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Posts posted by DerPrinz

  1. Defending an ally who has done something you don't agree with is a risk you have to take. As Josshill said, if you don't like the direction an ally is taking, cancel the treaty. There's nothing wrong with severing ties with an ally during peace time, but you should be defending your ally if a war comes, no matter if you agree with it.

  2. Orpheus, in almost every post you make on this thread attacks the quality of leadership in either system, when talking about autocracies, you assume that the leader is infallible and perfect, whereas you assume democratic leaders are manipulative and power hungry. I thought this was an examination of the SYSTEM, not the quality of who leads it.

  3. Resource list:

    - Aluminum

    - Cattle anto475

    - Fish Numpty

    - Iron

    - Lead Bones Malone

    - Lumber Bones Malone

    - Marble

    - Pigs Liman Von Sanders

    - Spices anto475

    - Sugar Numpty

    - Water

    - Wheat Liman Von Sanders

    Economic effect:

    Income: +$3

    Citizens: +30.56%

    Happiness: +9.5

    Infra cost: -28.99%

    Land cost: -14.5%

    Land bonus: +8%

    Environment: +1

    Bill effect:

    Infra UpK: -17.2%

    Soldier UpK: -$1

    Tank UpK: -12.6%

    Nuke UpK: -20%

    Navy UpK: -20%

    Aircraft UpK: -25%

    Military effect:

    Soldier eff.: +38%

    Soldier cost: -$3

    CM cost: -20%

    Nukes cost: -20%

    Tanks cost: -8%

    Aircraft Cost: -8%

    Aircraft Limit: +10

    Note: This circle is not for me, but for Bones Malone, I'm just setting it up for him, send him the trade requests once everyone has signed up.

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