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Snake Solidus

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Posts posted by Snake Solidus

  1. Actually, I was commenting to someone on AIM that I found it weird. Obviously I am a blowhard and a showboat, always have been. But I wasn't expecting much in the way of acknowledgement honestly.

    The leaders of this world have gotten skilled at sucking up to whomever they think may have power.

  2. Do you really believe that or are you being totally dense on purpose? If that's what you really believe then you may want to reread that screenshot. At no point did Triyun call Ivan Moldavi a d-bag. What it appears that Triyun was saying is that Sponge is so well respected in Polaris, as Ivan is in Pacifica, that he cannot just disparage Sponges legacy as a way of distancing himself from him. That's how I read it, at least. I don't see how else that could really be read though.

    Did you even look at the screenshot?

  3. From what I gathered from the original post, comrade Triyun was comparing Ivan Moldavis influence and popularity in the NPO to Electron Sponges influence and popularity in the NpO. How is that an insult? I see that Schattenmann tried to spin it as such, but surely you're able to see through such a poor attempt?

    Because he called both of them a !@#$%.

  4. Man, I am not about to dig through pages and pages of various topics. The debate was fairly well known, and the individuals in question know who they are.

    OOC: There's a limit to how much time I'll waste on this game.

    Great point. Why should you have to back up your comments with things like an argument or supporting evidence?

    @ Bilrow: You guys need all the help you can get don't you?

  5. Why are the same people complaining now who were cheering the idea of wars declared without solid reason not very long ago?

    Besides, this case seems pretty cut and dry. If anything, I'm envious that they get some target practice, if only in their lower ranks.

    Please, do provide evidence of these claims. Who did this?

  6. Misconstruing arguments. I am on a different subject spanning 3-4 pages ago stating Jarheads aren't 'new'. They have and were hear for months now. My argument and yours are completely different right now. You're on whether the war was justified, I am on the "They damn right knew who NPO was and aren't 'new'"

    Please, do continue, just realize I am on a complete different subject as of now.

    Devil Dogs had 10 members. Jarheads before the war had 50. Clearly they all weren't knew and knew who NPO was since you've 'proved' that they were DD.

  7. I feel safe making this observation. Their members admit they had terrible past with NPO, thus admitting they were DevilDogs. Though a different alliance, members' actions follow with them, especially upon making another alliance.

    So the clean slate thing NPO claimed to have given them is a lie because they're still responsible of their actions?

  8. Yeah, we are so cruel to an alliance that was plotting against us after having given them a clean slate back in August 2008. Mean Evil New Pacific Order.

    The guy who hacked your forums was the one who told you they were plotting against you. Clearly he had your best interests at heart when coming to you with this information and it wasn't an attempt at taking things out of context to get you to fight his battles for him against an alliance he left because he didn't get forum admin.

    Also, you may have given them a clean state, but you never once contacted their leaders and neither did IRON. You claim that might makes right in this situation, yet it clearly doesn't.Instead of diplomacy you attacked them and then offered peace.

  9. Well, it is impossible to please everyone, so if he really has an issue than he needs to do what he thinks is best.

    Exactly. He wasn't totally honest with them what situation he was asking them to join into. Very nice of him.

    Your right, he should have explained the entire cn political landscape to them. Enjoy your floundering curbstomp. Maybe you should call in more allies to a unjust fight you can even finish on your own?

  10. Actually according to nightmare himself in Pacifica's DoW thread, they were asked to join by a youtube video that was posted because NPO declared war on the alliance, but that part isn't mentioned in the video at all. A person who would watch that video and then create a nation and join jarheads is basically being conned into joining the game to fight for the jarheads.

    Not really. They were asked to join. Asked. He holds no power over these people. He merely asked them to join.

  11. Their are two Participants in that conversation, LordNightmare the serving President of Jarheads and the person responsible for the Youtube videos. The other is Jarheads Ex Vice-President. When Fireblade4k left Jarheads I asked both sides of the story.

    Fireblade4k was quite honest that he left because LordNightmare refused to give him admins on their forums and that they had fallen out. When I asked LordNightmare why he had left he informed me that Fireblade4k had left as he was busy with school and stuff. Now Jarheads claim he was booted? Of course they would plead innocence.

