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Posts posted by scytale

  1. Wait. What did I miss? Back? What do you mean back? Where did you go? Ah heck, I guess I'll just post belated and catch up.


    "What do you mean you're leaving? Is it because I stopped posting those picture in the embassy? Is it because I was posting those pictures in the embassy? I swear I'll stop (or continue)"


    "Welcome back. I promise to either post more or stop posting as long as you stay"

  2. Looks like I've got you by a hair scytale:


    5,060,898 Attacking + 7,939,265 Defending = 13,000,163 Casualties


    Ranked #47 of 9,034 Nations (Top 0.52%)

    Darn you.  You must be why I dropped a rank from when I checked last.  I demand we open up war talks! :war:


    Let's see where we stand after the next global war ;)


    If everything is already pre-determined then why do we even play this game? Besides, I'm not sorry that I get to have more fun getting challenging opponents and having targets to shoot at rather than fighting for targets and getting opponents who end up deleting/leaving the game/don't fight back/turtle entire time.


    A large part of the fun is in the rebuild. There are probably a lot of people here who have forgotten how to do that with all the new mechanics.

    And he's not just talking about our members  ;)

  4. good luck then , personally NEW member want MHA exclusively fight us , it's a shame most of your best fighter in mid tier while ours in high tier, so we couldnt do the best against each other :)

    I guess I got lucky.  The NEW members I've been fighting have been pretty good.  I just wished we could have given as good as they have.  I guess coordination is much easier when your membership is pretty much in the same time zone.


    To Proz (because I can't for the life of me figure out how to do multiquotes) looking forward to getting the change to fight along side you.

  5. I won the contest?  I won! I won!  I WON!!!  Wait... I don't even remember entering.  That must have been some party.



    Thanks for the read, and congratulations to MHA's new/returning government members! I still remember warring Scytale in TE - good choice. :)

    I'm still in TE, just changing my name every round.  I seem to keep pissing at least one person off each round because I tend to go full out on wars.  Don't know why they get upset.  Personally, I congratulate those that do the worst as long as it's not a specific grudge thing.

  6. This is only my second round, but from what i have seen so far, 95% of offensive wars are fought only because alliances tend to pick target AAs over whom they have advantages and a good chance of winning. Blitz then makes it much more one-sided. 


    Most of the AAs i see want to play it the easy way and then justify themselves. Which is ok.. who doesn't want to win? So i am not crying unfair. It's ok to fight to win. But please people, then don't cry unfair if someone bigger than you hits you or you are put in a disadvantageous war, because everyone, including you do it all the time!  At least give up the pretense and the pretext part. Be proud of what you are!  :gun:  


    Side note: This may sound absurd to you veterans, but anyone thought of the idea of declaring war 24 hrs before starting and make it a good fight? I haven't seen that it this game. Might bring in some honor?

    I've done something similar as a leader.  We slowly bled into war without a DoW initially where we sent in one nation to declare and only countered those that countered until the leadership contacted us.  That's when we revealed our DoW.  By that point both sides were pretty much ready.  That was a lot of fun and a very "gentlemen's war".  Anyone that wanted out was allowed at any time.  Some went the full round of war.

  7. Hey!  Someone took my duffle bag.  I think that was my 1 tech used to carry the $6 mil by the lone soldier.


    Congrats on peace and a salute to those that fought back and gave me some great wars.



    He'll get three and like it.

    "And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."

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