothing to do with the war and everything to do with the utter lack of communication NPO was exhibiting. They dragged us into certain actions, then pulled themselves out without even a heads up. We began to feel like we were being jerked around, so we did the only thing we could do to get their attention.

    Of course, I don't really need to explain why we do what we do to anyone, lol you can think what you want to think, but we honored our treaty obligations to the letter. We didn't cancel that. NPO did through their actions or the lack thereof.

    If I remember correctly, MCXA gave a slightly different explanation. I guess this one happens to be the most convenient. If you considered this the only way to communicate with them properly, what the hell were you doing so closely allied to them? I'm going to guess that NPO didn't just stop communicating with IRON from one day to the other.

    You can take your wrong-headed perception and shove it mister. Not one of our opponents would call us "cowardly", and quite frankly, I'm tired of seeing it. We lost the war because we were going to lose it anyway. You can't cheat the math.

    If you were running an alliance, I'd be honored not to be tied to you. :)

    Actually at the start of the war, after the CoC still honored their alliance there wasn't this big curbstomp-class difference that better organization couldn't overcome. It wasn't anywhere near the kind of curbstomps that we have seen in the past.

    A war is obviously never lost for one reason, but of the reasons that this war was won, one was certainly that at the start Karma was given a strategic and PR advantage thanks to the CoC delaying it's entry into the war giving away the initiative to Karma. Karma, right at the formative phase of the war had more time to organize and prepare for a large part of the Hegemony entering into the war.


    My views may not necissarily represent the views of IRON. No refunds. No exchanges. Not responsible for lesions, tumors, spontaneous combustion, hommorhaging from the eyes, or pregnancies which may result from chancing upon the demented ramblings which are, as stated, my sole view and mine alone.

    Nah, I don't think IRON will be attacked over this by NSO or Karma or anyone else over this. With a bit of luck, the time of these kind of disclaimers just might be over. Be thankful

  12. For NPO, it might actually change. Should they manage to fight their way back to their previous position I will have some form of respect for them, where I previously did not. It's not that difficult to keep the status quo in check and if I was a member I would long have looked for a new challenge. It's like playing a game at "easy" mode while loudly proclaiming how good your at it.

    For IRON, other then being close Hegemony allies I have always had a ""meh" opinion. The people who seem to have fought them like them though so I guess that's a pro. On the other hand I won't forgot how they tried to bail on the NPO right at the start of the war which just stays !@#$@#$ cowardly, probably has been a big reason for them losing this the war and is the reason that if I was running an alliance I would never ally to them.

  13. It's funny how the EXACT thing you whine about NPO doing you don't mind doing yourself. Bama is doing EXACTLY what you did EVERY time NPO gave terms, and yet, you doing it somehow makes it better. The freaking hypocrisy is so blatantly obvious, it's sad.

    I think it is interesting how far you are trying to run NPO into the ground. All I'll say on topic is that I hope they get the terms they deserve.

    NPO deserves the reparations of this magnitude, they didn't flinch while giving these kind of reparations to GPA, MK and NpO and boy had they been given the chance they would have given them to FAN as an end to the second war. If any alliance deserves this treatment it's the NPO.

    I'm getting the idea that Alzheimer's disease is becoming prevalent across Planet Bob, in particular in alliances previously allied to the NPO.

  14. It all truly depends on whether NPO can go back from being Hegemon guarding the status quo to being an effective powerbroker in a multilateral world as they were before at least GWII. Should the NPO be able to make that transition then I am sure there will be a comeback, especially if the "omg karma is as bad as hegemony" crowd gets their way And if there is a comeback, they'll take out their enemies one by one.

    I've seen someone warning that the NPO could end up in a perpetual war much like the FAN. It wouldn't even be that bad of an idea to keep their influence in check.

  15. There appears to be some unresolved issues between myself and New Sith Order. This thread exists so myself and NSO can each express their sides and after the airing of grievances is complete, we can all move on.

    In this thread I am not representing Athens in the slightest, just as myself as a former member of NSO.

    NpO, this doesn't concern you.

    STA, I apologize for this post being in your State of the Alliance thread, that wasn't the place for it. I have nothing but o/ for you. Assuming you accept my apology for that post, this also doesn't concern you.

    Here are some of the issues I have with NSO. If you're going to reply and address these issues specifically, please use numbers so everything looks and stays all organized.

    1. Lack of communication from the government. This has been by far my #1 issue since I was head of Internal Affairs, and I had worked hard to make sure that government operations were being divulged to the citizenry in a timely matter. Following my departure from that role, communication from the government to the people was drastically reduced.

    2. Ivan Moldavi said several times that NSO would not be signing treaty blocs. Terra-Cotta Pact was a treaty bloc, though it was a color sphere thing and the citizenry could see the negotiations taking place in the Brown alliance embassies.

    3. Frostbite - a treaty bloc. This bloc was not at all talked about to the general NSO public. Having a treaty with STA and NpO are completely understandable and justified - no person in NSO would oppose them due to the history of those alliances and the NSO. Still, due to how many times that Ivan said that NSO would not be signing into treaty blocs its curious that such a dramatic change in paradigm of a leader would occur without the knowledge of the citizenry.

    3a. This does not mean I oppose treaty blocs, just that if a leader says something over and over and it's a big issue with them, and then they completely reverse themselves, the people should know about it at least a few minutes before it hits the OWF.

