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Captain B Bear

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Posts posted by Captain B Bear

  1. "Ask not what the alliance can do for you, but what can I do for the alliance."

    (Paraphrased form JFK)

    The Hellcats Alliance is seeking out active players who want to make a difference. We have government positions available for those who are qualified.


    I stand behind my alliance and what I believe in. That’s why I created this Alliance, in a hope to bring together a group of people that will work together to accomplish the goals of this Alliance.

    Stands Alone: “We Stand Together-Then, Now, and Forever”

  2. How is this for a recruitment mesage?

    I am Captain B. Bear, and I have started a new alliance in Cyber Nations, Hellcats.

    My goal is to put together a group of people who want to grow and develop strong nations, and work in the realm of Tech Deals. I have found that developing nations that get into tech deals advance faster than just purchasing small amounts of Infra at a time or switching back forth between improvements.

    The average Tech deal goes 100 tech for 3 Million. The individuals selling the Tech usually profit around 1.3mill.-1.8mill.

    Now the Tech Deal aspect is just one area that this alliance functions in, The Other areas are developing a Strong Military force that can protect the Members of the alliance, and the last aspect is to establish Bank Nations to provide Financial assistance growth funds.

    The Hellcats have a standing monthly stimulus program for all nations under 10,000NS; this package is 3mill and is sent on the first of each month.

    It is my goal to gather together those who would like to be apart of an alliance that will help them grow and establish themselves in CN

    Thank you

    Captain B. Bear

  3. What I am seeking is the answer to this question, What are players looking for in an alliance?

    I have founded an alliance and I want to know what other players are looing for, what will draw them to an alliance?

    Sending out recruitment messages gets some responses, some good, some bad, but it also has alot that get ignored, is there anything that can help improve the response?

  4. If I got it wrong, or missed entirely, let me know...

    Captain B Bob Army

    should be Captain B. Bear

    got that out of the way.

    Well from what I am hearing the new set of terms is not going to help things settle down, I feel that the animosity will only fester. "karma" will come back and bite KARMA on the a$$. I figure this will take a year or two before things get going again, and perhaps this time no alliance will be left out.

  5. Ok we have been looking to WWI for examples of what will happen to NPO if the terms are to harsh, but I think a more modern example will have more impact. In the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, US troops have to play by the laws of war in the battlefield and when it comes to the detention of captured terrorist we cover them under the Geneva Convention(at least we do in GTMO). Even though our enemies commit horrendous acts of violence, we still do our best to continue the most humane treatment possible for these people because we put morals and our position as a World Leader above the anger we feel for what they do to people. This in my opinion is the perfect example of how KARMA should handle this, put your anger and hatred for what has happened to you in the past aside and set the example for how alliances handle these kinds of situations in the future. They may have done terrible things in the past and they may deserve every little punishment you have lined up for them, however I can guarantee that in the end all of those punishments won't do anything, but create a new even bigger powder keg ready to explode and spiral all of Planet Bob into a more massive war.

    Good point. can't agree more with you.

    A neutral party would solve a lot of issues, however they also bring up a lot of risks as well. These types of third party groups brought into solves problems by offering an alternate and unbiased view on a situation are sometimes helpful for only immediate/temporary solutions because the fear by the community that giving this third party too much power will cause it to become corrupt and use the power for evil, and because of this the party is to weak to actually make any real changes.

    If a third party is used, then they should hold no true power over the proceedings. A group of advisers is all they should be. But then again, we can make our suggestions til we are blue in the face, but it does not mean that Karma or NPO will ever actualy use them.

    Its like my Golf coach used to say: "If if's and but's were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry fn christmas"

  6. Re: the bolded part-- that part is true, and it is mainly fear that drives the terms both for NPO and Echelon. But wasn't it the very fact of harsh terms that drove this collection of alliances to form Karma?? There were finally enough people who hated NPO to infiltrate other allainces and work their way up to leadership postions and mold a hate for NPO and this has finally led to what we have now--NPO getting beat down. Hasrh terms will do nothing but push off the time until that happens, and ensure that this collection of alliances will not come together again. There are too many that don't like what others have done with the surrender terms for them to come together to form that "loose coalition of alliances" that they like to talk about. Because like it or not, loose coalition or not, all are getting painted by the same bad PR paintbrush. It is just the nature of humans and the way they see things. something bad comes along and it is viewed in the generalist of terms. One Soldier from a unit on Kelley hill here in Fort Benning gets in trouble, and he is identified as a 3rd Brigade Soldier, not a 1/15 or 2/69 Soldier, but a 3rd Brigade Soldier. If he does something really heinous (murder, $%&@, etc) he becomes a Fort Benning Soldier. And if it happens while at war, he becomes a U.S. Army Soldier. Doesn't matter that he may belong to 3rd gun section of Alpha Battery 1/10 FA, we all get lumped in with him. Same thing with the Karma war, those that formed it were truely (so it seems) for the ideals behind what Archon wrote. Now that the others are having there way, it stings a little with them. I cannot see this group coming together again. In fact I could imagine that those who do have those ideals related to Karma are feeling a bit betrayed and angry at those they see as stepping over the line.

