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Posts posted by scytale

  1. No, I'm in the process of clearing all the technical hurdles with the powers that be regarding intra-alliance warring/spying etc, as well as potential solutions to the NS-range issues and XP-gain.  In all honesty, this would be a terrific case for extremely valid XP gathering, even if it is within your own 'alliance'.   This thread is useful for finding loopholes, contingencies, worst-case scenarios so keep em coming.


    In TE, Admin (or at least the mods) allowed me to run gladiator games where we were all in one alliance and we declared a full matrix on each other.  I'm guessing they'll allow it here, too but as said in a previous post, this would be more fun in TE.  If you do decide to port this to TE, please sign me up.

  2. Baby, it's not you it's us. You want all our attention but we have 4 other alliances demanding service too and those Umbrella and VE guys are really needy.

    It's always more fun when the opponent fights back. Even more so when they send you sweet or not so sweet nothings. With NG, you pretty much have to assume that none of it is personal and most of it's tongue in cheek. Actually, the most foulmouthed opponent I had was an MHAer. I retaliated by forgetting to log in for 3 days, which happens from time to time.


    You are pure evil

  3. I dunno. I had an MHA guy attack me and then turtle after day one.



    He did do some damage so he  was mostly harmless but not totally ;)


    Most on our side is going to hate me for saying this but a thank you to most of the NG members who have been giving us a hard fight.  I found it useful to fight an alliance like yours instead of some that might have been a better match for the MHA.  It made for a better shake out.  :awesome: Might have been even better if you guys didn't try to get such a reaction from many of us that fought you.  Even Nor members were more civil but I guess that's what NG is about. :unsure:

  4. A shout out to Johan Pitka, Tamska and BlackClown for not turtling and staying active through the whole round.  Sorry I couldn't increase the damage more but your SDIs were just too good.  One extra shout out to Tamska:  Don't quit.


    Dude, stop crying.  You are on the winning side.  It's beneath you.  Take your nukes like a man.  If you want to be pissed, go get angry with MHA, as they were the ones that allowed me to hit PM to restock and attack you.


    It's a valid and smart tactic to sell down to avoid the upper declares.  Umbrella has been very capable of downdeclaring (it's been a blast).  We are all well versed on it from last war when we'd have to decom nukes to hit nations even.  I've been doing it all war from a similar standpoint.  You can clearly see it from my charts.


    Hilariously, I bought too much infra when MHA and UPN hit me, I thought they'd destroy more of it so I've been selling a lot - not like anything below 3k infra costs anything.  Although the 1500+ tech I looted from them was well worth the cost of infra.

    Yeah.  Sorry about that.  Still trying to get the proper story from that last stagger that let you go.  I would have preferred to give you a proper war and kept you from resetting your war clock.  Be assured that wasn’t an order from any of us.  If anything, the standing order was to hold you until new staggers could declare.  Again, sorry.


    Well… Timberland began his rogue activity by attacking the MHA.  At one point, there was a message from Timberland that pretty much said that he would rogue the MHA until he ran out of money and delete.

    But, that information will undoubtably be lost in this land of trolls.  (I know, I know, don't feed the trolls but I just couldn't resist.  They looked hungry and sad)

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