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Republic of Lenahan

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Posts posted by Republic of Lenahan

  1. when you look at what he has said it looks like one giant recruitment message

    o/ honourable new alliances

    Our split from GDI was intended to be peaceful, and so far we have succeeded.

    My "recruitment" statements are sincere and hopeful. We decided that a new leadership method was necessary for the alliance, but did not want to start a coup because of the respect we had for everyone involved.

    Since that option was out of the question, a "split" was necessary in order to entertain our idea at a new government. What you interpret as a recruiting message is actually our way of publicly informing of what has actually happened.

    We are not actively recruiting from GDI. All membership that has retired from GDI and joined the Covenant has either been planned beforehand, or the sole decision of those who have left.

  2. I'll give you this, among others at least you try to deny the purpose of your announcement.

    Sure sounds like you're just leaving your previous alliance to start a new one. You make it sound like you're throwing down your shackles or something to that effect, a subtle and effective propaganda technique.

    I would imagine that when a nation leaves their alliance, they would indeed no longer submit to the authority of that alliance and yes, you are starting a new alliance rather than subverting the government of the former.

    If announcing the creation of a new alliance was all that you meant to do, you wouldn't have gone through the trouble of writing all that, would you? And please don't tell me that you would. It would be insulting to my intelligence and the intelligence of the rest of those of us who are not content with dancing the dance of deception.

    This whole section is meant to create unnecessary animosity between your alliance where there would have been none had you not the intention of inciting such.

    Though I am not particularly opposed to recruiting from other alliances in accordance to Social Darwinism (ie natural selection, an alliance has the right to exist only if it can keep its members...) you're blatantly doing so (recruiting) from RyanGDI's alliance.

    If all you were trying to do was form your own alliance, you wouldn't include this clause either but you did because you're trying to subvert GDI by implying that your alliance is a haven for all their members from whatever terrible horrors lie within. :rolleyes:

    Here you're subtly trying to provoke guilt in GDI members who have not joined you implying that they're somehow reactionary for staying.

    More emphasis is put here on the people that left GDI. This is not a new alliance, this is an alliance of disaffected former GDI members who are expressing their disavowal of their former alliance's government.

    The last line implies that there are more of you than there really are which has a chance of tricking people into thinking just that and "following the horde", so to speak. Or, in this case, following the illusionary horde that you're projecting through that sentence.

    Good work, Lenahan.

    Tom Litler,

    I have not intended any "propaganda" techniques. I have simply stated what we have intended to do: break off of GDI and form our own alliance. Denouncing the authority of GDI was a formal statement, and was not made as a contemptuous remark at GDI, nor anything like it.

    Also, I have attempted to cool any possible animosity between us and our friends at GDI. In fact, I personally believe that this was the most peaceful method of divorce that we could have achieved.

    Please believe me, as I am being entirely sincere and to the point: I am NOT trying to start any type of conflict with GDI. I have done nothing to warrant such blatant attacks on my character, I humbly ask you to give us a chance.

    - Lenahan

  3. Dear Friends,

    This is mainly directed at the other small or micro alliances, all of which I have a friendly nature towards. At some point in most of your histories, I have played some role in helping your alliance out somehow, even if it was just bringing some feeling of hope to your alliance.

    Basically, I want each and every one of you to return the favor, or to at the very least maintain a decent level of civility during this GDI-KoTC incident. KoTC is removing itself from GDI peacefully, and that is exactly how it will remain. I don't want any micro alliances taking advantage of this situation against GDI, or causing any of the parties involved undo stress with this incident. I want a certain level of respect and civility to be paid to BOTH of them, no matter what one of the parties has done to you. This isn't a time for cheering, celebration, or personal vendettas: This is a time to assist both parties involved in getting through this peacefully and properly, without stress or interruptions. We all need to do this in order for this to work out, and not dissolve into chaos.



    Thank you Pacifism,

    Our intention was an entirely peaceful transition. I can assure you that there will be no fighting coming from any of the members at our end, nor will there be a need for it.

  4. So basically what this is, is a few like minded people leaving their alliance to make their own that they plan to govern as they wish... it doesn't seem quite as important as you make it sound, Republic of Lenahan. If it is then I suppose all other people who leave alliances to start their own should make threads spitting in the faces of their former allies. Because you realize that that's what this is, don't you?

