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Posts posted by Xavii

  1. [quote name='Kevanovia' timestamp='1283384908' post='2438613']
    They're not a great alliance, hell they're not even a good alliance yet. But I have emotional investment in it and I like a lot of the people there.

    In time, hopefully they can surprise some people tho.
    This isn't who do you like best rankings. :v: I know Drai said "(treaty partners, nation strength, military wonders, [b]anything[/b])" But does your emotional investment increase UPN's global power?

  2. [quote name='mrcalkin' timestamp='1283372804' post='2438461']
    With our low member count I think we would run into issues trying to go up 1 on 1 versus practically any alliance, though not like 1 on 1 has any bearing on CN at all.
    I'm thinking our lower tiers, something around 80k and below would eventually fall in NS and possibly get overrun, but if their warchests is up to par they can try to maintain a relative high NS to counter that. Our top nation will most likely crush whoever they are fighting and be out of range for any retaliation. We would loose a bunch to ZI but still maintain a top heavy tier that would continue to grow and maintain supremacy.

    But as you said, 1on1 is just theorizing and will never be a reality.

  3. [quote name='Ray Matveyev' timestamp='1282960223' post='2433344']
    If I recall correctly, Vault-Tec built 122 vaults. The vaults listed there see the ones described specifically in the Fallout franchise.
    A franchise you guys base your alliance on. :excl:

    I won't argue this to death, just wanted to point that out. :smug:

    Good luck, don't mess this up, I really like Fallout.

  4. Hey there Lenny.

    NATO won't win, but it presume it will be top 4.

    Want to know why? I will only raise some key points, lets start with cracking the 14 score barrier, congrats! I see your oldest member has a nation seniority of 1466 days, you have 132 members. Umbrella has 75 members, we have a score of 21+ and we haven't even reached 1000 days yet. (Soon though :awesome: ) We also started with nations ravaged from UjW and gaining fresh rerolls along the way.

    You have horrible inactivity something we noticed when fighting you last war, a war that also showed us how horribly bad you were at it.

    There are more things to point out but you get the point, and I don't hate you guys, I was and still are pretty apathetic towards NATO but facts can't be dismissed.

    Respectfully of course.

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