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Jake Erics

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Posts posted by Jake Erics

  1. Maybe not more destructive, but more expensive. CN war is already plenty destructive; you have to do what Alden Peterson suggests and make it costlier to keep people down. How to do that though is the question. I've seen suggestions along the lines of increasing deployments costs, but I'm not sure what else could be done.

    One simple change that is realistic: Make from nukes proportional to the infrastructure and tech of the target.

    Imagine a nuclear bomb going off in a Sudanese village.

    Imagine the same nuclear bomb going off in New York, Tokyo or Berlin.

    Would the loss be equal in both?

    If you have more you should lose more. This is how it works in real life and it's how it should work in CN. This is why groups can threaten major powers with home made rockets, because if you have large advanced cities all it takes is a couple of homemade rockets to cause a huge mess. If you are hiding in caves or slums a few rockets won't cause much damage.

  2. But, I don't quite understand all the concern over supposed threats over the computer. This may be because I am old but I don't think so.

    If only Comrade Ivan Moldavi and Comrade Bilrow (and all who enabled their OOC-morality crusades for their own purposes) had shared your ability to separate IC and OOC perhaps we wouldn't have this culture of IC/OOC mixing most people agree is damaging to the game. Sadly we are in a world in which laughing at the wrong thing has landed people on perma-ZI lists. In which one offensive comment by a leader has caused alliances to disband. In which the totality of your behavior on the internet is fair game for building a CN casus belli.

    Even then if your crusade for imposing OOC behavior standards was true and honest you could argue you were working to improve the community or something like that. But no. The lesson that the Ivans, Moos and Bilrows of the world have taught us is not "Don't cross the line or you get rolled" but rather "If you want to cross the line, you must be one of us or you get rolled".

  3. wait wait wait... did you really tell allies not to accept an applicant because he wanted ban guidelines in your private room and Zha got butt hurt under the guise of sexism? (this is a serious question I really just dont have the stamina to read 15 pages of NPO V Vox) but if that is the basic answer I am less than happy.

    Messing with the consort of one of the elites has always been a pretty big offense in Pacifica. Right and wrong be damned, an IO has the right to play white knight!

    What's the point of [ooc]internet political power[/ooc] if you can't use it to impress girls, right?

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