    I see this as nothing more than a PR stunt to gain acceptance by a community of people who have found a new Emmanuel Goldstein in RyanGDI. You make it sound like you were being "oppressed" or something by making the declaration of existence of your alliance one of "independence".

    Independence from what? Not being patted on the back? Well congratulations, you've broken free.

    I have not spitted in anyone's face, nor defamed anyone in any manner.

    However, if you wish to over analyze our announcement and imply that I am attempting to make Ryan look bad, I would disagree.

    This is simply an announcement of our "independence" from GDI. I have used the term "independence" because a majority of the new members of KoTC are GDI, and a majority of the government of KoTC are GDI.

    I'm sorry if you took my word choice as derogatory and critical in any way; it was not intended to be.

    - Lenahan

  5. Declaration of Independence

    Hello everyone,

    In light of recent events, a number of members here at GDI have decided that it is in our best interests, and in the best interests of most of the members, to separate.

    However, this is not a coup as much as it is a Declaration of Independence. We no longer acknowledge the authority of GDI as our own. Instead, we wish to form a new alliance; a fresh start on planet Bob.

    I urge all of those participating in the separation to disavow all thoughts of bearing arms against our fellow brothers. On the contrary, we welcome the day that our lost friends choose to once again call us brothers.

    This declaration is intended to inform everyone that we are indeed our own alliance, and although our beginnings may be questionable, we hope for a friendly and dignified chance at a rebirth.

    All GDI members are welcome to join us in our new journey, do not be hesitate to ask.

    "The Great Journey is about to begin. But, when it does, the weight of your heresy will stay your feet... and you shall be left behind. "


    GDI Government:

    EmperorDurhv, Former Commanding General of GDI

    Lenahan, Former MoFA of GDI

    John Walker, former InOps 1'st Lieutenant of GDI

    Former GDI Members:



    JD Storm

    * Members will be added as they give word of their departure*

    The Keepers of The Covenant Charter and Declaration of Existence


    Preamble: We the Keepers of The Covenant, hereby establish this alliance for the betterment of ourselves and those we choose to involve ourselves with.

    Section 1: The High Council

    1.1 The Keepers of The Covenant (KoTC) is lead by three individuals: The Prophet of Truth, The Prophet of Mercy, and The Prophet of Regret. All Prophets act with full authority in whatever matter they choose.

    1.2 The Prophet of Truth- Truth is the spokesperson for the KoTC, acting as one of the High Council and also as the head of Foreign Affairs. His job is to represent The Keepers of the Covenant in public. All treaties and terminations of treaties must be signed by Truth.

    1.3 The Prophet of Mercy- Mercy is the executive of all internal affairs. Tech deals, money distribution, and general trade must be approved by him, as well as any new memberships or selections of positions.

    1.4 The Prophet of Regret- Regret is the Commanding General of the KoTC. All Declarations of War must be signed and agreed to by Regret.

    1.5 Each prophet is entitled to a main assistant who is chosen by the respective prophet. The assistant will be publicly acknowledged, and will retain the duties and responsibilities of the Prophet if he/she is not available for an extended amount of time. The assistant can be dismissed for any reason at any time.

    1.6 Impeachment of any Prophet is a very long process, and requires both of the other prophet’s agreement, as well as a trial headed by a KoTC member agreed upon by all three Prophets.

    1.7 In the case of retirement for any Prophet, the assistant is promoted to the Prophet’s office.

    Section 2: Military

    2.1 All Military personnel must be active in their respective fighting groups. Groups consist of:

    Ungoggy: NS of 1500 and lower.

    Kig-Yar: NS of 1500 – 2000.

    Sangheili: NS of 2000 – 3000.

    Jiralhanae: NS of 3000 – 4500.

    Lekgolo: NS of 4500+.

    2.2 The Prophet of Regret May amend this section without the normal consensus of the High Council.

    Section 3: Membership/Rights

    3.1 All people wishing with gain admittance into our Covenant must first register on the forums located here. Applications will be reviewed and accepted according to the background of the applicant as well as their merit and qualification as seen fit by The Prophets.

