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Style #386

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Posts posted by Style #386

  1. [quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1326860126' post='2901975']
    I am really hurt that we were not included as being a headache. That was very unkind of you.
    My dealings with you guys have always been pleasant. :P

    [quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1326860126' post='2901975']
    As for nothing to prove, we had nothing to prove when we started it so why would we have anything to prove now.
    That's what I'm saying. By sticking around, it looks like you do. We all know that you're a tough alliance and that you'll fight a guerilla war for two years if you have to. But unlike the last time, in two years I don't think the public is going to decry the NPO for keeping you guys at war.

  2. I am utterly unsurprised that negotiating with Fark has been a headache. I recall them being one of the most annoying alliances to communicate with during the TOP-C&G conflict (one of the Fark reps tried, but the other two were complete tools). I generally like FAN, and I understand their pride, but you guys are getting pretty lenient terms. You've lost the war. You guys have nothing to prove, so I'm not sure what the big deal is.

    @Brehon: You apologise too much. Owning up to mistakes is great, but the fact that you made a mistake doesn't mean you shouldn't tighten things up in negotiations if Fark and FAN won't play ball. Hopefully that's what the Thursday ultimatum refers to.

  3. [quote name='The Warrior' timestamp='1326387338' post='2898129']
    I can think of one. IRON has done this very thing in each of the last two global wars which we were involved in. Fighting for multiple months, while being dogpiled on, and dealing out damage at least 10x what we were taking.
    Don't be so modest. It was probably 20 or 30x. <_<

  4. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1323935151' post='2878703']
    This is just sad. On the one side, the winning side of a war is letting their strategy be dictated to them and actually apologizes for attacking someone, and on the other side we get to watch VE posture and act tough over attacking Nebula-X.
    I hate agreeing with Heft.

  5. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1323846012' post='2877571']
    Yes, honoring an ally's request is clearly pathetic.
    You know what? You were one of the first people to make a jab at ODN during the NoCB War when they ditched Polaris. I suppose you guys haven't cancelled on GOD, but it's no less right now than it was then, and it make you, WarriorConcept, a hypocrite.

    Figure it'd take an alliance of such low calibre as VE to make me feel sorry for GOD.

  6. [quote name='Jacapo Saladin' timestamp='1323415825' post='2870644']
    I use words such as "Your alliance is worthless and attacks people MDPed to their allies."

    I also don't fail at making arguments so spectacularly that I have to resort to making spelling jokes when it is obvious the person spelled it that way on purpose. You aren't too fast on the uptake, are you? Maybe you are just tired.

    Yikes. It's amusing that you comment on my failure to make an argument when my proposition for you to consider ODN's position has evidently sailed over your head. Again: try harder.

    I know you spelled it incorrectly. It doesn't make you look any less dumb.

  7. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1323415800' post='2870642']
    You guys are cracking me up. Non Grata can't trashtalk Sparta, but you can t-bone them with this DoW and act confused about why they're upset.
    Nobody's confused over Sparta being upset. I'm sure ODN and Sparta are actively discussing this via media that is not this thread. Non Grate are free to trashtalk Sparta, but don't expect friends of Sparta not to respond, especially when Grata makes it easier with such low class drivel.

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