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Posts posted by darren

  1. OOC: Darkstar, if you want to chat sometime in an OOC context feel free to come and find me. I'd actually love to touch base with you at some point.

    Let me requalify my stance on this entire issue:

    1. I had and continue to have a profound respect for what Pyramid was and what it accomplished. Becoming worthy of an alliance with the New Pacific Order (for whatever reason) is a major accomplishment and from speaking with former Pyamid members who are currently members of my alliance I see no reason why that opinion has changed.

    2. I bear no ill will to either ridgeracer or o7 - in fact, I commend them highly for showing a good home to an alliance which, by the admission of one of its former pharaohs, was having a lot of internal problems.

    That being said, I find this entire affair to be utterly disgusting. A few weeks ago, Pyramid is proudly discussing several exciting changes which promised change for the Yellow Sphere as well as a new direction for the alliance as a whole. Shortly afterwards, news begins to unofficially circulate that Pyramid has in fact decided to execute a merger with o7 and that the membership for the most part is displeased with this decision. That it was reached with only one pharaoh having made a statement to this effect and that the population of the alliance as a whole was never asked is nothing short of arrogant. I knew the old Pyramid when it was run by Anubis and had among its ranks W1Ck3d, MacGyver, Ralend and others. This was an alliance worthy of respect where there was a sense of unity of purpose. Everything I've seen since then has seemed like internal bickering, power plays and the actions of individuals more interested with their own personal power rather than making something worthy to be called an alliance.

    Darkstar, I'm aware that you have been seeking a way to advance personally for a long time. I'm aware that you declared you intent to leave Pyramid in the event that you did not gain a leadership seat. This diplomatic fiasco which has led to people incorrectly attacking o7 for being innocently involved in your schemes is yet another example of your poor qualities as an alliance leader. That you've attempted to hide behind others by saying that it was their decicison and that somehow you do not bear the responsibility for what has happened is an insult to your former alliance. That you changed your alliance affiliation before this "merger" was announced smacks of you abandoning your post and fleeing to safety while those who trusted you and voted for you were left to fend for themselves. Shame on you, sir. I hope that you think about your loyalties a bit more when it comes to your new alliance.

    It's a very easy thing to kill an alliance - it takes determination, grit, vision and dedication to the cause in the face of adversity to build one. I fear, sir, that you have shown your quality and it is lacking in the later.

    claps at tokus answer here.

    To be more precise, the founding clique left Pyramid abruptly months ago

    This quote from ethan isnt correct at all i actually left within all good time with a vote for next pharoah in place and everything, so get your facts right plz ppl. If anyones wondering i was one of the founders of pyramid.

  2. i dont see anyone else stepping up on yellow for the betterment of there sphere never mind them backing up Pyramid for there brighter future. That for me is a disgrace.

    Why dont we stop telling Pyramid what they cant do, instead of what they can do? eh, We all know yellow is fubard right now and we would all like to see FAN/Vox being a part of yellow in a more peacefull way towards the others on the sphere. If they can all get together to all agree on something solid and that does not involve breaking NPO's policy on FAN, then they might have a chance.

  3. Underworld 500k Milestone



    Underworld reaches milestone in 12 days...New policy only admitting nations over half the alliances Average NS. Thanks to all the members for there help in reaching this goal.


  4. underworldheader.png



    IRC Server: irc.coldfront.net

    IRC Channel: #Underworld


    The Underworlds undersigned nations and Government, agree to have healthy and good relations between ourselves and other foreign Alliances, The Underworld also reserves the right to protect its nations at all costs against any aggressor for the protection of its existence. The Underworld is a Black Team Alliance a place where the darkness dwells.

    Article I: Admissions

    Any Nation of planet bob can join the Underworld as long as it meets the requirements set forth by the soulbringer/Hades

    Section 1: Application

    All Applications will be reviewed by, Hades, Cerberus, Soulbringer. They reserve the right to reject any application on the spot if any intelligence or information is brought to light about the applicant.

    Section 2: Oath

    In order to enter the Underworld an applicant must post this oath:

    1) I will abide by the Charter and rules of the Underworld, and positions of higher ranking eg. Hades, Cerberus, Lich Kings, and the orders of other appointed members in their designated areas of control.

    2) I will not declare war on any nation or commit any other act of aggression, regardless of any cause, unless authorized to do so by a ranking officer of the House of Pain.

    3) I will not make any statements of the Underworld policy's unless I am specifically told to do so by Hades or Cerberus. All secret information will be kept in the alliance and none taken out or leaked out. As i will be dismembered

    4) I as a member of the Underworld will agree to be active and help out with roles or any ideas any way i can and as much as i can.

    Those who do not post there Oath will be rejected application immediately, and those found to be breaking the rules of there oath will be presented to the Executioner, the executioner will choose the appropriate way to discipline these members.

    Article II: Leadership Positions

    1. Hades, is the highest ranking leader within the Underworld. Lucifer has almighty power over the alliance and can authorise and reject anything in the alliance. Lucifers position can be obtained by the choosing of the previous Hades if he chooses to step down. Also his position can be stripped from him if a vote passes, this vote will be a vote of Cerberus and the 3 Lich Kings, then Hades will be removed from Power.

    2. Cerberus, is the second in command of the Underworld and answers to Hades himself to carry out his orders. His duties will be to lead the Lich Kings and make the alliance head in the right direction. If Hades is absent for a week or more then Cerberus will fill in his role.

    3. Lich Kings:

    Lich King of Defense - Responsible for the safety of the Underworlds Undead and the Alliance as a whole and is in charge of the Slaughterhouse. Will also be responsible for Militarizing the Alliance and preparations for the event of a possible threat or war by ripping them apart limb for limb. Coordination wars between members and the authorization of use of tactical nuclear weapons.