    I don't believe the issue iswith him getting kicked out, it with you not talking to your own protectorate about accusations fro ma guy who left because he didn't get admins (as you claim).
  12. War is an arm diplomacy. I'm sure if you feel that IRON's justification is not legit, you are more than welcome to attack them. :)

    I'm currently attacking the New pacific order. I know its unfair but I can only attack so many and you guys were cruel to a new alliance first.

    Edit: I like how your post doesn't address how you guys never attempted diplomacy, but instead asserts might makes right.

  13. Then that's the choice if they don't wish to take us up on our offer. However, the offer is on the table, because it would be a shame to lose [OOC]potential new players to the game[/OOC] if they did join not knowing what to expect. I've seen the communication [OCC]video[/OOC] and it has a wide room for people to be confused on the situation as well as the fact that they won't be getting nukes anytime soon, contrary to the communication.

    Yeah, I'm sure you would absolutely love to recruit them to your alliance. Because honestly, your not just going to let them surrender and go free your going to force them into your alliance or one of your allies alliances. Which is why it would be a shame to lose new players. If you truly felt that way you have used diplomacy, not cowardice in your decisions.

  14. I wonder if you attempted diplomacy in this matter at all?

    They didn't, I went at length to try and get them to admit to it but it ended up going in circles of them saying "They knew" "Second chances" "They deserve it" and then of course they tried pointing it back at vox asking if they would use diplomacy.

  15. If you have any evidence to back this allegation then I'd be interested in seeing it.
    Doitzel I'm sure you read the NPO DOW, you have seen the evidence.

    You seem to have read the thread. You should know that semper fidelus proved screenshots proving the person who leaked the month old plot was the same person who attacked the NPOs forums.

    However if your interested in actually talking to your former protectorate about the situation they do use IRC. but That would be diplomacy, and with that you could have avoided this entire conflict and kept 300 allies that actually didn't dislike the NPO when they were attacked.

  16. All nations that were conned and tricked into coming over here into a situation they might not have been aware of, have been messaged by New Pacific Order High Command a chance to get out of war if they so choose. We are communicating with all allies who are participating to ensure if a nation does take us up on the offer, since we would prefer not to see new nations destroyed because they were led here under pretenses they had no clue. Nations that are part of the original fifty-three members, however, are in a state of war with New Pacific Order until Moo-Cows makes the decision otherwise.

    Conned into joining? They were asked to join by a youtube video and then the NPO declared war on the alliance.

    No one forced them to join and they sure as hell weren't tricked into attacking the NPO.

  17. Hardly. That's our proof that they knew better. That they aren't noobs, they had been through this before and that they knew what the consequences were. Our evidence of them plotting against our allies and us was given in the multiple other threads that were posted before.

    Did you ever contact them or consult them on the accusation you had heard about them wishing to destroy the NPO? You were their protectors after all.

  18. Plotting to kill and hack is a little more than questioning my friend.

    Yeah, because those things were proven. Oh wait, they weren't.

    The guy who did the hacking is the one who told you of the month old plot to attack NPO which can't really be verified as an actual 'plot'.

    there have been numerous and I do mean numerous irc logs posted by people saying "hay lets destry the npo". Yet these are clearly seen as jokes. However when you see someone else say it, out of context, you immediately believe it to be their desire and intent and attack them for it. And I'm not your friend.

  19. They knew. They were given amnesty once before. They knew. And if they 'didn't' even after screwing up once and attacking their forums, they'll sure know now my friend. But, they have been here for months, their leadership knew bro.

    First off, I'm neither your friend nor your brother.

    Its funny actually, the person who leaked the logs of the supposed plot against the NPO after being kicked out of Jarheads is the same person who attacked NPOs forums. The 'plot' was also a month or so old and since then they had decided they liked being a protectorate of IRON one of NPOs allies.

    Also, you know what you just agreed to right? By repeating "they knew, they knew" you agreed with my statements against the NPO. Which were that they'll have their allies attack you and that everyone else in cn is a coward. By saying "they knew" you infer that not only are my claims true, but so true that even new players know them.

  20. They deserve it.

    For what exactly? For questioning the hegemony? They're new, they haven't learned that if you ever oppose the NPO they'll have their allies kill you yet. Don't worry, I'm sure soon they'll lose their spines and be like the rest of cn. A bunch of cowards afraid for their nations. Afraid to compete against the NPO. Slavery is freedom. Ignorance is strength.

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