    With that wall of text being said, it comes around again to this, all harsh reps are going to do is ensure that a grudge will be held, and maybe put off for a couple of extra months the cycle of revenge. And I would imagine that you will see a few major players on the Karma side sitting out, or even on the other side of the beat down.

    No one has ever said that taking a stand is easy to do. There is a reason we are constantly being told to do the Hard right vs the easy wrong.

    I completely agree with you. You paint a much clearer picture than I.

    There are alot of examples that can be used to express this point, but yours works as if it was a Rembrandt or a Michaelangelo.

  7. Could you explain to me how the terms are skewed if NPO gets what they deserve? The terms are more likely to be skewed if they allow for the alliance to rebuild to a position of prominence and resume all the old tactics that they enjoyed using historically. Some might say that this war will change Pacifica's outlook on how they play the game, but I wouldn't buy that line for a dollar. The only way that the grudge match is going to end is for one side to be physically incapable of bringing harm upon the other. Given the histories of the alliances involved, I think it's safer to hedge your bets with Karma than with the Hegemony.

    In the world of diplomatic solutions you can not involve personal feelings or sentiment, when you do that you create more problems than its worth. "getting what they deserve" is not an appropriate position or platform on which to demand surrender or make terms. What you need to look at is the "other side of the coin", This "grudge match" will never end if your method of diplomatic measures is used. Sure it might settle down for a while, but it will return as soon as the "beat down" members of NPO recover, wether they stay as one alliance or brake off into several differnt alliances. What is happening in CN is similar to what has been going on in RL for the past 50 years or so within the global scene, things have not gotten better in some of the "hotspots" because the politicans have been allowing their emotions and the "get what they deserve" mantality to rule their thought process. I don't think that the terms applied to NPO should be easy on them but I dont think that they should be crippling or totaly devistating to them either. NPO and their allies have already been hit hard and wont fully recover from this for a long time, but then again they won't be able to recover if they are hit with extream penalties and such. Remember that this is a game and we want people to have fun playing it. The war can still be considered a benifit to CN as a whole if the final judgement does not alienate the players who are on the loosing side. Perhaps if you could step back and look at the whole picture while setting aside your personal feelings and be objective or even consider the long term ramifications of what extream terms could do to the players all throughout CN, not just to NPO or the members of Karma. This war will affect every [player in this game, not just the ones directly involved in the combat.

  8. People like to compare/bring up things about WW2 into this mix of CN politics, but many seem to leave out, or simply forget, that the Allies where marching on Berlin before the war ended. The flipside in CN would be the leadership of NPO being completely deposed, and then sent into hiding, if not killed outright (ie driven from the game). Don't get me wrong, I do see NPO's plight in all this, as difficult as that may seem, they having they're bank nations in peacemode and not wanting to bring them out for 2 weeks in order for Karma to nuke them over and over is understandable, but the only other alternative I see is sort of a stalemate, not even a stalemate really. Stalemate implies that both sides are of equal strength and fight each other to a stand still, whereas in this case, those NPO and allies who have fought have been soundly defeated.

    I brught up WWI as a refrence to what Great Britan and France did to Germany with the Treaty of Versi. I know that in CN we won't have a global depression hit, but with extream penalties being applied to NPO their nations will hold a grudge and seek vengance, just as Hitler and the rest of Germany. I would love to see this conflict end without the loss of players(but its too late for that). Yes the Russians were in Berlin before the end of WWII, but that was a political move made by Eisenhower to relieve tensions between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.

    This is one of the few game mechanics I dislike, yet I see the necessity for, peacemode allows for perputal war, but in a game that survives by donations, you want to limit the number of people who are "forced out" for lack of a better term. I see no end in sight for this war. I'm fighting for Karma, yet I understand NPO's reluctance to agree to the terms offered, I don't agree with some of them, but without terms no wars will ever end, especially with a game like CN. Eventually, everyone will be able to escape to peacemode... and then what?

    This is in no way an endorsement of NPO, I hates them like Orcs and Uruk'hai hate Men of the West!


    Well I have to agree that being able to sit in Peacemode until your money runs out is defiantly a problem for anyone who wants to nuke you. I dont support NPO and what they have done in the past, but I dont see a good reason to completely destroy all of their nations or to punish every single member of their alliance. I just think that they should be given a set of fair terms for surrender, not ones that will cause many of them to quit the game.

