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    Aurora Borealis
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. This is going to slow sorry. If we still need 2 more sellers its not worth it.
  2. Ok. If i can do it im most defiantly willing. I need some cash for big big jump
  3. Well i cant do 150. I only have 5 aid slots and 2 or them are reserved for other deal
  4. Well its all cool either way
  5. Ah. Well sadly I cant them. Ill be one short.
  6. Depending on how many slots this takes up I may be interested
  7. I need iron and lumber to complete a trade circle. So if your interested and have those resources you wont have to wait on getting this trade
  8. Lol that my friend is a very funny message but we arent taking it hard. Alls well in the world of Aurora :lol: Just because we !@#$%*^ and defiled the young lady velvet doesnt mean it has to go to court
  9. Literally everyone shut up. The war is coming to an end get over it. La de da we all have anarchies basically. We all fought well. ITS DONE. OVER. FINISHED. Even people from the same side are argueing against each other almost.
  10. And we still have our friends so thats dignity and friends. and said opponents need to let things go :lol: im over everything. no hard feelings to the ones who fought proudly but to the others who fought like cowards and then whine like cowards. you few need to grow up first of all considering this is a game that shouldnt consume your life. and that your bragging about winning something that has absolutely no value. so congrats to all on a well fought war even though said opponent did wuss out and call for mommy and the nuking of non nuclear armed nations. so you won in a literal term but idk if you won completely. so high five to all who are respectable individuals
  11. Um... Yeah. bark close to bite. Is that a compliment or what. You just said we have a big bite and small bark from what I'm reading. So thank you very much. And lost is pushing it. It is yet to be over. And you gloat but your just hiding behind many people.
  12. Aye lol. No reason to make a single war between two alliances into a global war. And right on Fox. Thats exactly whats going on.
  13. Oi. Friends are friends. But this case is different. We have friends to but we dont beg other alliances for help.
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