    4. Holy good gravy, people brought all their biases with them in NSO. The GGA-Athens-NPO thread was a mess. (I'm not including TPF because noone doubted mhawk's account of the events). We're talking about people screaming and swearing at me in the NSO channel because I'm refusing to automatically take an anti-GGA stance. In the history of NSO, GGA has never done anything against NSO. In fact, GGA assisted NSO by taking LadyDakota off of their ZI list so they could join. And I'm getting flamed to hell because of the position I'm taking in this thread searching for the truth (posting screenshots, putting together the evidence, instead of saying "OMG GGA FAILS CAUSE THEY'RE GGA") and it's like the biggest betrayal to them.

    5. What's with the treaty with The Liquor Cabinet? You know their Theodore Roosevelt (what's the equivalent of that rank?) RandomInterrupt, like two days after he leaves NSO, publicly insults NSO for accepting baseballer as a member and says he'll laugh when baseballer fails.

    6. The whole concept of government making decisions without telling the citizenry - I'm not even saying the people should have a choice, just for them to know - and then distracting them with shiny objects (the Frostbite sig) so they can go on a mass hail fest seems a little... yeah, a little NPO.

    7. My Sileathonomics thread on these forums did not concern NSO to the degree to which I was insulted within it. That is the biggest motivation for this thread.

    I suck, etc - let's hear it NSO, get it all out in the open because you know I like to keep things public.

    Once it's all been said and gotten out in the open, we can move on, you guys as a great alliance, and me in Athens keeping it real with the convenienct free speech clause in the constitution.

    In case it's not very clear - this is not the place for statements about Athens. Air your grievances about me all you want, but Athens has done nothing to deserve your disrespect.

    First of all, I would like to emphasize that I think you were a good NSO member, intelligent and ambitious, much more then I have ever been, though I'd suggest, no offense intended, to keep a check on your attitude. I think had you approached the public about your plans in a different way you would have been more successful, the most dramatic example being the 3 million - 50 tech plan which you could have first shown to the public as a proposal rather as an order. I hope you'll take these things into account in your future alliance.

    I'll be replying to those points I've got anything to say on, for example in the case of point 4 I wasn't there so who am I to judge.

    2. It's a fact that these things happen backdoor. We don't need to get our hopes up for nothing. Regardless opinions can change, I didn't expect to happen this fast but relations between NpO, STA and the NSO were already reaching towards that of a de facto bloc. Operating together as a official bloc just makes us work together more efficiently. What I would hope, and fully expect, is that Frostbite holds a high standard when it comes to admitting new alliances.

    5. Look at it's membership and it's past affiliations. Look at our membership. Relations between NSO and tLC prospering can't really come as a surprise.

    6. If I remember correctly, though I could be mistaking, that with a lot of your economic plans you did the same. First starting them up and only then debating about it.

  16. I won't say "as bad" as NPO/Q were, I'll say "the same" as NPO/Q were.

    Mainly because a good portion of the NS lined up on the Karma side of things are members of the hated Hegmony who "found the light" so to speak when all this Karma talk got rolling a few months ago.

    And I'm glad they did, without them the Hegemony would never have fallen and this would have been another noCB war, with the same consequences. Which is why it's not surprising (addressing your remark later on in this post) that their past affiliations have not been such a huge problem.

    Regardless the past affiliations of a member's alliance do not change the morality of Karma and they do not change the wrongdoings of the Hegemony.

    We will see if many of those old leopards have truly changed their spots, once the power blocs of the post war world settle into place we'll see if there is a return to aggressive diplomacy that has been used on Bob for years now by many of those alliances. I've saw hints of it as Karma's goals are accomplished and the foundation for Karma breaks apart as this war winds down.

    No doubt that aggressive diplomacy will continue, it will truly depend on the alliance. I expect especially the former Hegemony alliances to have problems adjusting to the new geopolitical realities and persist in their old attitudes. What is much, much more important is that there is no longer one bloc dictating the way things are going in Planet Bob. Karma has always been a one-time effort, I'm no insider but expect new blocs such as Frostbite to appear in the coming weeks, perhaps in some cases even pairing a few alliances from both sides together.

    I do wonder what will be the new rallying point in this new post-Karma world. Hatred of the NPO is still strong now but post war it will be quickly fading from fashion. Bob will always have that polarizing alliance that people who aren't even in contact with will hate just because of what they read on here. It was both Orders, then after the Polar rolling it was was just NPO/Q/1V. Now who is left to hate? I'm sure some alliance or bloc will quickly become the new bad guy. The group that can come up with the best propaganda to paint the other side in a poor light will determine that.

    For a while you might not have such a thing, one alliance or bloc being hated. I expect that you'll have a larger amount of smaller rivalries between different alliances and blocs at least for some time until a new Hegemony could arise (which could take some time).

    All in all Bob will be very interesting over the coming months. I suspect this won't be the only major conflict in 2009 and that some people fighting on the Karma side will find themselves being ground down by one or more of the new power blocs that they've fought along side of in this war.

    I agree with you here, you'll see a whole mash-up of international relations. I see NPO becoming less interventionist as they did after GPW, while the rest of Planet Bob goes into multiple smaller wars, not worthy of being a Great War but still being quite interesting.

  17. Ok im done argueing with you now. Your post completely lacks any logic

    Uh oh, someone is still stuck in the old "NPO is right no matter what" mode, let me explain this to you:

    1. Alliances fighting the NPO make use of game mechanics to put their nations in peace mode

    2. NPO taunts these alliances calling the use cowardly, even a few weeks before this conflict (remember Moo's offer to FAN)

    3. NPO makes use of these same game mechanics and puts most of their top nation nations in peace mode

    4. People remember the taunting of NPO and point out their complete hypocrisy

    5. A handful of people fail to grasp the concept of hypocrisy most likely because they have problems adjusting to a CN where they don't have to be sycophants sucking up to the NPO)

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