    Lich King of Finances - Responsible for the Growth and Economics of the Underworld. The Lich King also runs the Crypt which is the bank of Underworld

    Lich King of Foreign Affairs - Responsible for setting up embassies, increasing alliance relations through diplomats, and the signing of new treaties.

    4. Soulbringer, responsible for The recruitment of new souls to the Underworld

    5. Overlords, Are the military commanders and staff of the Lich King of defense. these will cause destruction and chaos amongst planet bob and carry out the day to day military procedures and dutys.

    Article II: Underworld Policys

    1. Underworld in times of Crisis, such as when both Hades and Cerberus leave unexpectedly, and are inactive without first telling the alliance of their expected inactivity for a week or more, or when 3/4 or more of the government is empty retains the right to say voting will not be needed to pass bills and appoint members to government positions. This power will ONLY last until the government is filled. And the members can not prolong how long that time is. They are given 2 weeks time to fill the major positions. And then voting MUST start again.

    2. Expulsion

    Hades and Cerberus has the expressed permissions to the dismiss any member of the Underworld, and any member of government, if not found to be doing there job. And appoint any member to fill in the position until the next election.

    3. Elections

    A General Election Date must occur every two months, although it is possible to call an early election. In the election, the Lich Kings, Soulbringer will be elected and the Cerberus position terms will expire. The election will be announced one weeks before the General Election Date. For this one week, the candidates will posts their campaign and answer questions in their campaign threads.

    Early elections can be called either by the Hades, Cerberus, or the Undead members. Early elections can be to vote for new Lich Kings, new Soulbringer, new Cerberus or all of these. (It is possible to call an early election to elect one Lich King while leaving the others intact). When an early election is called, it should be clearly specified which positions are up for a vote. An early election can be called if BOTH Hades and Cerberus agree on it. They must also agree on which positions are up for election.

    Hades or Cerberus must give one week notice before stepping down. After this week, the vote for the new position will be held, only if the leaving Hades does not decide on a member to take his/her place. During the week of the election, the candidates may announce themselves and campaign.

    4. legislation

    Any Undead member of the alliance may propose a piece of legislation if it is beneficial to the alliance. The legislation must meet the following criteria to be able to pass (Hades and Cerberus are not part of the General Assembly):

    a) Be supported by 50% or more of the Undead who have voted.

    B ) Be supported by the three Lich Kings.

    c ) be supported by both Hades and Cerberus

    5. Vetoes

    If both Hades and Cerberus agree that a piece of legislation should not be passed, they can veto the movement.

    6. Impeachment

    I. The impeachment of a government official can be requested by any member of the Undead, in good standing with the alliance,

    II. A vote will take place over 72 hours by the Undead members. A 2/3 majority is needed to successfully impeach the official.

    7. War Policy

    Underworld is a sovereign and independant alliance. It shall sign treaties, but wont actively pursue war. We don't condone tech raiding. We will defend our allies no matter the cost and honour our treatys at all times. We will nuke in a defensive war, in only nuked on first. Nuke rouges forfeit there right to wear our in-game Alliance Affiliation as soon as they launch a nuke and become an agressor to another nation without the proper approval.

    The Underworld here by announces its existence on Planet Bob amongst the Black Team, and hopes for a brighter yet darker future there. We hope to be great friends and Allies to all we befriend.

    At this particular moment of time we would also like to post up our Protectorate agreement with the Alliance Sparta, many thanks to Tulak Horde and Darklink and all Spartan Gov for there time to deal with this.

    "Sparta's journey to the Underworld"

    Protectorate Pact.

    Sparta - Underworld “Sparta's Journey to the Underworld” Protectorate Treaty


    In recognition of friendship towards one another and in the hopes of cooperative and peaceful growth, Underworld and Sparta enter into the following protectorate treaty and agree to its terms.

    Article I

    Neither signatory alliance shall initiate acts of aggression against the other signatory of this treaty. This includes, but is not limited to, acts such as: Tech Raiding, Wars of Aggression, Spying, or Flaming/Trolling by one signatory toward the other.

    Article II

    Should Underworld come under attack by a hostile force Sparta is obligated to come to the defense and aid of the afore mentioned alliance. Underworld is also encouraged, but not required, to offer the same in return should Sparta come under attack from a hostile force. Sparta is not required to defend or support Underworld if it can be proven that aggression was initiated toward another alliance or nation by Underworld.

    Article III

    Both signatory alliances agree to share any information they learn that conveys a possible threat toward the other signatory, and will respect the wishes of the other should one party express the desire to keep such intelligence confidential.

    Article IV

    Sparta will send an advisor to Underworld to provide guidance in the military, economic, trade, and foreign affairs areas.

    Article V

    Sparta will in no way interfere in Underworld’s internal affairs, however Underworld can still request Sparta use its larger diplomatic corps to assist in matters pertaining to Foreign Affairs.

    Article VI

    Should either party wish to cancel this agreement for any reason, they must notify the other signatory through diplomatic channels. The treaty is binding for an additional 72 hours from the time of the notification of cancellation.

    Signed for Sparta:


    Tulak Hord


    Ephors of Foreign Affairs

    Supreme Lord

    George the Great

    Signed for Underworld:

    Hades - Underverse

    Lich King of Affairs - Quniie



  5. Sorry bud, I wasn't even aware you were fighting on our side. :unsure:

    You can have the hundred or so tech my alliance is probably sending to me in the coming months. Send me a PM with a nation if you're interested.

    I thank you for the generous offer but i beleive it shouldnt be you passing reps to us, plus we have many nations received damage in this war, so ud can keep it.

    thx anyways


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