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Posts posted by nyce06

  1. The Parties of this treaty,

    Affirming their faith in the desire to live in peace with all peoples and all Governments, and desiring to strengthen peace on Planet Bob,

    Desiring to declare publicly and formally their desire to promote peace on Planet Bob,

    Have agreed as follows:

    Article I

    Section I

    Both parties involved will maintain their sovernty and political independence.

    Section II

    The Parties undertake, to settle any international disputes in which they may be involved, by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purpose of this pact.

    Section III

    Neither alliance shall engage in or endorse military action against the other signatory. This includes encouraging allies to attack on their behalf. If a nation is found in violation of this they will be ordered to offer peace and reparations, the amount of which to be decided by the signatories’ governments on a case-by-case basis. Defending nations are required to limit retaliation to the level of attacks received. Should an offending nation refuse to offer peace and agree on terms of reparations, as decided by their alliance’s government, they will be declared a rogue and will no longer be offered the protection of either alliance.

    Article II

    Both parties affirm to act civil towards the other, both on Planet Bob as well as the general CN forums.

    Article III

    This Treaty shall remain in force indefinitely, until further agreements or ratifications are collectively agreed upon by both parties.

    Article IV

    Both parties agree to give the other party 10 days notice of their withdrawal from this NAP, in this period all articles remain in effect.

    Article V

    Both alliances agree that the breaking of this treaty is unacceptable and forfiet their honour as an alliance if they choose to do so.


    United Militant Corps

    General.cj.82ndAA - GOA

    NYCE - COS

    CallofDuty- LT general

    Greenland Republic

    Celtic, Archon of the Republic

    Dewsos, Triumvir of the Republic

    Jguy100, Triumvir of the Republic

    Stefanmg, Triumvir of the Republic

    Roadrash, Minister of Defence

  2. Hello,

    The UMC is a small but powerful alliance, and we have selected you to join us. If you decide to accept this offer, some of the benefits will include: aid whenever you need it, protection during wars including any you are currently in, freedom to tech raid, people who help you look for the perfect trade, and a sweet arcade with cool games on our website. If you are interested go to this website and sign up at the Application Desk: http://z7.invisionfree.com/umc/index.php?act=idx

  3. We of UMC would like to offer you an invitation to our alliance. We have loyal members and are a quickly growing team of experienced members who offer you portection at times of war and portection when your going through your times of growth, also we offer money to our followers when they join and we have an arrange of alliances so you can feel portected we also are able to give you oure first pick of trades and Aid's so you wont have to go through the waiting and the looking for Aid.

    You have caught the attention of oure alliance and would be honered if you joined us in oue conquest for domination...

  4. The alliance must be:

    1. Allow raiding(money, tech, land, etc...)

    2. Fairly big wth at least 20+ people

    3. Must offer protection

    4. Long-term trading

    5. Foreign aid

    6. I'd prefer newbie aid, but it's not required

    7. Also, an alliance that doesn't mind that my country is rather aggressive

    u should so check out UMC. Check out our video in my sig and pm me if ur intrested

  5. Join UMC. We allow everyone to speak their mind and put in their points when we enter a war. We rather have our nation grow and prospore instead of getting caught up in the foolish politcal bs that occurs in CN, but our leadership is always kept aware of everythin that goes on. Check out our vid in my sig and PM me if you are intrested in joining

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