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Posts posted by Aeternalis

  1. Does EZI mean chasing a nation across re-rolls no matter what the name of the new nation/ruler? If so then lord, to people take this game seriously.

    yes, it is.

    impero, but you ZI him, and then call in the very same thread that you hope GGA sweeps in and does the EZI. That's definitely not living up to the spirit of the ZI pact.

  2. i think it is funny that people who used to be friends, or didn't express their discontent with ephie are publicly humiliating him now for political gain and to be part of a fad group. This is just as disgusting as what ephie did. Are you so different?

    also, funny VE would support GGA's EZi of ephie even though they created the ZI peace pact. That's pretty cool.

    also, it is a game, and i think its ridiculous that we'll have 20+ pages of completely dehumanizing comments about one person. Remember that there is a person behind the screen.

    also, ephie did this not as a mistake, but he wanted the war and attention and all, and why not? That's why he did all the other stuff; to have fun.

    to jeeoh, its hilarious that you put Ephie on your ZI list. You're such a victim, aren't you?

    I'm in no way condoning his action or agreeing with ephie. I think its awful that he did this, and makes me question his character. He definitely should not have done this, and im really disappointed in him.

  3. The goals of the Francoist alliance are Peace, Strength and Prosperity, Aeternalis. I don't see that things like recruitment brings you into conflict with other alliances in any serious way -- how many arguments do we see flare up over standard recruitment activities?

    I don't see a class system, SirDelirium. You are actually critiquing a basic dictatorship in the same manner as I have in the past and forgetting (or rather brushing aside) the central place that autocratic democracy plays in the Order. There is no class system where the Emperor is merely a conduit for the will of the people.

    the resources for recruitment aren't endless. It's just like oil causing conflicts in real countries.

  4. Wait, if the goal of francoism is to attain the goals of an alliance, and strive for peace, i don't understand how it could operate. Because if every alliance was aiming for its own goals, alliances would certainly come into conflict, like for new recruits on an IC basis.

    But then striving for peace and furtherance of your own goals come into conflict, so the ideology can not be one of peace unless you do not strive for your own goals.

    So when the ideology contradicts itself, what do we do? Just drop our hands and cry for Vlad to come save the day with some sort of manipulation of Francosim?

  5. Nothing against RAD, but if your government member gets lured into another alliance because someone said "Join RAD! We're RAD!", you're probably better off without them. Just sayin'

    I do love how seriously a lot of people take stuff like this.

    what are you talking about? i had to punch out my monitor screen to resist the temptation to join RAD. Who the hell doesn't want to be RAD?!!

  6. amazing. just... amazing :D

    Session Start: Sun Dec 14 00:24:30 2008

    Session Ident: ComradeJosh|RAD

    [00:24] Session Ident: ComradeJosh|RAD (Coldfront, Aeternalis) (this is an IP)

    [00:24] <ComradeJosh|RAD> Hi there! I noticed you did not have an alliance tag at the end of your IRC nickname, as a result I'm going to attempt to recruit the !@#$ out of you: Join RAD! We're Rad! Join RAD! We're Rad! Join RAD! We're Rad! Also http://z11.invisionfree.com/RAD_Alliance/


    12[00:24] ComradeJosh|RAD is [this r b another IP] * Webchat User

    12[00:24] ComradeJosh|RAD is a registered nick

    12[00:24] ComradeJosh|RAD on @#radsrsbsn +#RoK #tool +#poisonclan +#tdsm8 +#CN-TCB @#rad

    12[00:24] ComradeJosh|RAD using frozen.coldfront.net Welcome to Coldfront!

    12[00:24] ComradeJosh|RAD End of /WHOIS list.

    Session Start: Sun Dec 14 00:23:29 2008

    Session Ident: Magick|RAD

    [00:23] Session Ident: Magick|RAD (Coldfront, Aeternalis) (IP D:)

    [00:23] <Magick|RAD> Hi there! I noticed you did not have an alliance tag at the end of your IRC nickname, as a result I'm going to attempt to recruit the !@#$ out of you: Join RAD! Join RAD! Join RAD! Join RAD! Join RAD! Join RAD! Join RAD! Join RAD! Also http://z11.invisionfree.com/RAD_Alliance/


    12[00:23] Magick|RAD is [another one] * RAD=Epic

    12[00:23] Magick|RAD is a registered nick

    12[00:23] Magick|RAD on #radsrsbsn #watercooler #csb +#poisonclan @#radunits +#RoK #polaris +#CN-TCB @#rad

    12[00:23] Magick|RAD using frozen.coldfront.net Welcome to Coldfront!

    12[00:23] Magick|RAD End of /WHOIS list.

    i love it :P

    <Thomas_Jackson[RAD]> HE DOESNT HAVE A TAG

    <Thomas_Jackson[RAD]> GET HIM


  7. i see no reason why FAN should get peace from an NPO perspective. Why stop winning? When you give potential threats like FAn peace, you open up weaknesses for yourself. Why increase the chance of losing? It's completely strategic.

  8. They've been under perpetual war for well over a year now. It does make you wonder why your government won't give them peace. Hey, I've fought them twice and I'm perfectly ready to forgive and forget.

    well... that's probably because its politically advantageous for you to take that position at this time.

  9. the matter comes down to winning the game. The NPO has won the game (or as much so as you can do). They, like all in power, fear that the power will be taken from them, and so they keep a game changer like FAN down tight under their collective feet. Their goal is to win the game while others have a goal to have fun. Sure it would be much more fun to have someone with the potential to throw the top alliances out of power, but then wouldn't FAN become the same thing that the NPO is now? you can bet your crackers on it. no one wants to lose.

  10. I'd like to see FAN get peace but I'd also like to see GOONS, \m/, NAAC and even GOLD all come back to the game. One simple reason... Drama that is worth the time to read the full threads.

    Anyways If FAN got peace I believe they would slowly grow because everyone would count down the days to the next DoW and IF the last longer then a month they will do the MK. Then again what do I know?

    absolutely. the drama is what keeps the game fun. this game sucks without the dynamic politics that some of these alliances and an equal opposition bring into play.

  11. Happened to me. I ended up nuking a friend. Didn't know he played. I didn't know until he started talking about it randomly in engineering computation class.

    The irony was astounding.

    thats hilarious. what did he do when he found out you were the one who nuked him?

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