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Posts posted by denkimon

  1. Kaskus: 650k from 1.7mil
    UCR: 700k from 1.3mil?
    Java: 1,000,000 from 1.4mil?
    Kashmir: 430k from 1.2mil?
    Shang: 800k from 1.6mil?

    Kaskus still throws out 15x the declarations of the opposing side. We are fine :3

    You're right. Crushed..

    No one in Kaskus doubts the skills of Java and Kashmir. They were tough and a lot of fun. Letterkenny was my favorite :).

    15x? hyperbole much?


    Also I hope you're not taking credit where credit is not due ...

  2. [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1335956245' post='2962209']
    You might have seen more war but you are still crap at it. You just got thumped so badly by 2 micros that you had to bring in tens of millions of NS to help you despite you out matching them 10 to 1 and receiving a steady flow of money from your allies.

    You know how I know you need a vacation?

  3. OP is a good read, but in the end it's just a hypothesis. Other than anecdotal evidence, what supports this hypothesis? Do nations leave because of tech-raids? Yes. Yet nations leave for many reasons. In the end, something like "total number of nations" is a result of many factors, with tech-raiding being just one of them.

    For example, I'll just leave this here:

    Average new nations per day for all of CN history: 209.4
    Average new nations per day for the past 10 days: 87.6

    Seems like that's a bigger problem to me.

  4. [quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1334820654' post='2955689']
    You know, out of all this there has been one good thing out of the DoW on us.

    The fact we can now talk to people who dont criticise us for being who we are ooc and for how bad we speak in English.

    I thank you, GOONs, for bringing good natured people into your crusade, it beats talking to asshats all day.

    Hey man, this hurts my feelings. :(

  5. I realize that in this place everyone just sees what they want to see, and only cherry-picks whatever they want to spin their point, but come on...one real weak logic line in all 25 threads made for this war:

    Just because I use my friend's can-opener to open a can instead of my own knife doesn't mean I 'couldn't' open the can by myself or I 'needed' my friend's help or I 'had to' use the can opener. It was just faster and more efficient way to get the result I would have gotten anyway.

    [size="1"]Of course in this case, GOONS were using their knife on a particularly stubborn can, and the can cut their finger a little, so after a while they decided to skip the knife and can-opener altogether and got their friend's .45 out to finish the job <_<[/size]

  6. This is a good topic, and I've enjoyed this whole GOONSvsMicros thing both in-game and on the forums. GOONS doing what they do (suck and call in allies when they get in a bind, right?) and Kaskus/Mongols fighting tough---it's good for Bob.

    But other than interesting, I really don't see what GOONS has lost. Those that hated us, still hate us. Those that didn't don't. In terms of NS, you think GOONS cares anymore than Kaskus or Mongols?

    Finally, the NS differences are/were not so much (say compared to USA vs Panama or something), especially once we lost our 'get the pip' fat. Ya we're bigger and ya we've got the allies, but we've not leveraged that so much...we've let the minis play.

  7. [quote name='Swatch0' timestamp='1333897723' post='2949985']
    You sure about that? lol


    You are buying into this idea that there is an army of nations waiting to rise up and end the scourge of Bob that is GOONS. There is not. The reality is we recognize that no matter our actions, there are those who will take issue. The reality is that after counting those who are our friends, and those who don't care, there are very few of you.

    Say we give peace, say "good fight, let's shake", and we are on our way. We will be ridiculed from all sides, by those who have nothing in this fight except their bloated OWF post counts and hatred for GOONS. They care nothing of Mongols nor Kaskus nor you.

    Rather we continue to fight. Our enemies make more threads than I can count to glorify themselves. A few nations like you join the ranks to fight and they call it a weakness of ours. A few nations join our ranks to fight (what all of 3 Umbrella wars?), and it is a weakness of ours. Once upon a time we fought 12v1 and won and it was a weakness of ours.

    Personally, I admire both mongols and kaskus. They are very tenacious, and my 1-on-1 interactions with them have been great. But they are being utterly defeated and we have been quite magnanimous in our execution of this war against them thus far.

    In the end though that does not matter. To make peace, from our perspective, there is no motivation to do so. In large part that is because whatever we do is wrong. That those not even fighting create this situation for you and for us, those who you think care about you...that is what's really sad.

  8. [quote name='Courland' timestamp='1333866687' post='2949882']
    Agreed. Unfortunately, you're in a situation you can't win.
    You give us peace, you're weak.
    You destroy us, it's expected, you took too long and had too much help in doing it.

    What's really sad is that this is why you're in the situation you're in.

  9. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1333758525' post='2949379']
    I realized that after I posted, but that's still a stupid point to make. This war has been good for recruitment for Kaskus is all that really shows.

    edit: I think he was just subtracting how much NS they had join them from what they have now and their pre-war NS had nothing to do with it, but whatever.

    Actually it was from a month ago- as far back as the chart went, the war was already on. What it shows is the zombies are being destroyed faster than they can respawn 'new' zombies.

    Oh wait- I forgot you are intentionally obtuse when it comes to things like numbers. Right? It's on purpose, right?

  10. [quote name='sigelopisan' timestamp='1333708308' post='2948981']
    Now, let me tell you what is the ridiculous era. when 12 mill NS AA come to defend/support their ally who can't handle micros.

    Well, this is so epic.
    It's true, but in our defense we've never fought the undead.

    You've had 386,875 NS join you (at least) in the past month. You stand at 347,278 NS as I type.

    Kaskus, the -40,000 NS alliance.

  11. [quote name='MutedFaith' timestamp='1333031770' post='2945023']
    You want them to pay reps for helping out a treatypartner. That classifies as 'being punished for assisting their allies'.

    No, we want them to pay reps for attacking us. At worst, that classifies as 'being punished for attacking us'. More practically it means 'you knew what was going to happen when you attacked us'.

    But as we agree on the probability of them ever actually paying, this is all academic, no?

    As an aside, I see now you meant reps as the punishment, where in my previous post I thought you meant the Umbrella helping out as the punishment (given that that is what this thread is about).

  12. [quote name='MutedFaith' timestamp='1333024753' post='2944986']
    If 'calling in assistance when needed' is nothing to be ashamed of, why is an alliance like Kaskus being punished for 'assisting when needed'? And what's with all the butthurt comments about ex-NEW nations joining Kaskus?

    How exactly are they being punished? They declared war, said war is being fought. They're having fun, we're having fun. Are you?

    And I must have missed 'all the butthurt' comments, I think it's been made pretty clear that GOONS and NEW are cool. Both sides have guests who want to have fun with this, it's all good.

  13. [quote name='berbers' timestamp='1333019497' post='2944955']
    Did I say military defeat? I said unable to enfore it's own policies, in this case making attacking alliances pay reps. Without Umb/MK nations, you would not have been able to enforce that policy.

    Edit: Spelling

    Fair point. I was just taking your logic one step further.

    [quote]GOONS being unable to prosecute this war to a successful end by themselves[/quote]

    Oh, there it is. Do you think the probability of Kaskus paying reps has changed? Because I don't.

  14. [quote name='berbers' timestamp='1333018195' post='2944947']
    I think we can all agree that GOONS bit off more than they could chew and then ran to big bad Umb/MK to bail them out.

    You can qualify that statement with "but NS ranges, etc, etc." but the fact is GOONS wasn't able to follow through on it's own raid/reps policies without backup. So they aren't really GOONS policies, but DH policies.

    So very much this^

    I think we can all also agree, a little help on a few nations equates completely and unequivocally with GOONS being unable to prosecute this war to a successful end by themselves. They were literally on the verge of military defeat without the backup.

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