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Reign of HavoK

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Posts posted by Reign of HavoK

  1. Oh my... Rush in leadership...? Hope the Alzheimers doesn't kick in yet. Rule with a firm cane, old man!

    I trust that Voodoo will do good things.

    And Jgoods back as MoFA... Let the treaties fly!

    Seriously though, good luck in turning Athens around, guys. This gov lineup looks promising.

    Good luck in your further ventures, Rsox.

  2. [quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1297830549' post='2635188']
    Man... and I thought listening to our resident old-timer Rush tell war stories and "back in my day" tales was boring... I've never heard "NO U" said with so many words... Nor did I care to.

  3. Good fight from FAR. Especially that silly fella Sir Exodus. I enjoyed exchanging nukes with ya. I am also glad that we were able to make good friends of the guys from FAR. You may be small, but you have enough spirit to make up for it. Good fight, and I hope this isn't the last we hear from you.

    Stelios, I am still going to nuke you. Just you wait ;)

  4. Welp, it seems I am coming late to the party... After a few pages of 57th saying "ZOMG WE ARE RAGNABLOCK" and Athens saying "uhhh... ok??", my eyes are starting to hurt. Athens didn't attack 57th to draw RoK in... If RoK want's to look at it otherwise, then FINALLY someone can fill some of our defensive slots - we have only been waiting ALL WAR for somebody to. I haven't heard a single CSN member in here say "ZOMG u attacked 57th Overlanders, therefore u hit our ally!!!!" When they do, then we will talk.

    As far as the "Athens has only hit small alliances" crap, so what? Add them up, and it was a considerable amount of NS. Why didn't we hit MCXA? Or somebody else? EASY! Because our allies, who we are honoring treaties with, DIDN'T ASK US TO! They asked us to hit THESE alliances. Is that so hard to understand? If they wanted us to hit MCXA, or even the war machine that us UPN (I couldn't keep a straight face saying that, sorry), we would have. But they didn't. So get over it.

    It is not a bad thing to honor treaties, but it gets old listening to all the !@#$%*ing about us honoring treaties. If you have a problem with who we attacked, or think we have it easy right now, then by all means, (to take a line from NPO) "Bring it". Until then, go back to popping your popcorn in this radioactive battlefield that is Planet Bob.

    Also, :wub: janax for a few great comments in here.

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