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The Habesha

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Everything posted by The Habesha

  1. I've had trades with 2 of my schoolmates since the creation of my nation. However, they were well aware of the threat of the deletion of their nations so they never logged on at school period. In other words, I never traded with someone who used the same computer as me. The same goes for aid.
  2. Perhaps you didn't read my post correctly. I logged on from the same IP as my classmates, but I only had 1 account. It's been like that since May.
  3. My nation, Tamerica, was recently deleted for no reason whatsoever, considering the fact that I had no other accounts (as I have consistently stated). No email was sent to me regarding the deletion, therefore I receieved no explanation. On top of this, now my account has been BANNED from cybernations, for absolutely no reason! I have been playing since May, with occasional log-ins from a school computer, but that is no reason to delete my nation/ban me. If this is the case, then all 15 or so Cybernations users in my school should be banned by now, because of using the same IP address. I want to know what is going on, and I want my nation back. This is ridiculous. Please don't close this until it is resolved, as I HAVE read the rules.
  4. I recieved no email concerning my account, and I have no other accounts. Why has this happened?
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