  9. I really don't see that a neutral party should be brought in to handle the negotiations, simply because there's too much in the way of details that the neutral party would have to be educated on before they could make a solid judgment regarding whether or not given surrender terms are entirely appropriate. Moreover, I'm not opposed to the surrender terms being offered to the NPO having an emotional aspect - the NPO has either directly caused or indirectly enabled a lot of grief over the past few years, and I feel that those who've been on the receiving end of that grief are more than entitled to a little revenge. Bringing in a neutral arbiter removes that emotional factor from the negotiations, and ultimately cheats the people who have a legitimate interest in Pacifica's blood.

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I think the terms being offered to the NPO are reasonable, considering past offenses. The surrender terms being offered to Pacifica should - and to an extent, do - send a very clear message to the people of Planet Bob who would follow in the NPO's footsteps as tyrants and enablers. If the sort of behavior they've exhibited over the past years isn't met with a zero-tolerance policy now and moving forward, then we'll be right back to living under hegemony control within six months of the war's official end.

    But having an emotional response to the situation will Cause the terms to be skewed by. The neutral party does not need to be privy to what happened in the past, all they need to do is remain non-biased to allow for a fair set of terms to be developed. The lessons of WWI should be clear as to what will happen if the terms are set to harshly. If things continue the way that they are, the surviving members of NPO will continue to harbor a grudge against the members of Karma, and thus the cycle will continue.

    If you go after NPO for all of their past offenses then you have to go after all Of Karma and any other alliance that has committed an Offense. By your line of thinking there should be a “Karma” to come around and declare war on every alliance that has committed an offense of some sort and be dealt with. That type of thinking will only cause more problems fro the rest of the players. No one will really be able to develop their nation because they will be continuously fighting to keep what they have.

    Do I see Karma as being the source of that hegemony? No, I don't - they simply lack the organizational structure to make that sort of global domination happen. Besides, Karma's military forces already have the game more or less by the genitals. If they were going to make a bid for global domination, they'd solidify their power structure now while nobody is in a position to resist them.

    They don’t have to do much to solidify their position, and if a third party does not get involved they could very well become the next "NPO". IF rational and non-emotional thinking can not be applied to the terms than the whole thing will eventually happen again and again, this is what happens when the lessons of History are forgotten.

  10. Perhaps it would be best if a neutral party was to get involved in the negotiations. Our a collation of players representing neutral parties come together and remind Karma that they themselves are becoming that which they disliked and fought to destroy?

    It’s true that power corrupts, hell we can see that in RL. What both sides of this conflict need to understand is that they are doing more harm than good to the "eco-system" of CN, this war has caused players to up and quit the game, alliances have fallen to the way side, and for what? A little bit of revenge? That’s ridicules. NPO in the eyes of many is a "bully" and has been long before I started playing, but what KARMA is doing is just what NPO did in the past, why should we support one group of Tyrants to get rid of another group, that’s ludicrous. Karma needs to get their heads out of their forth point of contact and recognize their own faults and sit down at the negotiation table and agree to some real terms. If NPO should be dissolved then it should be broken down into several different new alliances, with new government officials and such, and any of the NPO members who want to leave NPO should be allowed to without penalty, and as far as reparations go, they should be kept to a minimum. Remember what happened after RL WWI, Germany was forced to pay all the reparations, look what that got the world. If there is to be reparations they should be set to a minimum level similar to or equal to a donation. No need to be greedy or devastating, and NPO should not be the only ones to have to pay, Karma is just as guilty and should also have to pay reparations. I still believe that the best way to settle this issue is for a third party to be present at the negotiations to keep things orderly and going in the right direction.

    I agree with you Kilkenny, and I see your point. That’s why I feel it is necessary for a third party to get (force) Karma back to the Table to talk this out. And yes I can see how dissolving NPO might not put out the fires of hate, but it would set them back as embers. The Hate is not gonna go away, that’s all to plain and simple to see, why, well because players on both sides feel they have been wronged by the other, and people have seen the devastation that NPO has wrought in the past, and the on the NPO side they see Karma as a new version of themselves and they don’t want that to happen to them. The only way to get rid of the hate is to set up a neutral coalition of alliances that work to better the CN environment, similar to the United Nations, but with a better set up. (As we all know the UN is a bunch of F@*k ups) Perhaps a military coalition set up to stop massive conflicts from getting out of hand, but always remembering that they are not there to dictate what can and cannot be done. Perhaps something along those lines?

    Or perhaps we as former service members can come together establish our own third party, brining with us our alliances to set forth a new precedence, a united coalition of alliances set to keep the past mistakes made by both NPO and Karma out of the picture.

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