    3.15 All accepted members must change their alliance affiliation to “Keepers of The Covenant”.

    3.2Termination of membership must be approved by the Prophet of Mercy, but every member is entitled to the following rights:

    1) The right to exist on planet Bob.

    2) The right to exercise sole dominion over their nation.

    3) The right to trial by jury.

    4) The right to be free from any prejudices.

    5) The right to Habeas Corpus.

    3.3 Trials shall be administered by the Prophet of Mercy. However, the final verdict is decided by a jury of 7 members appointed by Mercy.

    3.4 All members are required to post often in the forums, or risk being reprimanded by the High Council.

    Section 4: Amendments

    4.1 The charter may be amended at any time as long as all three prophets give consent.


    Lenahan, Prophet of Truth

    EmperorDhruv, Prophet of Regret

    Kenai, Prophet of Mercy

  6. 2.4- Department Heads: All department heads (ministers, InOps 1st lieutenant, and General of Armed Forces) are chosen by the Supreme Commander, without question (unless the offer is declined). All department heads have total authority in all of their fields, but any actions contrary to the orders of the Supreme Commander may result in department ejection (removal from office).

    However, all Department Ejections may be investigated and over-ruled by the Arbiter AND a majority of department head votes (4/5 obviously, since the accused cannot vote).

    In the cases of veto entanglement (the Supreme Commander and Arbiter not agreeing on anything), the 6 Department heads may choose to override any veto, with the Arbiter casting any tie-breaking votes.

    All department heads serve for a period of 6 months until they either resign, or both the Supreme Commander and Arbiter agree to remove them. Department heads may be re-appointed by the Supreme Commander indefinitely.

    The department heads, working jointly with the Arbiter, can do whatever they want :D .

    At least, in theory...

  7. Hmm...I wonder what would happen if his raid target were to check on the state of their nation one day and suddenly a big pile of money was waiting on them? :lol:

    I'm sure that he would be very, very happy.

  8. In my opinion, you should vote for a new Supreme Commander. If you had a new Supreme Commander I'm sure you wouldn't have all this drama surrounding you.

    Currently our charter dictates that the position of Supreme Commander is pretty much a "legacy" position. The Arbiter position is a step towards democracy; we're taking baby steps so far ^_^ .

    By the way, I just finished the first post with Ryan's newly appoint positions. Once we get all of the department seats filled, elections will begin.

  9. 3) Please fix the military section of the charter. In all honestly, it appears to reflect a poor understanding of how the war system in this game works.

    4) Article 1 could use a bit of rework. Having an omitted section, and a section talking about how the charter is illegal but having it is okay just seems a bit odd.

    3) Yes, thanks for pointing that out. A lot of people have mentioned that, so now I'm getting our Commanding General to draft something new up (I borrowed that section from our old charter, since I have no experience with warfare in CN, I thought that it would be better to use something old rather than use nothing at all).

    4) Yeah, that article was included in case we had trouble convincing certain government officials to approve it *Cough* RYAN *Cough*.

    Just joking, Ryan.

    Thankfully, they agreed to it with no problem.

    The ommited section was just our motto. I included it until a member of BHON pointed out that it was actually theirs. So, rather than start another silly, unecessary war (the kind of thing we are famous for recently), we decided it would be better to just omit it until we can come up with something witty and creative B) .

    - Lenahan

  10. what was the dispute

    The only reason I'm refraining from going into detail about it, is because it has been put to rest and all parties are now reconciled.

    The way we erm... named it seemed to cause a great deal more trouble than we intended.

    But, in a nutshell, there was some spying going on back and forth, and people's tempers flared; we all made mistakes, and fortunately it has not escalated any further.

    If your interested, you can find most of what happened here, I believe.

    - Lenahan

  11. )):

    ... what?

    If your previous charter has a well defined amendment procedure, and you don't follow it, then the amendments are not valid. You can't just say 'Oh clearly we should be able to do X, even though it says we can't'. If you think a charter only matters when it's expedient, then why have such a long and legalistic one in the first place?

    Our old charter was a joke. It was poorly written, and didn't effect anything that went on in our Alliance.

    This charter:

    A. Is supported by the SC (The only requirement of the old charter, which is why I thought it was stupid).

    B. Is supported by a majority of GDI.

    C. Calls into effect a higher authority.

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